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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: PitkinI joined in June 2011, I think.
>Date Registered:          07 May 2005, 19:32:04

Not sure if legit...



Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 29, 2012, 03:04:54 AM
wait, you joined after me? seriously? o__o;

Yup.  Was right after I finished college.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


For me, I joined about a month after I discovered OS-tans, and 3 days before my sister got married :3


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 28, 2012, 11:54:06 PM
@kriz: you seem like an october/november person, if that makes sense. xD is your birthday also around that time, or am i wrong?
It is, my birthday was about a week before I joined.


Quote from: Red-Machine on March 29, 2012, 03:01:40 AM
I joind in February 2009.

Sounds right to me, since you joined after I left.

Quote from: Pitkin on March 29, 2012, 04:39:22 AM
I joined in June 2011, I think. Not sure. :/

But your profile says 2005. >>;;

Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 29, 2012, 08:31:20 AM
For me, I joined about a month after I discovered OS-tans, and 3 days before my sister got married :3

I remember discovering OS-tans and thinking it was the coolest freaking thing I'd ever seen, but I was scared away from OSC by ... the hentai section. Since every forum with an H section is automatically full of unsavory people. Instead I joined dA and started posting my OS-tan art there, but eventually I decided I'd take my chances with the weirdoes over here... if it wasn't for C-Chan, Aurora and Tsubashi I'd have probably never "stuck" here.


For me, the concept of OS-tans wasn't anything new; in fact, stuff like ReBoot, TRON, and Mega Man Battle Network pretty much introduced me to the concept of computer programs as human-like, so when I found people had actually made human-like characters based on actual computer programs and operating systems, I was on board.

Also, funny you should mention the Hentai section repelling you from the site. For me, it was more /Topicless and other topics with people discussing things in their day-to-day life that was off-setting to me; as I was still in that phase where I was uncomfortable talking about things I did in real life, because of the paranoia instated in me by mom; a "wall" I didn't break out from until after I had returned here last year, after a month or so of being back...and what a great moment that was :3


Well, I joined in March of 2007 (actually on the 5th, so that anniversary has long passed), but I also have had at least two hiatuses from this board that I can recall.  So, if you want to get technical about it, I really wouldn't know which day would be my "real" anniversary, and it would take some digging to find out just when I had returned the previous times as I'm not really all that good at keeping track of that.  Right now, it's just enough keeping up with my anniversary with Jen (s'okay, she hasn't kept track of that too well, either).  As it stands, we could either say it was the day we started our online relationship (which I think was about two years ago) or when I came here to be with her (last June).  It helps that I still have a bus ticket stub lying around here somewhere from when I arrived that I could always refer to for that particular anniversary. ^^

The Choice of a New Generation.


@Pent: Just because some people here talk about their daily lives doesn't mean EVERYONE does. I can think of quite a few users who choose not to reveal things about themselves here and instead stick to the OS-tan / games / computer subforums.

That said, I'm glad you were able to get over your fears. ^^

@IDK: I can absolutely sympathize with your anniversary confusion. Neither Stew nor I asked the other out at any point, so there were a few months where we were dating, but never actually called it that, and I was kind of confused whether we were friends-with-romantic-benefits or "proper" boyfriend/girlfriend. Generally I think of our anniversary as being when we changed our relationship status on facebook (which was early in May sometime) but that's not accurate 'cause we'd already been together for a couple of months at that point.

That's really sweet that you still have the bus stub ticket. ^^ I kept all the Amtrak tickets from my trip to DC, as well as a MARC receipt (I think) and a DC metro ticket that Stew gave me too ... it had a couple of bucks on it but I had to keep it. .///.


@Bella: Yeah, as I eventually learned ^_^;
As mentioned before, I'm glad I finally got over my phobia; as it even lead to me finally being able to accept trap mode, after years of feeling like a freak for liking it, often going through phases where I attempt to stop in an effort to be "normal" (Often ending unsuccessfully, because it was hard for me to resist wearing a nice, comfy dress when nobody was home)


Quote from: Bella on March 29, 2012, 11:51:57 AM
every forum with an H section is automatically full of unsavory people

HEY. >:[

@anniversaries: cool to hear about everyone's. :3 my memory is shot, so i don't remember many of mine. :\

in other news, today was going great! we went to bedford (about 20 minutes to a half hour from here) and found several cool places, so we decided that we need to go to bedford more. one of the places was a panera bread, where we got all sorts of nice, nummy things, and on a whim i bought a loaf of challah bread. (it was 3 bucks, so why the hell not! it's a whole damn loaf! also, for those unfamilar, challah is a braided jewish sweet bread coated in a honey-butter glaze before baking.)

after leaving bedford, we came back here and picked up my friend/honorary sister colleen and drove her to class in manchester (about the same distance as bedford). after that, we went to joann fabrics (which is in methuen, and is normally 20 minutes from here, so it should have taken us awhile, but when you factor in the highway and my mum's lovely driving, it only took us about 10-15 minutes). i bought a TON of stuff and saved a SHITLOAD. (go on and guess how much i saved!! >w< )

as we were enjoying the glory of sales, however, we got some horrible news: my grandmother was admitted to the ER tonight. she's been having problems with fluid building up around her heart in the past couple months, and is quite stubborn, to the point where she didn't take the heart pills she was prescribed on the drive down to florida (so it wouldn't inconvenience my grandfather by having to stop at rest stops so frequently). they both arrived home yesterday, and while she was feeling fine earlier today, she began to have severe leg pains and shortness of breath, to the point where she wasn't getting enough oxygen and was starting to become delusional. she went in, and insists that she's fine now, so is refusing to stay overnight. ><;; something similar to this happened to my other grandmother, and she's dead, so we're all rather worried. :[

on the upside, my savings at joann's:
Spoiler: ShowHide
paid: $36.66 after tax
saved: $193.13
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Quote from: Bella on March 29, 2012, 11:51:57 AM
every forum is automatically full of unsavory people


I can see where you're coming from about the hentai section, though.  By the nature of the subject, you'd expect many skeeves to congregate there, but it's honestly not really a problem here as far as I've seen.  It tends to be much worse on boards that promote sharing of vids as that leads to all sort of perverted stuff being shared and, ultimately, winds up being the main attraction of the forum.

The Choice of a New Generation.


wouldn't that also have to do with the forum's focus itself being weak? here, we have the broad world of the os-tans to keep us together, but for other forums, whose concepts are weaker, the pull of the perverted might be stronger. :\
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Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on March 30, 2012, 04:02:20 AM
Quote from: Bella on March 29, 2012, 11:51:57 AM
every forum is automatically full of unsavory people


I can see where you're coming from about the hentai section, though.  By the nature of the subject, you'd expect many skeeves to congregate there, but it's honestly not really a problem here as far as I've seen.  It tends to be much worse on boards that promote sharing of vids as that leads to all sort of perverted stuff being shared and, ultimately, winds up being the main attraction of the forum.

Yeah, I was young and innocent(ish). After lurking for awhile I realized that the members seemed nice for the most part (and not entirely overcome with perversion as I suspected) so I joined and just ignored the H section. ^^;

And yeah, the hentai section here is generally pretty tame / lends itself to a lot of amusing and/or insightful discussions, generally.


now you're a part of it. :3

makes me sad how the rest of my post got eaten up by the one little comment i made. :[
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