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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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they had high-res versions on one of them. :\
click to make it bigger


So, I'm typing this from Minefield, of all members of the fleet. Go-go, 486 running Windows 95! xD
33Mhz is more than enough -w-


cool, dude. :3

i just got done with about 525-30 and i lol'd. xD
click to make it bigger


Quote from: "Pitkin on page 5" on October 09, 2005, 07:10:29 AM
This really really works, oh hohoho. ^o^

Oh goodness... ^_^

Editor's note: Acknowledging the fact that the layout on the first pages is totally broken with the above-mentioned page being so far the worst, the tone of the post quoted could nowadays be considered sarcastic.

I think back when that message was posted, I was about the same age as Chocofreak is nowadays.


Some I found:

This goes along with a joke I made late last year xD
Quote from: Fedora-Tan, on page 4 on October 06, 2005, 01:18:46 PM
Hi all ^_^

Also, my very first post ever in this topic:
Quote from: PentiumMMX, page 714 on May 01, 2011, 05:14:22 PM
I'm in and out of the hospital regularly...because I work there.

As a note, when browsing these boards late last night, I read this topic title as "Topless thread"


Quote from: Choco, page 766 on June 01, 2011, 10:49:50 AM
soooo.......muuuuch.....POOOOOORNNN....... ;^;

@pitkin: so you were 20 when you joined? :\
click to make it bigger


19 and half, I think. The post I quoted was two months before my 20th birthday. *nod*


I'd go back and look, but sometimes I'd rather not feel nostalgic about the past...

Oh, and Pitkin-sama, I love your new avatar! Is that you in the drawing?


I don't really like to read posts from years ago myself: often there are nice things there, which might've turned hurtful later, and sometimes I feel very ashamed of the stupidities I've said or typed years ago. >.>

Thank you for the avatar compliment, B. ^.^ Yes, it's me drawn by Fedora-Tan's old friend on our wedding day, and I had been dying to scan it since then. :)


@Pit: Nice avatar ^_^

Also, on looking at old posts, it depends on how far back the posts in question are. Like, I generally feel uncomfortable looking at any posts from when I was absent, because it feels like I'm prying in on things I'm not supposed to know. However, stuff from before I joined is generally fine (It's actually kind of cool to go back to posts circa '05 and see how much has changed).


i don't think you'd be prying by looking back. i see topicless as almost OSC's museum; like the earth, topicless preserves our history in layers of time. it's like a timeline.
while you can look back and see the follies of the past, often times there are jems in there we forgot about, like finding an old joke or meme you rediscover. :3

also, i believe i was the first one to say this, but nice new avatar, pit. it's adorable. >w<
click to make it bigger


Quote from: Pitkin on August 10, 2012, 02:21:56 AM
I don't really like to read posts from years ago myself: often there are nice things there, which might've turned hurtful later, and sometimes I feel very ashamed of the stupidities I've said or typed years ago. >.>

Thank you for the avatar compliment, B. ^.^ Yes, it's me drawn by Fedora-Tan's old friend on our wedding day, and I had been dying to scan it since then. :)

I don't believe it, I've never heard you say anything stupid or hurtful before and really can't imagine you doing it at any point. Then again, I've only known you as a forummate in the last couple years (well, I believe it was starting in the Autumn of 2010? Whenever it was that you became more active on the forum again), and I guess people can change a lot over course of several years (ie, before I was here). I know I've said a lot of dumb things that I'm not proud of, though I'm guessing only a minority of them are actually on /Topicless.

And it's really nice of your friend to do a handdrawn gift like that. :3

Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 10, 2012, 09:32:44 AM
@Pit: Nice avatar ^_^

Also, on looking at old posts, it depends on how far back the posts in question are. Like, I generally feel uncomfortable looking at any posts from when I was absent, because it feels like I'm prying in on things I'm not supposed to know. However, stuff from before I joined is generally fine (It's actually kind of cool to go back to posts circa '05 and see how much has changed).

Seconding Kari here, I really don't think of it as prying. I mean, some folks might not like it if you bring up past topics, but I, personally, wouldn't care if you asked me about something I said at a point in time when you werren't active here.

Also, guys, I just found out that the nearby university offers a gym / pool membership program for ~$25/mo. I think I'm gonna sign up for it in the fall, since I've been wanting to get back into swimming 'cause it was always one of my favorite kinds of exercise. And I really don't get enough exercise these days. :/


I wish I could go swimming more often. Thing is, while you guys have free lakes up there, I have to pay like $100+ a month for a membership to use any of the local lakes or pools >_>;;

Well, maybe it doesn't exactly cost that much, but still


If you want to go swimming, do it. Or at least look into doing it, which starts by finding out which fitness centers in the area have pools, and what their prices are.

I mean, hell, i just googled "YMCA Palestine TX" and turned up this:

I can't imagine they charge much for aquatics center use/membership. You could give them a call and find out.


I know of the local YMCA, but it's a matter of always feeling stuff like that is painfully, wallet-destroying expensive. I guess that's just a holdover from my mom's "We can't do X because it's too expensive" mentality (Like how we'd only get brand-name Coca-Cola on special occasions, "family vacation" meant "day trip to [nearby city]", etc.)