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Raffaele the Amigan

Quote from: Pitkin on July 01, 2012, 12:53:49 PM
Quote from: Raffaele the Amigan on June 30, 2012, 04:19:27 PM
I tried  starting new thread  in the computer forum and it didn't work. Every time I apply the new thread the site loads back the insert form in which to type the thread facts.

I cannot reproduce this issue, my test user creates threads in General Computers etc. subforum without issues. Can you simply try again, and possibly give me details step-by-step of what you do?

edit: We crossed Switzerland twice this weekend. It's a shorter route to go visit some of the friends in southern France than to take highways more to the west. ^^

Dunno. Maybe the problem is the fact I am not at home and I use the cell phone to tether-routing the Internet on my notebook.

Smetimes i had to post and post again the comment until it was accepted. (it is happening right now.)
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


No offense taken  ;)
Having dinner in ST Louis.


Cool ^_^

Already off on your epic trek to go to Apple's mothership? :3


@raffaele: i'm sorry you lost your mum. you seem around the median age here, so it must be horrible to have her gone when you're young. my cousins lost their mum at a young age, younger than we are now, so i've seen how bad it can suck. the one who died from cancer left behind my two second cousins, who were both also semi-young. losing a parent sucks. :[

@pit: cool that you're visiting what is technically my homeland. is it pretty there? :3 (also, roundabout routes are funny. like how in order to go to a certain part of NH, you have to take the highway through MA. xD)
any word on the gallery situation, btw? :\

@pent: practice, practice, practice. :3

@kriz: oooo. is it fancy? :0

EDIT: hey pit, idk if it's a real problem (more of an annoyance), but i've discovered that i can't use more than 2 text modifiers at a time. for instance, if i tried to use a size modifier right now, it wouldn't go through because of the colour and font modifiers. any idea what's causing it? :\
click to make it bigger


@Kari: It's a known problem with the forum engine, as Pit pointed out here. She said she made a topic on the support forums about it, but she hasn't mentioned yet if anybody replied

But, hey; maybe bringing it back up will bring forth good news? :3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on July 01, 2012, 07:45:44 PM
Cool ^_^

Already off on your epic trek to go to Apple's mothership? :3
Yup, been in two Apple stores along the way.

Stopped and went to an Oprah in Nashville.

and yes it is fancy!



Did you bring that Magic Trackpad for me? I'll get some money set aside once my check shows up on Wednesday, for when you come this way


It's in the magical bag of holding, which has Mac, Nanami, both chargers, an iPad, two external hard drives, my headphones, smaller earphones, i-accesories and a flash drive.


@pent: i didn't realize a specific number had been mentioned, but yeah, maybe reminding about it will help. :\

@kriz: is that an actual bag of holding? cause i have one of those, too. ^^
click to make it bigger


@Kriz: Sounds good. Let me know when you're planning to head my way, and I'll let you know of any changes of plan from there :3


Bag of holding?

People still use those?

Anyway, I store my stuff in a Magic Murder Bag
So 2012 :>
Bags of holding... so 2000 and late!


Raffaele the Amigan

@ choco:

Nope. Don't misunderstood.

I was just testimoning that nowadays people dies more often if they don't made health controls on a regular basis rather than of cancer itself.

I lost her in 2007. She was entering the 80's.

But as nowadays people in Italy easily got that age, if only they had controlled the hearth and its vessels then there were strong chances she was was still here.
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 01, 2012, 08:19:49 PM
@pit: cool that you're visiting what is technically my homeland. is it pretty there? :3 (also, roundabout routes are funny. like how in order to go to a certain part of NH, you have to take the highway through MA. xD)
any word on the gallery situation, btw? :\

EDIT: hey pit, idk if it's a real problem (more of an annoyance), but i've discovered that i can't use more than 2 text modifiers at a time. for instance, if i tried to use a size modifier right now, it wouldn't go through because of the colour and font modifiers. any idea what's causing it? :\

Like Pentium pointed out, yeah, this is the same issue as the centering/sizing/etc. issue reported earlier: in fact it wasn't me who reported it in the SMF support forum, but it had already been reported there a fortnight or so before we faced the problem for the first time. I'll just say that I hope the next forum update will fix it.

On the gallery front, the situation's even a bit more negative: the Coppermine engine that we've used since the time itself began doesn't have anything which would fit the "user taking care of pictures in general without touching the gallery settings" idea. The idea of a gallery moderator is extremely good in my opinion, and I'm astounded that a very widely used engine has never wanted to implement that. :( The only solution would be to hardcode it ourselves, but that would mean that updating the engine would always break the custom code and it'd have to be re-written according to the new version.

I'd suggest for now, as boring as it is, that if you (or anyone else) find duplicate images or images in wrong sections, you first see if the user having added them is active here and if yes, contact them to do the removal or move, and if not, contact me with a link to the image. Just to add, Fedora-Tan said he would really like to change the gallery engine at some point, so maybe in the future we'll have an engine that would allow a bit more flexibility in the user permissions. ^^;;;

To answer about Switzerland, yes it is pretty, but since we live already very close to the Swiss border ourselves, it's not very different from here: the font on the traffic signs is different, the speed limits a bit different, the language is the same (as it's the French-speaking part of Switzerland we passed through), there are lots of viaducts, and the first country I visit in the past several years where I had to go through customs. x)


@Pit: Good to know :3
Also, Switzerland sounds nice

Well, I woke up this morning with a really bad sore throat >_<;;
I think I'll make myself a cup of hot tea or something soon, to see if that will help


@raffaele: hot damn, your mum was that old? o__o; i'm glad she lived a long life, at least. and yeah, cancer is one of those diseases that is sometimes easily preventable, so it's stupid that it still strikes so many people. the only upside is that most of the easily avoidable or detectable cancers are easy to deal with, but that makes the reverse suck even more, that the cancers that are really tough to beat are the ones that strike out of nowhere. :[

@svx:i'm old school. i modded mine into a backpack cause i got it when the backpack ones weren't available. -w-

@pitkin: damn. >:\ do you know if there's a gallery model besides coppermine available? i mean, we don't have the same forum architecture as a couple years ago, so it stands to reason that there might be another type to use. not to give you guys more to do, but it seems odd that if the current one isn't working to standards, that another wouldn't be available. it also seems strange that coppermine would stop updating their gallery model. :\
as for switzerland, i've always wanted to go (still kinda weirded out that we didn't go when we were in europe years ago :\ ). it sounds lovely, but i get the feeling i'd suffer a bit there since i don't speak german or french outside of broken bits of both. ^^;;;;

@pent: tea would be a good thing in this situation. if you have a lemon cough drop, you could melt it in the tea, too. :3

so guys, after pent sent me the opening to the original casshern, i stumbled over the Cutey Honey opening, and after laughing about how secret porn was marketed at 10 year olds, i got on a vintage anime kick, and i think so far, Tokimeki Tonight is my favourite (that's the ending i posted there). though i found another one that looks interesting, Patalliro!, a shonen-ai written by one of the few male authors of the genre. its manga has been running since 1979 (ongoing; it has 87 volumes so far!! o__o; ). i'm having fun with this so far. -w-
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