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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i realize the joke is rather old, but given that i had an actual knee injury, i felt justified. -w-

@dan: glad you're getting that feeling of accomplishment. i'm sad to say that only one of my classes currently gives me that feeling; i'm hoping that i'll warm to the others over time but i don't see myself as joyful as i was last semester. >>;

@nej: given that the horse isn't assigned to attack anything, i found it rather impressive that Daisy the paint horse decided to say "COME AT ME BRO." (she almost killed it, too.)

so i just finished the draft of my paper about this book (which was actually very good, i'd like to get a copy eventually since i took this one out from the library), now all that's left is to dig out the Olivetti and type this bad boy.

considering going to the store to buy potatoes and bisquick. figure that will feed me for awhile.
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There's a person downstate who's selling the equivalent of a tiny PDP-11 computer. (Well, PDP-11 compatible, close enough.) PLEASE EMAIL ME BACK RANDOM CRAIGSLIST PERSON, I HAVE PARENTAL PERMISSION TO BRING THIS THING HOME AND EVERYTHING. ;O;


Holy crap, Bella; I hope you get that. That sounds awesome ^_^


Just got up from a long work recovery period, and I feel a lot better.  Feet still feel weird, but I'm good, especially now that I'm done with work until next week.

Since the horse is your friend/belongs to the horse (or whatever faction it is) faction, it will always be hostile to whatever is hostile to you.  I can't quite recall if they'll attack hostile people or just animals/monsters, but it's largely a carryover from Oblivion.  It's still pretty cool, though. :3

Quotei realize the joke is rather old, but given that i had an actual knee injury, i felt justified. -w-

At least you had a context in which to tell the "joke".  Most people are content just to spam it in even the most awkward of situations.  It's like kids who hammer square pegs into round holes.  It would be great if people learned MEME ARE NOT REPLACEMENT FOR SENSE OF HUMOR.

The Choice of a New Generation.


@dan: people are stupid, don't you know this? :3 they'll input a meme whenever they want to sound funny either because they're lazy or they can't come up with anything on my own. xD

as for the horse, what made it cool was that she had 'parked' the horse, which usually means that Daisy would stay put and do nothing; she's very good about staying where she's told to. instead, Daisy wandered over to the dragon (which was a good 200 feet away or so, so it's not like it was in Daisy's vicinity) and proceeded to attack it, without any direction. xD

@bella: good luck ;^;
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So, this morning got off to an interesting start

I went to the post office to check my PO box (Nothing has arrived yet, BTW), accidentally leaving my cell phone at home. When I got back, I found that mom called every single phone in the house trying to get in contact with me; which made me think this was something truly big and important. Truth is, she wanted me to install Microsoft Outlook on her desktop, so she can check her work e-mail at home; important, yes, but not worth calling every single phone in the house over >_<



Also, my maths studies seem to actually be working now. IDUNNOLOL.


If I don't get an email reply by tonight, I'm probably going to send that seller another one.... things like this make me paranoid my email account isn't working properly. >>


Well, today was kind of crappy.

After what I mentioned in my previous post, I went to work...only to have a run-in with the single person I hate the most; a guy who is a friend of my bro-in-law, who seems to believe I'm a "pathetic loser" who needs his assistance to become a "real man" (Which, in his eyes, is the kind of guy who only cares about sex & senseless violence). He didn't try anything, thankfully, but it just soured my day to see that bastard was out of jail again >_<

Then, as I'm going about my day at work, with things stupidly busy (No thanks to the housekeepers, who seemed to be on a mission to make it worse), mom felt a compelling urge to call me, while she knows that I'm at work, to ask a question. I don't mind people sending me text messages when I'm at work, but I can't stand people calling me; it makes it feel like I need to drop what I'm doing right now and answer the phone, so therefore it needs to be something a little more important than "Did the mail arrive?" >_<

It got better after I took my break (Taking it about 10 minutes earlier than usual, because I really needed to take a step back and relax), thankfully.


Turns my STUPID MAIL CLIENT didn't send the email two days ago, so I sent another using my in-browser account - the seller contacted me right away. I just spent 20 minutes on the phone with him, in which time numerous stories about Ye Goode Olde Dayes of DEC were told, including how practically his entire family worked for DEC (brother was there for the founding of the company in '57), hanging out with Ken Olsen (who, apparently, was exceptionally humble, drove a VW and often brought bag-lunches to work) and installing the first ethernet network at the Mill. Also, he totally confirmed the leaky/flood-prone nature of the Mill, and apparently looted various fixtures from it when they finally got around to remodeling the place in the 80s.

I got a more info on the PRO-350 itself, it boots and its peripherals all work though he hasn't had the time/will to load all the software on it. It comes with a P/OS software set (which is a version of RSX-11, which you may recall is the predecessor of VMS and ultimate ancestor of Windows NT), a box full of documentation and manuals, and also some DEC memorabilia.


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!



When you get all of that, I think I speak for us all when I say pics now!


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