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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I know the feeling. You mention something big that's happening to you, wither it be good or bad, and it's drown out by something else :\


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 30, 2012, 11:26:55 AM
now you're a part of it. :3

makes me sad how the rest of my post got eaten up by the one little comment i made. :[

I already commented about it when I talked to you on skype (before I passed out >>; ) so I didn't feel the need to comment again here.

It's what I generally do ... if I feel the need to question/comment on something here, I usually go straight to the source (if I can) so my comments don't get lost.


@pent: gotta love that here. >>;
@bella: you commented on one part of it. i'm damn proud of those savings and i wanted to share. >>;
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Sorry about that, but I just didn't want to sound callous by being all, "HOORAY SAVINGS! And sorry about your grandmother." 

As for 

Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 30, 2012, 11:29:11 AM
I know the feeling. You mention something big that's happening to you, wither it be good or bad, and it's drown out by something else :\

This happens to me like, ALL THE TIME. Whenever I leave a long post that has to do with something near and dear to me, it always feels like nobody notices (or at least doesn't comment). So either we all have to start commenting on what one another says without exception, or accept the fact that sometimes people don't know how to reply to/are too lazy to/don't feel the need to comment on what we say.


i try to comment on everyone's posts, if anyone has noticed. :3
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I try to as well, but it can honestly be very emotionally-draining when there's a lot going on in your world, too.  Let it be known that if I seem to ignore something very important or very personal in your posts it's not because I don't care or are trying to keep you at a distance, it's just that sometimes when a lot of things are going in one's life, one can become very run down emotionally.  Your problems definitely matter to me, especially when they're so dear and so scary, but I feel that I'm at such a low energy level from an emotional standpoint that anything I say would come off as disingenuous and not really worthy of the moment.  The last thing I want to do is devalue your heartfelt appeal by offering a very weak and seemingly token comment without much thought to contribute.

I'm definitely in favor of this forum being a second family to one another, and I certainly think of most all of you that way (that is, the ones I've known long enough ^^; ).  So don't misinterpret this as some ITG, extra-masculine cry of "f**k your internet hugbox" or anything like that, but understand that I do care, even when I don't address something you've said, even though I'm too exhausted inside to squeak out a cry of sympathy.  If you remember, Kari-chan, there has been at least one occasion (I'm thinking more, though) where I have messaged you personally here to share in your pain and offer condolences, so you should know that your feelings matter to me.

I think we've all experienced, at some point, a truly heartfelt or deeply personal comment become washed away by a tide of some popular topic or another.  It does hurt sometimes, but it's something I've come to realize is not a personal thing or related to one's "status" on the boards.  It just happens.

The Choice of a New Generation.


I know the feeling, Dan. Granted, sometimes things others may hear about on the news may have them worried, but then they see everything is fine

For instance, Pit mentioned to me that she was worried when she heard on the news about the wildfires in Texas last year (Which where close to my hometown, but not close enough to my house or work to require an evacuation)...until she saw I was still carrying on a casual conversation with everybody on here like nothing was going on; generally a universal sign of "Don't worry; I'm fine :3"


@pit, dan: seconded. this is my internet home, and you all are more family to me than some of my actual family. ^^;

my grandma seems to be fine now, except now my aunt's in the hospital. >>; (when it rains, it pours.) i mainly wanted you guys to know how much i saved. pattern sales are always ripe for bragging rights. -w-
also, we FINALLY watched the boondock saints last night, and my mum loved it. :3 she wants to get the sequel, which would be nice since while i've seen the first movie plenty of times, i have yet to see the sequel. :\
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There is a SEQUEL TO IT?



@Nej: Yeah. My sister watched it, and said it was pretty good

@Kari: Nice ^_^
I still need to borrow the DVD from my sister

@Aurora: I know the feeling. I'm actually closer to you guys than my IRL friends :3

Dr. Kraus

Why... why is At&t making it so hard for me to get a Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket!? I want that shear power in my hands right now and finally a data plan, they won't hold me back for long...


Hope you get it, bro ^_^


I don't really feel all that close to the people here, idk, there's just some seperation. All of you guys seem close to each other though.


"Closeness" is a difficult thing to define, but I certainly count all the regulars/semi-regulars here as my friends.

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 31, 2012, 04:07:57 PM
My posting now is pretty much restricted to the weekends, so I struggle to keep up in this threat, but on the topic of finding out about the OS-tans, I found out about them in the summer or fall of 2005 and thought they were one of the coolest things ever! On my OS-tan searches, I stumbled across this forum, and I saw there was an H-section, but that didn't scare me away. I just didn't go there so it wouldn't haunt me. :P

I found this place after reading about OS zealotry on Wikipedia -> finding a link to OS-tans -> following a link to OSC. I was blown away by the concept and instantly knew I had to do fanart/create some of my own ... though I didn't get around to joining/introducing myself until about a month later.

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 31, 2012, 04:07:57 PMI joined in late 2005 but didn't post for the first time until September 2006, when OSC was becoming active again, and I learned about even more OSes and computer systems I never heard of before, and now take an interest in, and I've been here ever since. I do have a special attachment to this place, seeing you all as some of the most reliable friends I've had and am able to talk with on a regular basis. Most of my RL friends I'm not able to see or talk with very often, due to transportation issues, or them having very busy schedules. I've also had 'friends' who turned out to be fair-weather at best and backstabbers at worst, but who hasn't?

OMG, same here! I know what it's like having trouble keeping in touch with friends due to distance and the like (and the pain of having supposed-friends turn on me). It makes me really happy to hear that you feel that this place is special, and that you count its members among your friends. ;u;

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 31, 2012, 04:07:57 PMAlso I can't comprehend the popularity of My little Pony, and I feel alienated seeing so much of it, but I won't think any less of any of the members here that are pony fans for it. We still have things we can talk about despite that, like our shared interest in computer systems!

I also had the same attitude towards all the Touhou stuff on here a few years ago, but that was before I was a fan of it. On the other hand, there used to be a lot of Rozen Maiden stuff on here, which I happily joined in with here because it was one of my favorite series at the time.

It's good to hear that you aren't annoyed at anyone here for being in fandoms you aren't interested in or dislike - I've always felt a little alienated when I hear people talk about popular things I'm not interested in or fond of, but would never feel resentment for it since everyone's entitled to their own interests (no matter how odd, uninteresting or unappealing they may seem to me). And as you said, we should focus more on the things that unite us than the things we don't have in common.

Incidentally, I remember when Rozen Maiden was big here too (and really popular online in general). I wonder what became of the fandom, I haven't heard much about it in years...


Agreed on all points.

Regardless of what one may like that another doesn't, we still have other stuff in common, which is what brought us together in the first place. After all, why would anyone end a friendship over something as small as "she doesn't watch Bad Movie Beatdown"?