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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So, Bella's gift shipped out this morning, and I bought a gift for my sister ^_^
Now, all that's left is my parents, which I'll likely buy something for them tomorrow

Also, posting from Windows NT 4.0, just because I have it setup in Virtualbox


very nice, dude. i still need to make up some of the presents i'm gettin' y'all. >w>
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@Pentium: Hooray! Though this makes me feel kinda bad that I'm still not finished with working on my arts... >>;;

In other news... thanks a lot dad for invalidating my feelings just because I have an orientation other than heterosexual and have never dated anyone before the person I'm dating now. I know he didn't mean to come across as rude and that his reaction was probably pretty standard given what was being discussed, but it was still really hurtful to me. >:(


That's just bloody typical of parents to do to their descendants, Bella. I'm sorry you had to experience such an attitude. ><


@Bella: I know the feeling. It's almost like my mom is displeased that I have close friends who are female, but I'm not interested in marrying any of them; supplying her with the grandchildren she wants so badly >_>

Well, today went well. I arranged to meet up with my sister tomorrow to help me pick out gifts for my parents, so I can finish the last of the shopping ^_^


@pentium: cool ^^
@parents vs feelings: my mum was a bit shakey on accepting that i'm bisexual. but she eventually grew to accept it, just as i accept her and what she does and believes.
now, my grandmother is a different story. she's convinced that i'm catholic, despite the fact that i've rejected all teachings, never moved up in rank in the catholic church (communions, etc), and haven't been to church for anything other than funeral reasons in nearly 15 years.
nevermind the fact that i worship under a pagan god..... >>;

if you can get some dirt on your dad, whether that be poor parenting or a gambling problem, you can take him off his high horse.

or just talk to him and make sure he shuts up while you're talking. make sure to prepare a coherent arguement.
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Thanks for the supporting words, everyone - it's really not that serious an issue at the moment, but it certainly did push me a bit out of my talking-with-my-dad-comfort-zone, something that's quite rare. :/

So far he's been vaguely okay with/at least not openly disapproving of my orientation and relationship choices, but it's annoying that he assumes I can't know that I'm in love with someone just because I've never been in love, or had a romantic relationship before. After all, he claims my mom was the first person he fell in love with. I should have pointed this out at the time, but I was too taken aback AND I'd already drawn a comparison between his experiences with my mom (falling in love with her while they were still rather young, being friends for a long time before dating) and my experiences with Stewart and it seemed to bother him. :/

Not to mention the rather erasing things he said in regard to asexuality/demisexuality and implied misandry of some of his comments...


the preceding generation will (usually) be less accepting than the current one. roll it off your shoulders.

as for the "being in love" arguement, while i agree that teenagers who claim that a 2 week relationship is "love" are full of crap, "You can't know that you're in love with someone because you've never been in love" is circular logic.
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Finished my digital photography project that's due Monday as my final, now I only have to worry about my five page take home exam and the other, regular exams.



good luck with your finals. wish me luck too.

also, guys, i just realized that the first post of this page was made at EXACTLY 8pm. o__o;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 09, 2011, 09:36:46 PMWHAT ABOUT EMULATED SYSTEMS.

He's emulating a bunch of antique computer systems...


Emulated systems? You mean older hags?


I like my computers like I like my women, from the greater Boston area.


Son, you are almost calling your GF an old hagbadger there. Not cool, bro.


Quote from: stewartsage on December 09, 2011, 09:57:05 PM
I like my computers like I live my women, from the greater Boston area.

Like you live your women? Does this mean Bella = alias of Stew?

As for me, I like my women like I like my Windows 2000. Trustworthy and reliable