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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So, at my workplace there is a corridor on the third subterranean floor. There are few doors on both sides of the corridor and one big, heavy door at the end of it. The corridor is dim (and I also think I should get new glasses) so I can barely see the door. And it's quiet down there too. Creepy place is creepy.


Sounds about like the old pediatrics area at work, where I usually hide out. Only a few lights are on, it's quiet...kind of creepy at first, but now it's kind of nice


Soo.... I got a new haircut two days ago... they're short again :D
Maybe I'll post a pic later :P


Good news everyone! I'm not dying/seriously ill! In fact, the only things unusual about me are low levels of potassium and high levels of testosterone (perhaps explaining my masculine sensibilities, sense of chivalry and a lack of mothering instinct SO POWERFUL that I find babies and young children to be abhorrent? You decide*). The doc says I could try powerful pharmaceuticals or hormonal BC to lower my androgens and raise my estrogen levels, but recommends leaving my chemistry the hell alone as long as I'm not bothered by the imbalance (which I'm not).

*YES, I know that's not how hormones work. That was (mostly) sarcastic.

Also, it turns out I have the most underground blood type there is - none. For reals. They ordered a blood type test, but it yielded no recognizable results; instead of a letter and +/- sign, I got "BP110.1000". The nurses were baffled, my doctor was simultaneously confused and pissed at the lab technicians, and I have a slip to take back to the hospital to either ask for clarification on the blood type test, or get a new one (oh joy).

Leading theories as to the meaning of the cryptic "BP110.1000" result are:

-It's an extremely esoteric rendering of a "B+" blood type, where B = B, and P = a plus sign. (Suggested by one of the nurses.)
-It's a sign that I should invest in British Petroleum stock (thanks go to my doctor for this theory).
-Related theory: It means I'm a humanoid android that uses oil-based synthetic blood. (This idea blew my doctor's mind).

I'll probably go back to the lab on Monday and demand they explain to me the results/how they messed up something as simple as a blood typing/ask for another test (oh joy), right now I'm filled with RAGE and a sense of SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY!


@Bella: Well, that does explain why you seem more masculine than me xD

As for the blood type, I say the reason they can't identify it is because you have the blood of a Time Lord running through you


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on December 30, 2011, 06:52:06 PM
@Bella: I'll go with the "android with synthetic blood" theory! That is truly bizarre!

Yeah, this was my own personal theory... on the car ride home I asked dad if he would tell me if i was in fact an adopted humanbot, and he didn't say anything. I haven't been so questioning of reality since watching The Matrix for the first time... o____o

Quote from: PentiumMMX on December 30, 2011, 06:57:50 PM
@Bella: Well, that does explain why you seem more masculine than me xD

As for the blood type, I say the reason they can't identify it is because you have the blood of a Time Lord running through you

And my guyish sense of forgetting important anniversaries and the birthdays of loved ones, tendency to overlook the feelings of others and love of smoked meat goods! d:

That's actually a pretty awesome theory, I might have to go with that. |D


Testosterone? Ho boy. I now have zero wish at all to perform a proper blood test, simply because of the fact that I DON'T WISH TO KNOW EXACTLY HOW FAST MY HAIRLINE WILL RECEDE DUE TO THAT FUCKING HORMONE SPAM. >_>


@nej: now i'm curious as to everyone's levels, since now we can discover who's the most 'manly' one here. all in a sarcastic sense, of course, but it'd be one hell of a laugh. xD
@bella: it seems you are THE ULTIMATE BLOOD HIPSTER~~~~
@paul: looking forward to pics. ^^ a new haircut is always nice. i've been resisting the urge to cut mine. :\
@remillia: is it weird that i gravitate towards places like that....? >>;
@pentium: currently moving my music to my sister's external to celebrate. :3

now, if only it didn't take 2 hours to move one file. :\
click to make it bigger


I have to laugh because it almost sounds like Choco is talking about power levels, but instead she's talking about this.
No, don't tell me what the scouter says, Nappa.  Just no.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Quote from: Bella on December 30, 2011, 06:48:46 PM
(perhaps explaining my masculine sensibilities, sense of chivalry and a lack of mothering instinct SO POWERFUL that I find babies and young children to be abhorrent? You decide*).


Anyway, sounds like a cool blood type.

@Choco: It's definitely not good for you. Who knows what kind of horrifying creatures are lurking in the darkness. Well, yesterday it was my third time visiting that floor, only the first time was an accident. So something seems to draw me to that place.

Also, what the hell did I agree to do today... Does anyone have one NNEMP missile to spare? I need to get rid of one video camera and possibly a laptop.


if you're giving them away, i'll take them.

also, i tend to be that creature lurking in the dark, out for blood. i think it'd suit me just fine. :3
click to make it bigger

Dr. Kraus



Hey; I'm not the only one in the Central time zone!

Happy new year to those who are already in the future
FACT: Nejin was already in the year 2012 before it was cool


You wouldn't freaking believe 2012, Aurora. There are like, flying cars and serventbots and all sorts of crazy futuristic crap like that now! So much better than 2011!