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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I think this warrants a double post:

At long last, after ages of torment, I'm free

Yep; I was fired today, and I feel surprisingly good about it. I had a feeling something was going to happen today, with how everybody was acting when I arrived, but hey; I'll apply for unemployment tomorrow and see if I can at least get on at a burger joint or something as a temporary job; to keep money flowing in before my trip


Well, in a way I guess I'm glad because I know how much you hated your job but I'm afraid you're going to have a tough time finding a new one.

In other news, my dad turns fifty-two or fifty-one today.


Cool :3

Also, I plan on spreading out some applications tomorrow. I have a few in hand right now, which I'll fill out later into the night


I have to echo Stew's sentiments here - I'm happy you don't have to put up with a job that doesn't suit you, but job-hunting is gonna be really difficult, especially in a smaller town and with the economy the way it is now. : /

Quote from: stewartsage on April 18, 2012, 05:52:56 PMIn other news, my dad turns fifty-two or fifty-one today.

It's freaky, my dad asked me what your dad's age was not an hour ago! I said I knew he was in his 50s but wasn't sure of his exact age.


Yeah. But, there are some places hiring right now, so anything to get me back on my feet would be good :3

As long as, wherever I go, I don't end up stuck there for 2+ years like with the previous place :\


I woke up.  The first thing I did was take a breath of fresh air.  Crisp.  Cool.  Refreshing.  It reminded me that my Chevrolet pickup truck was done with repairs at the local discount maintenance shoppe.  Perfect.  I knew, as I climbed out of bed, that it was time to drag race.

I grabbed my gun and a chicken sandwich from the ice box.  Both from the ice box.  Some people go to the bathroom after waking up.  I go get my gun.

I forgot about the Chevrolet as I was heading out the door.  It slipped from my mind entirely.  All that I knew was that I had a gun, a chicken sandwich, and that I needed to drag race.  I needed to drag race.  So I did the only rational thing; the same thing you'd do, probably.  I went to the liquor store.

It was there that my destiny unfolded.  Unfurled.  A robbery was taking place as I stepped foot into the 'Derb.  Brown Derby.  And I hadn't even finished my chicken sandwich.  I was angry.  I was more than angry.  I was belligerent.  I threw my sandwich on the ground, kneed the nearest civilian in the groin, and then ended the robbery by angrily accepting the offered bag of loot from the cashier.  I was the robber.  I guess.

And then I drag raced the cops on the way home.




@svx: i have to say, that's actually one of the best short stories i've ever read. and i say this, not just because it's creative and unexpected, but of how short it is. you don't see many short stories that are under a page, but the ones that are are usually pure gold. (i tried to find this old one called "Blood Sure", but sadly it's lost to time. maybe i'll have to re-write it.)


i don't think you'll have as much trouble finding a job as the naysayers think. :3 just don't forget to look in tyler and surrounding areas; ik that if my family only looked in this town for work, only my dad would have a job, and just barely.
that said, it took my sister a few months but she managed to find a new job, and quicker than the last time she looked for work, too. and considering how well her job pays, might i reccomend you apply at walmart? xD

dear OSC, if any of you are on tonight i'll ask for a favour: i need to playtest a board game i'm making and idk who else to ask. so if you've got nothing to do (or feel like helping me out for about half an hour), i'd really appriciate it. i'd like to have 4 players (so i'll need 3 of you), so that i can test the max of this game. thanks!
click to make it bigger


Exactly. I don't think I'll have that hard of a time, compared to when I actually had a job and was looking for something else

Also, I should be on tonight unless something comes up, so I can help you with your game ^_^


@svx: Damn, vodka chirumiru is a hell of a drug. : o

Agreeing with Kari here, that was a really fun short story. I love when you drop by, your posts always make me happy. ^^

@Kari: How long will the game test run?


not long, basically all you'd have to do is roll dice and keep track of whether or not you have cards. i'm thinking that we can just use the example board i whipped up and skype. at the end of each turn cycle i'll make different-coloured dots on the board to signify where everyone is and send the updated pic to you guys. it sounds like a pain in the ass, but it goes really smoothly in my head. plus you guys would be helping me with something i've been meaning to do for awhile. :\
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It sounds good to me; like a modern version of playing chess by mail with somebody xD


guess we'll do it tomorrow night. :\
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Sorry if you where planning on doing it around midnight or something ^_^;;

I was tired >_>


nah, it's cool. no one showed up anyway and i've been really bad at planning recently. :\
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