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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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That's a pretty good price, the typewriter mechanic I talked to charges something like $25 (or was it $50? I forget) an hour, and it would cost the base price of one hour for him to diagnose the thing.


Ah. I'll let you know how it goes, since I plan on taking it in within the week




Ordered a 2 TB drive for Cheetah and a webcam/mic for Nanami.

edit: also cleaned everyone out with compressed air




@kriz: spring cleaning is upon us? :3

i plan on cleaning the room next week, meaning that shitty and her monitor will be shoved in the closet ;v;
forever arone ;v;

so guys, if i get my homework done in an efficient manner today, i'm gonna upload the stories from IS YOUR BODY READY to my DA. -w-
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Spring cleaning? That means it's almost time for my mom's family to have their annual garage sale, which means I should dig out some stuff to put in it. Need moar money for my trip, after all :3


dunno if it's spring cleaning there. hell, there's still snow on the ground here. :\ but i need to clean regardless.
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I have YET ANOTHER rogue terrorist molar* coming in, or doing something, since it's irritating (and terrifying) the ever living fuck out of me.


*Wisdom tooth


i'd offer you the painkillers they gave me for when i had mine out, but there's only one left. and it's almost a year old. and i can't  send them through the internet. :[
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It's not the pain that's bothering me (well, not too much), it's the question of "What is that little fucker up to?" since the others never hurt when they cut. And I don't feel it cutting, either, it's just lying under the gum, giving me dull pain/pressure every time I chew/move my jaw. : /


at least the pain isn't that bad. i know the feeling of "oh crap what's wrong with me now" and what usually works for me is to just put it out of my mind for the most part. busy yourself with other things and in a week or two you won't even notice it anymore. since it doesn't seem like the type of thing to run to the hospital over, this might be the best thing to do. better than making yourself crazy with worry over a fricken' tooth. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 07, 2012, 03:41:45 PM
at least the pain isn't that bad. i know the feeling of "oh crap what's wrong with me now" and what usually works for me is to just put it out of my mind for the most part. busy yourself with other things and in a week or two you won't even notice it anymore. since it doesn't seem like the type of thing to run to the hospital over, this might be the best thing to do. better than making yourself crazy with worry over a fricken' tooth. :\

I've been trying to, but it's sometimes difficult to do that when your mouth bothers you every time you chew/speak. >>

In any case, it feels somewhat better now.

But on the flip side, I read about wisdom tooth issues for like, hours yesterday, and am now terrified I missed my window to get mine removed without complication (my main concern being nerve damage like LIP AND TONGUE PARALYSIS and LOSS OF TASTE) since I'm at about the age where they say it gets more difficult (19/20 years old). This wouldn't bother me if mine were coming in "normally", but I've had one that's been partially impacted for the last 3 years and I'm afraid I'm going to need that and the others out "eventually" (like most partially impacted teeth) but that if I get it done far down the road it might be more difficult to do. They say 10% of people who get their wisdom teeth out after the age of 25 have PERMANENT NERVE DAMAGE. ><

So yeah, I'm probably going to bug my dentist about this the next time I see him. Now I'm wishing I'd gotten all mine out while I was still insured. : /


I'd comment, but we all know how I feel about the fact I'm nearly 21 and my wisdom teeth have shown zero signs of developing, so I'll just leave it at that >_<

Then again, I've always been a late bloomer on everything; from things like graduating high school and watching certain TV shows and movies that I wasn't allowed to watch as a kid (But every other kid from my generation did) on up to things that I'd rather not talk about in this area of the forum ^_^;;
So, maybe there's still hope that I'm not a complete freak of nature?


I had mine taken out and to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I imagined.