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Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 21, 2012, 09:15:03 AM
True that. For example, I can't stand the guys who flaunt their money as a way to get a girl; to me, a guy doing that is likely compensating for something, with that something generally being his personality.

The funny thing is a man needn't flaunt his money to attract women... there's ample evidence that there exists plenty of women who are attracted to male wealth and power, valuing those qualities more than appearance or perhaps even personality in some cases. It's easy to chalk this up to gold-digging, but there's actually a pretty sound evolutionary reasoning behind that behavior - going back to the days when choosing a mate wasn't a matter dictated by love or physical and/or mental attraction, but more of a business contract where mutual safety, security and the propagation of healthy children who would survive into adulthood was paramount to feelings of affection or romance.

This behavior isn't limited to women going for filthy-rich idiots, either - there's a much subtler and pervasive form that dictates women "mate/marry up", that is to say, couple with a man who's at least a little higher than her in social standing, wealth or power. This is probably the norm in western society at the moment - think about all the male/female couples you know where the guy is older or has a better job. Of course, this trend is starting to be turned somewhat by the recent increase in female college graduates (and the slight decrease in male graduates) and women gaining a more equal footing with men in business.

(Apologies for all the heteronormative and cisnormative talk used here - I really don't know if there's a similar phenomena among same-sex couples, or among couples where one or both partners is trans* or falls outside the male/female gender-binary.)


Part of that can also be chocked up, at least to a certain extent, to the "confidence" money brings as well.

For most people, confidence is the most attractive attribute a person can have, sometimes even when that "confidence" is just barely propped up by some form of material wealth.  It goes back to the idea of security.  A confident person makes those around him/her feel more secure, they feel like this person has direction and knows what the hell they're doing.  While that might not always be the case, there seems to be some degree of correlation as far as I've seen.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on January 21, 2012, 02:15:25 PM
Part of that can also be chocked up, at least to a certain extent, to the "confidence" money brings as well.

For most people, confidence is the most attractive attribute a person can have, sometimes even when that "confidence" is just barely propped up by some form of material wealth.  It goes back to the idea of security.  A confident person makes those around him/her feel more secure, they feel like this person has direction and knows what the hell they're doing.  While that might not always be the case, there seems to be some degree of correlation as far as I've seen.

True that. I would never be attracted to a mate just because they have money or power, but confidence and some degree of financial and emotional stability is a must. It's also appealing to feel that the person I'm with could get by okay without me, and is with me just because they love and want to be with me, and not because they depend on me...

Anyway, by that reasoning I can certainly see how some folks would be attracted to rich people if that money bolstered their confidence and independence. Even though it's difficult for me to imagine how those traits could outweigh a nasty personality, it's not difficult to believe that they would for some people.


In tumultuous times like these, especially after a generation of opulent convenience, a truly confident person is difficult to find.  People are so easily put into a fright and so prone to falling into a cycle of uncertainty that real confidence is a rarity.  In fact, your best bet to find confident people are to go with those with money or to find people who were alive before all this convenience.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Quote from: Bella on January 21, 2012, 02:42:53 PM
...confidence and some degree of financial and emotional stability is a must.

i agree with the first and last parts, but money has less value when you have none. i'm not seeking any sort of financial contract. i just want to be happy.
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My grandma on my dad's side has a love of money. She keeps telling me "Don't waste your time marrying a poor girl; make sure she has lots of money". I don't want to marry someone just for their money, nor would I want someone to marry me just because of how much money I have. To me, money is one of the "extras", but my grandma puts it on the same level that some people in my age group put sex on; it's the end-all be-all thing in a relationship >_<

In other news, I had a sudden craving for mac & cheese from a restaurant that's two cities over and in an obscure area of that town; a location I haven't been to in a few years. Dammit; I want to go, but I know I shouldn't drive that far unless I'm going to do more than just eat

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 21, 2012, 03:30:02 PM
My grandma on my dad's side has a love of money. She keeps telling me "Don't waste your time marrying a poor girl; make sure she has lots of money". I don't want to marry someone just for their money, nor would I want someone to marry me just because of how much money I have. To me, money is one of the "extras", but my grandma puts it on the same level that some people in my age group put sex on; it's the end-all be-all thing in a relationship >_<

Lol my dad always says stuff like that (for fun), "Make sure your girlfriend has lots of money, so she can buy you lunch!" silly stuff like that and my mom always says, "Just find a nice girl with good aspects and is respectable" which is pretty much what my standards are.

Overall, my standards are like this:
1. Decent looking, doesn't need to be a goddess or anything like that
2. Good personality, is strict in aspects of education but is able to let loose and just chill without worry, doesn't wine about everything
3. Shares the same general interests, doesn't have to be completely devoted to them to enjoy them
4. Doesn't have a strong political standpoint, just wants what is best for the country at that time and isn't to left or right on the political scale
5. Has a strong will to explore different world cultures and places
6. Likes tea to an extent, can drink it strait if needed.

So yea, I would say my standards are pretty moderate and not that hard to come by most of the time. There is actually a girl who sits next to me in History (period 1 of the day so I'm not that talkative) who matches this list pretty well and we hit it off pretty nice once we got used to the daily routines of school. We don't get to talk all that much though due to the class being first bloody period of the day and we're both pretty sleepy but there are times when we'll just talk about our general interests and other things like that. But that's just how life is sometimes, there is always the off chance we might hang out or something like that or walk home together since we live in the same direction and walk the same route.

anyway this post is getting long for the wrong reason, I wanted to post a question to you all.


If I am to make a Mobile Application (which could be ported to iOS and Android) what should I make? What kind of app do you want the most on your mobile device, what kind of innovation do you want from an app that can make your life easier, fun, or anything like that. I'm asking all of you because I, as the developer, don't want to make an app that would only be a benefit to only myself and a few others, I want to make something that the USER wants not the DEVELOPER.

So just throw your ideas out there and I'll start to compile them together to get a general idea for an app that the USERS would want and not what the DEVELOPER wants.

Thanks :D


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 21, 2012, 03:18:04 PMi agree with the first and last parts, but money has less value when you have none. i'm not seeking any sort of financial contract. i just want to be happy.

Well, I don't have any money either, but I plan to start building my own business in the near future... I certainly couldn't care less if my mate makes just enough money to support themself or rolls in the dough, I just don't want to be saddled with an SO I have to financially care for like some sort of adult-child. At least in the near future - if there's ever a point where I surpassed my mate in earnings I wouldn't mind taking care of them, but if I'm barely scraping by I wouldn't want to subject them to my misfortunes. -___-

Of course, I have a different point of view since I'm in a serious long distance relationship -  LDRs take more money than the average relationship. I mean, if you and your mate live in the same town, it's a lot easier to get by with less money - you could in theory live together and split the cost of rent/food/transportation (or even live together with one of your families if they're cool with it and forgo having rent altogether, or at the very least, get discounted rent). And if you don't live together it might cost a few bucks to go across town and see them or vice-versa. But in an LDR it can easily cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars just to see your SO, not to mention whatever costs are involved in going out on dates with them, sending gifts, etc.

Also, I feel compelled to mention that money does contribute to happiness - it's not the be-all and end-all of happiness (as evidenced by unhappy rich people and happy poor people), but people who have somewhat fulfilling jobs and can support themselves are going to be more at-ease than people who have no idea how they're going to get by.


after awhile you learn to laugh at your situation, regardless of how desperate it is. if we didn't laugh once in awhile, we'd all have been dead long ago.
besides, i think that the person should be willing to accept you regardless of situation. meaning that if you have financial difficulties, they'd better be willing to help.

as for LDRs, they can work on a small budget. it's all about creative solutions.

@kraus: i'm assuming they already have PDF reader apps. as for anything else, something to keep one updated on the newest anime from japan would likely be cool, though it would require someone to go through and publish dates and descriptions. though, with the charts that get posted every so often (see winter 2011-12', fall 11', summer 11', and spring 11' in the anime section), it might not be as hard.

there's an app that can take a picture of something in a foriegn language and translate it to english. i want that, but i don't have an ipod touch yet.

you could take a different approach and moefiy things that already exist. kawaii day planner? sounds like a plan. -w-
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@Kari: True that, on the part about laughing at your situation. My philosophy is "If you can't make fun of yourself, who can you make fun of?"; after all, I often crack "forever alone" jokes about myself, even if I've never had a girlfriend, nor have I been on a date before, and sometimes it feels like something that will never happen


Apparently some people named Candace can't be bothered to mention that today is their birthday.


Quote from: stewartsage on January 21, 2012, 08:24:28 PM
Apparently some people named Candace can't be bothered to mention that today is their birthday.
Llama badge sent long ago.


@Stew: So I noticed. Maybe she forgot? : P