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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Wow, I thought a pun like that came with a pair of shades...

The Choice of a New Generation.


I'm sneaky as fuck. -w-


Quote from: PentiumMMX on December 18, 2011, 08:47:47 PM
@Bella, on that show on TLC: *facedesk* *facedesk* *facedesk*

That's really all I can manage to say on that.

I'm mostly angered by their portrayal of so-called geeks as being comic book and cult TV show/movies fans, those are really more like nerds if you ask me.

Quote from: Red-Machine on December 19, 2011, 03:06:18 AM
So guise.  Kim Jong-Il is dead.

Not sure if I should start stocking nuclear shelter or not.


So, this is going to be a very short work week for me. All I have to do is make it to Wednesday, and then it's time for an epic 5-day Christmas weekend ^_^


>>>Sees large ice-covered puddle
>>>Tests the strength of the ice
>>>Slides across on bottom

Hoooooray winter~


>Snow dump for 3 days straight
>Starts out melting on the ground on day 1
>Day 2 it's still there to some degree, still snowing, a bit slushy
>Day 3 it's all firm and good and secure and everything is white
>Day 4 (now) snow has ceased to fall, clearer skies and colder temps are ahead



Quote from: CaptBrenden on December 18, 2011, 11:46:39 PM
Quote from: Bella on December 18, 2011, 07:01:29 PM
Such language :p

don't go into the weather thread. ><;

@TLC: the term "geek" is insulting in itself. making it the name of the show is just adding insult to injury.

@north korea: ding dong, kim jong is dead! which kim jong? NK's kim jong! ding dong the wicked il is dead.....

i kid, but frankly, i see it as a little less evil in the world, though i expect his replacement to be just as crazy. :\

@skyrim: which is why i'm thankful i stick to games from 2005 or before. N64 FOREVVVERRRRR~~~~

@winter: cold, and the streams and puddles are starting to freeze, but no snow. ;^;

and i just realized that christmas is in 6 days. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU----

that said, i don't have to get up at a god-awful time tomorrow, which is like a miracle. ^^
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Stop trollin' me with snow, Nej. ;____;

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 19, 2011, 05:24:37 PM
the term "geek" is insulting in itself.

Lol, no.


Quote from: Bella on December 19, 2011, 05:26:09 PM
Stop trollin' me with snow, Nej. ;____;

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 19, 2011, 05:24:37 PM
the term "geek" is insulting in itself.

Lol, no.

We talked about this in class recently, geek is the new black.   It hip to be a geek now, as where when I was going up I got beaten up for it. Im proud to be a geek and a nerd, and more and more people are also proclaiming the same.  Hell even stars like Vin Diesel (DnD player) are quite publicly and proudly proclaiming their geekdom. Im not against the term geek, I just think watching a show about geek love is like watching a show about my akward friends dating lives. Its.. kinda boring.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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you ARE aware of the dictionary definition of "geek", right? (ik i don't want to be called a "geek", i'm not into that. >>; )

same goes for dork. that one's just awkward. :\

nerd is just fine. i love being a nerd. (i was before it was cool. -w-)
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 19, 2011, 05:36:59 PM
you ARE aware of the dictionary definition of "geek", right? (ik i don't want to be called a "geek", i'm not into that. >>; )

same goes for dork. that one's just awkward. :\

"Geek" is some old term for a freakshow performer and "dork" is a bastardization of dick. I don't find either offensive. Because if I found every word with a disturbing or vulgar origin offensive and refused to use it, I'd have to stop speaking (and writing) altogether. -w-;

Quote from: CaptBrenden on December 19, 2011, 05:35:58 PMIm not against the term geek, I just think watching a show about geek love is like watching a show about my akward friends dating lives. Its.. kinda boring.

Yeah, I concluded the same thing after watching half an episode...


I really dont care what the dictionary definition of geek is. Popular understanding is what I'm concerned about.

also bella, if Im not mistaken Dork is a whales penis specificly.

EDIT:  Also, its only a matter of time before the definition of geek is changed in the dictionary. 
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Doesn't really matter what the conventional definition of any of those terms is at this point.  Now that they've entered the mainstream vernacular, they've all taken on roughly the same meaning.  I don't think anyone cares that even though you're calling "Geek Squad" to work on your computers, you're actually ordering a gaggle of computer nerds.  At the same time, I think more people "geek out" than "nerd it up" when watching their favorite show.

Since you're referring to the actual dictionary definition of geek, I don't really think that definition has been relevant for quite some time.  Since the term has been "owned", geek has to come to mean anyone whose tastes stray from the mainstream.  Which is fine by me, I've always self-identified as more of a geek, but since I am pointing out all this book stuff (in a rather anal way at that).   I guess that makes me a....


The Choice of a New Generation.


@Bella, on winter weather: Damn you and your ice and snow >_<
It's less of a "White Christmas" and more of a "Green Hell" where I live


it's mainly personal preference. a geek, under its original definition, is a sideshow/carnival performer who bit the heads off of live chickens. (you can thank Hey Arnold! for providing me with this info when i was about 12 years old.)

and captian, you're correct in that definition. a dork is a whale penis.

@pentium: it's green here, too~
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