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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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This place gets so boring at night.


Doesn't it, though?

Had to deal with the same kind of stuff from my mom.  I can see where she's coming from, though, with the way things are today.  A lot of people like to take advantage others, some even simply because they can, so it's understandable when the veil of anonymity comes in, folks get paranoid.

The Choice of a New Generation.


I'm extremely paranoid and had that trick pulled on me once as the Moderator of another site.

Luckily for me, I was five steps ahead of him and unbeknownst to others of the site at that time, six different people were me.  8)


I'm paranoid too, very much so.  My gf can attest to this, as until we decided we were going to be serious, she only knew me by a pseudonym and a false location.  I have quite a few pseudonyms floating around out there, but have only once ever "socked" on a forum.  In that case, I was using the sock account to determine if I really wanted to be a member, since the forum was completely registration locked.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Mine were completely different people (although two were posing as sisters).

Having so many internet capable computers can cause mighty amounts of mischief.


Well, I can say that I'm not that paranoid, at least

@Kari: That letter might prove useful, so keep that in mind. Granted, I have no plans on telling her details on the new plans for my trip until everything is finalized, so we'll see how she reacts when the time comes...


@paranoia: a little bit can be healthy, while too much can be not. at school, i don't leave any valuables (ipod, dolls, etc) in the classroom if i leave, and make sure that if i do leave anything there (backpack, etc) that someone i trust is there to watch it and that i'm not gone long.

i also don't talk to people when i'm travelling between the school and the bus station (unless it's one of my friends). it's almost like an unwritten rule that you're not supposed to talk to people in the subway. (the only times people have talked to me and i've responded was when they were complimenting my clothes.)

@pentium: at this point, i'd talk to your dad more about it, since he seems to be less......crazy.
and pictures and a letter would be easy enough. bonus points if we can get bella in one of the pictures too.
click to make it bigger


True that. It's a matter of catching dad away from mom, so I can get his honest opinion rather than the "Your mom said no" version. But, yeah; the letter and pictures would be easy enough.

I remember how my mom acted when she learned I rode my bike over to the grocery store not far from my grandma's house (Probably about 5 miles from home or so; not really a long ride), which I was given permission from dad to do so, as I needed a tub of whip cream to finish the pie I was making. She flipped out when I came back, but the fact I came back unharmed is what caused her to let up; allowing me to ride freely. So, maybe the same thing will happen here; after I come back home unharmed, she'll be more willing to let me travel.


Went to the hospital lab to ask for clarification on my blood type slip...


Stew bet I'd be an O of some sort, Pentium (and Kari?) said A+, and nobody else was fun enough to wager a guess. I thought I'd end up being, quote, "AB- or some rare shit", and I have the second rarest blood type for Caucasianish people AND it has a B in it, so I guess that means I win!

EDIT: Also went to the dentist, they didn't find anything immediately wrong (though I'm going back for x-rays just to make sure). The doc seems to think the one wisdom tooth that's actually surfaced will probably continue on a straight course. The only problem they see now is that it may not fully emerge, making cleaning it more difficult ... they'll keep an eye on it for the next few years, and that it would be more likely to need removal because of gum irritation than any sort of crowding or structural issues. 

A few years = more time for me to find money for major surgery like that, or time for me to get killed somehow and end up not even needing to get it out, which = awesome.


1) Serenity is on the Sci-Fi channel, one of my all time favorite movies.

2) I'm constantly paranoid with internet dealings.  That being said, I can pick up on speech/typing pattern quirks of people I talk to.  Whether I act on that or not...


Quote from: stewartsage on January 03, 2012, 03:15:58 PM
1) Serenity is on the Sci-Fi channel, one of my all time favorite movies.

Serenity was the thing that made me want to watch Firefly in the first place. It's a good movie. ^^

Quote from: stewartsage on January 03, 2012, 03:15:58 PM2) I'm constantly paranoid with internet dealings.  That being said, I can pick up on speech/typing pattern quirks of people I talk to.  Whether I act on that or not...

I'm probably not as paranoid as I should be online, though I try to avoid using my name or mentioning my general location at all costs. : / Typing patterns are pretty easy to spot... I could probably identify all the regulars at OSC just by their writing styles. -w-


1) Doesn't SyFy have this problem with editing the hell out of things?
2) Typing style is pretty distinctive from person to person - that's why you don't use the same typing style when using other services. xD

The Choice of a New Generation.


1: I need to get back to Firefly. I borrowed the box set from my sister's father-in-law a year or two ago, and still haven't got it back to him ^_^;;
He doesn't mind, though; since he knows it's safe with me

2: I used to be a lot more paranoid with things on the interenet; for the longest time, I refused to even discuss things from my everyday life. However, I loosened up in the past year; as you can obviously see now :3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 03, 2012, 05:54:24 PM
1: I need to get back to Firefly. I borrowed the box set from my sister's father-in-law a year or two ago, and still haven't got it back to him ^_^;;
He doesn't mind, though; since he knows it's safe with me

Dude, you should get on that. I like it, my dad likes it, my 60- and 70-something elderly neighbor ladies like it, because it's an amazing series.


I like it from the first two episodes, but have never sat down to finish it. Maybe I'll do that soon, since I do have a lot of free time in the morning...