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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@drinking/drugs: a tortured past has taught me to do neither. that, and i'm a nerd, so i have better things to do, like driving the taxi on GTA3. AND, i'm a super taster like nej, so the thought of drinking is enough to make me queasy. (actually, it's not just my sense of taste; all my senses seem to be heightened, and have been since i was small. guess i AM a sluagh after all. -w- )
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When going out I tend to drink a little... but I've never really got drunk since I only do it very moderately.

Completely unrelated: Does anyone here know the Humble Bundle? They package indie games together and you can decide what you want to pay for them (also for win, mac, and Linux!)
Those offers do however only run for two weeks, so I'd suggest grabbing one as fast as you can. And the one they're having at the moment KICKS ASS! With games like Psychonauts and Bastion you just can't do anything wrong :D


yeah, captain started a thread about it a couple months ago in the computers/gaming section. as nice as it sounds, i'm broke 90% of the time. plus, idk when i'm going to give this computer back, so i don't want to download stuff i have to pay for, since i'd have to pay again most likely. :\
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Quote from: Cockleshell on June 02, 2012, 07:42:32 AM
Ehm not to sound like a 150% noob on the forums, but who would I ask to have the Ehm... Message under my name changed? It used to be Mac-tan Fanatic for the longest time before the forums changes. So tired e_e.
You must renew your trust with the mafia.


Quote from: Krizonar on June 02, 2012, 12:15:19 PM
Quote from: Cockleshell on June 02, 2012, 07:42:32 AM
Ehm not to sound like a 150% noob on the forums, but who would I ask to have the Ehm... Message under my name changed? It used to be Mac-tan Fanatic for the longest time before the forums changes. So tired e_e.
You must renew your trust with the mafia.


I slept for like 12 hours because I wasn't feeling great and the weather is so crappy outside.... it hurt to stand up this morning. .____.;


QuoteYou must renew your trust with the mafia.
Damnit Kriz, I told you not to call me on this number! *clicks*


ey boss, ya want yer weapons back for dis? i got em' in deh closet, dey're jus' takin' up space right now. :\

we gonna kick sum' ass, boss?
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Kick some ass? YOU ask'n ME if WE gon' kick some ass? Now listen here. This business ain't no business that contains ANY ass-kicking. What it contains is blackmail, backstabbing and shooting people. You GOT ME?

And yes, bring the guns. I hate these fuckin' days!


7 days @_@

I wish it was next weekend


In other news, I got an Apple TV and it seems very enjoyable.


Awesome, man :3

I bought rice bowls today. Expect pics tomorrow


i got lost! or, rather, my ring did. ;^;

(at least it's in the house somewhere ;v;)
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I... sensed, rather than felt, that a discussion about alcohol was taking place earlier.

Now, I am no expert, but I am also an expert.  WRT this topic.  I think.  I dunno anymore...

Anyway, hi, mein llamo svx desu, and I am vaguely aware that some of you feel as though insert their opinions here after going back to read the posts!  I am so cool at internet. :>

I am not sure whether or not I agree.  However, I do agree entirely that alcohol.

I have drank many things of alcohol, lasses and lads, and I must confess that it is my muse.  It is the subject of every gangsta rap song that I've ever spit.  To wit, a lyrical disaster that I've conjured in my mind with my street smarts:

I can breathe hot fire with lyrics that I acquire,
I can climb most mountains whenever I desire,
I can slay the Baron and save the friar,
and all that I require
is a genuine supplier.
Of beer, e, t, c.  Brown Durby works.
Whatever it is, if it can quench my thirst;
I've got a BIG ONE.  Son, I'm telling no lies:
I need some Budweiser and stuff so that I can give advice
'cuz I'm BATMAN.  Son, time to be concise:
I drink sometimes so I can have fun at life.


Hey do you guys know how I can flash gang signs over the internetz???

Anyway, back on topic:

I sometimes drink.  It's cool, man.  Nahh, man, rly.  I tend to down a few beverages at one time each week with my RL 4rlz IRL friends, whilst smoking Arabian sheisha in a 4-person hookah.  I feel perfectly normal and I am absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not a mature person.

Yes.  :>


@svx: Nicely played xD

So, I woke up this morning with an upset stomach. I guess that's the reason I felt the way I did last night :\


@PentiumMMX -  I aim to be amusing, even if it only makes sense in my own head...  :p

Sry about the stomach ache!  I know all about that...  I've got those "gallbladder stones" that the kids rage about these days and it's a nightmare sometimes...  I'm not sure how it works, but the dull, lingering pain goes to my stomach, and the sharp pain goes to the gallbladder off to the side.  And my shoulder.  Somehow.  :p