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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So, Bells keeps insisting I'm a hipster but for a variety of reasons (I despise PBR, skinny jeans, want to spread my obscure music, etc.) I doubted her.  Today, we have have solved that argument.  It seems I have taken apathy to a whole new level, transcending Hipsterdom as Thomas Pynchon transcended Modernism to become a Post-Hipster.


@Stew: See, I told you that you were some kind of meta-hipster. : p

@Paul: The only piece of relationship advice I can really give is to work on being more confident, since that's a really attractive quality. And I completely agree with you; requited love is amazing (even if it it can be emotionally-taxing and even painful on occasions), rejection is the thing that sucks. :/

@Kraus: That demo was awesome! You guys are really talented! : o


@Kraus: This is great! You've got quite a math rock-y feeling in this demo. I'm gonna follow you on soundcloud, keep up the good work! :3


@stew, bella: hipsters......errgh..... >>;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 05, 2012, 11:14:01 AM
@stew, bella: hipsters......errgh..... >>;

Not hipster, post-hipster. There's a big difference here.


the stereotype has been burned into my mind like buttcheeks and waffle iron. without examples and pictures, i'm going to have a hard time making the distinction. >>;
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So, I have a PS2 network adapter now. I don't own any games that support it, but hey :3


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I haven't cried in like the last five months, but the Patriots losing to the Giants somehow has me inconsolably weeping and wanting to bitch-slap some random New Yorkers to vent anger/frustration.


I've never cared about football...or any other sport, to be honest. While I admit I would play some basketball with my younger cousins, I never was interested in it enough to watch the professionals play it on TV


The thing is, I generally don't care about sports, but when local teams get involved I get this huge emotional investment. It becomes more than a game -  it gets all mixed up with feelings of regional pride and affection and all of that. : \


I could care less either way; the only sport my family actively follows is football, and they (Well, my dad and grandpa) constantly crack jokes about the Dallas Cowboys

Dr. Kraus

We got lots 'o sports here in Da Burgh, The guinz are doing pretty good, Stillers suck, Pirates suck. Mt. Lebanon (my school) wins lots of regional, state and national championships since the school likes to dish out beefy checks to the teams for equipment and training.

When I was in the Marching Band (Percussion) the school would always dish out some huge cash for new equipment and such for the drumline and us kids in the pit (Percussion front) didn't get that much until we showed up the Drumline in almost everything (Practice times, skill, marching discipline, etc.) during band camp. I was to help build a Kendo club team for next year and the school was ready to dish me some serious cash but due to me graduating next year it would probably all just fall apart quickly after I leave. I did get a few kids to come to my dojo (University of Pittsburgh Kendo Dojo) and they might join up soon when I return to Kendo (taking a momentary leave for some time due to just starting work and needing to balance work, school, and Kendo together).


aw man, you do kendo!? that's like the coolest thing ever!

(i've been on two teams, and only one was by choice. the one that was was for floor hockey. >:3)
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I always wanted to study kendo. Thing is, there are no dojos around here for that; only karate