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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Kari: Lol, I didn't even think about that being a prank. You really got me. >.<;

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about the troubles your aunt is facing and wish her a safe surgery and speedy recovery. :[

@Genpop: This is entirely random, but: Is it considered a kind of synesthesia if you see a person's handwriting and are able to "picture"/"hear" their voice in your head as you read it? It's kind of hard to explain, but I recently realized that certain peoples' handwriting styles look like their voices to me ...


It's not too unusual, I'd think; just a part of your memories :3

Although, I do sometimes try to picture the voice of someone before I actually hear it


if you literally hear their voice when you see the writing, then yes, it's synesthesia. if you can hear it in your mind, then no, i'd just attribute that to something like sense memory.
that said, i can someties do the same thing, but more along the lines of if i know their voice enough, then i can "hear" them saying things if i think about it.

also, my aunt went into surgery yesterday, and they discovered her chest pains were caused by a stress-related condition closing up her arteries. while this sounds terrible, it means that she didn't need the surgery after all, meaning she's going to be just fine. ^^ (though this should be a lesson to her to pace herself more. :\
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Sounds like what happened to my mom last year. Your aunt should be fine if she just gets some rest :3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 02, 2012, 06:23:39 PM
It's not too unusual, I'd think; just a part of your memories :3

Although, I do sometimes try to picture the voice of someone before I actually hear it

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 03, 2012, 07:41:58 AM
if you literally hear their voice when you see the writing, then yes, it's synesthesia. if you can hear it in your mind, then no, i'd just attribute that to something like sense memory.
that said, i can someties do the same thing, but more along the lines of if i know their voice enough, then i can "hear" them saying things if i think about it.

It's really hard to explain, it doesn't have to do with remembering their voice when I read their writing but rather strongly associating their hand-writing with the sound of their voice... so far it's only happened with a couple peoples' writing styles, and they aren't even people I talk to that frequently.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 03, 2012, 07:41:58 AMalso, my aunt went into surgery yesterday, and they discovered her chest pains were caused by a stress-related condition closing up her arteries. while this sounds terrible, it means that she didn't need the surgery after all, meaning she's going to be just fine. ^^ (though this should be a lesson to her to pace herself more. :\

That's crazy ... I hope they didn't get too far into the surgery. o_o;


Easter holidays!!! :3

@Kari: It's great that your aunt didn't need the surgery... but couldn't the doctors have found out about the condition beforehand?


i believe they were about to stick a catheter into her vein when they figured it out. considering how quickly it came on, i think they assumed it was either a clot or a more permanent condition, one requiring the surgery. thankfully it's only stress related, but she must be under a hell of a lot of stress to have something like this happen, so she's not out of the woods yet. stress brings with it a whole host of problems, this just being one. >>;;;

i took the day off today to do some homework. i felt kinda bad about it, but one of the things that comes with being mature and all that is having conviction in your decisions. i made my choice, i stand by it, and i sure as hell can't take it back now. :\
besides, i finished part of a project that i'd been meaning to deal with for weeks. :\
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I just heard that the US government wants to ban swearing on the internet...

Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!



Proposed Arizona state bill doesn't mean US (federal) government, now does it? If a Manchester local council member is of the opinion that people in London are idiots, does it make it a UK policy? Are you trolling the US (again) or misleading on purpose?


My mistake, I heard them say "congress" which I took to mean the US congress, and not just the Arizona state congress.

This is something that's going to affect the entire internet, though.  It's not just going to be a local thing as far as I can tell.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Ok, that has to be the stupidest thing I've ever read since the whole SOPA thing. Hopefully it won't pass >_<;;


It doesn't matter, one state's law doesn't affect the entire United States let alone the entire internet.  Arizona doesn't have the authority to regulate global communications mediums.


In case we needed more proof that the Arizona government is filled with dumbfucks.