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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Hey Aurora-dono!

I'd say something witty for April Fools' Day, but honestly all I've done this weekend is sleep and read technical reports.


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 31, 2012, 10:32:35 PM
@Bella: I don't know what happened to the Rozen Maiden fandom, and I haven't seen any pics or posts of it on imageboards lately. It seemed to have died down, probably because the series has no definite conclusion. It was just left hanging. :(

This is why it sucks when series are ended in an inconclusive manner. :/

Quote from: stewartsage on April 01, 2012, 12:42:23 AM
I'd say something witty for April Fools' Day, but honestly all I've done this weekend is sleep and read technical reports.

Don't forget the talking to me part!

I don't know what to do for April Fools' Day either.... I had a rather baroque idea, but it involves temporarily changing my username, and I'm afraid I won't be able to put it back to normal if I do. ^^;


In today's news:

-8-bit Google Maps launched for NES
-The post service delivered a package on time
-Alcohol given out to everyone in stores, provided people will bring their own buckets
-Exclusively gay and lesbian military company introduced in Dragsvik, Finland


In other news, I woke up to find I had developed...feminine features overnight. No idea what was in that tea I drank last night, but it somehow caused me to turn into a woman overnight

More news on this as the story develops...


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 31, 2012, 04:07:57 PM
Also I can't comprehend the popularity of My little Pony, and I feel alienated seeing so much of it, but I won't think any less of any of the members here that are pony fans for it. We still have things we can talk about despite that, like our shared interest in computer systems!

I feel the same way at times.  Normally, it wouldn't bother me and I'm content to live and let live, but when said fandom takes over the whole site (especially when it seems to have done the same to much of the other places on the internet), it becomes really tiring.  MLP isn't the only thing, of course, as you mentioned Touhou and Rozen Maiden went through their phases of high popularity, as well several other things.  I actually tried to get into Touhou and MLP, but my fandom never got past a casual interest for Touhou or a grinning toleration for MLP (that toleration wanes really quick sometimes).

Anyway, things like that are too fickle to really change the way I feel about any member of the site.  I just try to avoid the forum for awhile if I'm aware of any fandom that's due to alienate me going on.

All that being said, great to see you, Aurora-sempai. :3  I think I pretty much agree with most of what you've posted.

The Choice of a New Generation.


So, I managed to get everything back to normal; the process was quite simple, actually. I'm going to miss the small but rather nice chest I had, but I'm glad I returned to normal before work tomorrow

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I think it was pretty obvious this was an April Fool's Joke. The idea of "wake up and suddenly being the opposite sex" is the stuff of fiction ^_^;;
Although, I wish somebody had taken notice and at least played along ;_;


@pent: DON'T GET PREGNANT. the last thing OSC needs is a single mother-father. >>;
Quote from: Pitkin on April 01, 2012, 06:14:10 AM
-Alcohol given out to everyone in stores, provided people will bring their own buckets
see, a hundred years ago, this wasn't unheard of.

......guys, i just got some terrible news....i can't go to con this year. ;^;
i don't know why, they just emailed me and said i was 'ejected from the convention on suspicion of rule-breaking activities'.

i can't stop crying about it. they said they'd refund my money, but it doesn't help things. i want to toss my cosplay out the window and light it on fire, cause what's the point anymore?
click to make it bigger


Damn ;_;

I hate it when effort is wasted like that


i have no idea what to get you for your birthday now. i'm so sorry ;^;
click to make it bigger


Damn ;_;

You could buy me an ice cream sandwich :3


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 02, 2012, 01:00:31 AM
......guys, i just got some terrible news....i can't go to con this year. ;^;
i don't know why, they just emailed me and said i was 'ejected from the convention on suspicion of rule-breaking activities'.

i can't stop crying about it. they said they'd refund my money, but it doesn't help things. i want to toss my cosplay out the window and light it on fire, cause what's the point anymore?

Wait...... huh....... what? What the fuck does "suspicion of rule-breaking behavior" even mean?! You can't just buy tickets for the con without pre-registration or whatever....?





Addendum: What the actual fuck is wrong with people?


So, last night was annoying >_<;;

First off, I was sleeping fairly well...and then my cell phone went off at midnight; a local number I did not recognize calling me, not leaving a message. Also, heartburn; so getting back to sleep was an impossible task, so I took some meds for that and stayed up talking to Kari for a while. Just as I was ready to go back to bed, finally relaxed enough to try again, here comes mom to screw that up by rudely telling me to go to bed right now, which pissed me off >_<;;

I did go to bed shortly after, it taking longer for me to get to sleep to try and relax myself again, and even then, I still didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked (As lately I've woken up at around 7:30AM like clockwork).

EDIT: But, this morning's trip to the store made up for it. To summarize:

*driving to store; partially cloudy*
*sunglasses equipped, making it appear more forbidding, while I listen to my iPod*
*suddenly, wild Persona 3 soundtrack appears; supplying fitting music*
*feels badass 8)*


@pent: nice. -w-
@bella, nej: it's friend said she'd keep an eye out for something interesting for me at the con, and there's still AAC later this year.....
besides, i can smile knowing you fell for my april fool's joke. :3

EDIT: in less funny news, pretty sure my aunt goes into surgery today. dunno if i mentioned it last week, but my aunt was cleaning her house when she started having mysterious chest pains. she goes into he hospital and discovers that she needs open hear surgery this week to put a pair of stints in. no history of heart disease or problems, this just came out of left field. when it rains it pours, right? ><;; they say things come in threes, and with my grandma earlier and my aunt after that, i'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. i'm expecting to get mugged at the con or something. >>;;

needless to say there won't be an easter brunch at my aunt's this year. :\
click to make it bigger


I hope your aunt makes it out fine ;_;
My aunt is actually going through the same exact thing, although she's doing fine last I heard

Also, I'd try not to think too much about what might happen; just focus on enjoying your weekend at the con :3
Remember: It doesn't always come in threes