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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Nej: If you're thinking it, I'll just say that I'm against the idea of using a keygen. Also, her netbook lacks a DVD drive (Obviously), so a cracked copy would be of no use

I seriously hope that doesn't spark a flamewar; like the "why waste money on abandonware?" one when I mentioned buying a copy of Windows 2000 a while back


@pentium: PAY for software?? *bursts out laughing* (also, considered an external dvd drive? they're uncommon, but they exist)
@bella: i was actually considering sending you guys food, but i don't think apple pie would ship well. :\
but my relatives in canada used to do that, i think. so don't think anything of it. :3

as for christmas gifts, i have all my gifts planned, now it's just a matter of assessing funds and starting the shopping. :3
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Quote from: NejinOniwa on November 30, 2011, 07:03:13 PM>paying for upgrade of operating system

My mind is full of tire.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 30, 2011, 07:12:44 PM
@pentium: PAY for software?? *bursts out laughing*

How would you guys like it if somebody stole something YOU made?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


It looks like Pentium's small text went without effect. :/

Not liking to pay for a software is one thing. Cracking a commercial software is another. Laughing at someone who actually prefers to pay for a commercial product is one more. Quiz: which of the above is the most childish way to behave?

Cut the bloody exchange, for Gaia's sake. Nothing good comes out of it.

I personally find it great that someone's ready to support a commercial product when deeming it worth to use daily. If one wants a free product, there are other options.


Well, I suppose. The thing is mainly that in Sweden the pirate culture is so widespread among computer users (and nerds in particular) that anyone who actually knows enough about OS'es to want to try and upgrade from one to another, will almost undoubtedly download and crack a copy. I know a great, great number of nerds and advanced computer users, and not a single one of them has ever even spoken about buying an OS - and many of them have asked me in person how to best crack things. That's how it is in vikingland, we rape and pillage - be it not women and villages, then be it 1's and 0's.

And besides, M$ isn't exactly the most whiteknightable company around, seeing as their daily practices are even less moral in turns of avoiding payment and roping in money than piracy is...


To move away from that subject...

All the gifts I have so far are wrapped up and ready to go; freeing up the drawer I was hiding gifts in. Brace yourself; the presents are coming


Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 01, 2011, 07:11:38 AMAnd besides, M$ isn't exactly the most whiteknightable company around, seeing as their daily practices are even less moral in turns of avoiding payment and roping in money than piracy is...

Pretty much sums up my feelings. I wish people would use the energy they expend getting worked up about the injustices of piracy to get worked up about the injustices of the software industry ... and of sexism, racism, and every other bigotry there is ... and of war ... and of murder, and rape, and violent theft ... and all the other crimes that affect people on an personal level, not those that affect a company's bottom line (in theory).

Quote from: Red-Machine on December 01, 2011, 03:11:39 AMHow would you guys like it if somebody stole something YOU made?

Honestly, I wouldn't give two fucks if anyone stole something I made (say, downloading and printing some of my artworks and framing them as art), as long as they didn't try to profit (turn around and sell them) from it. From what I understand, a lot of people in the software industry feel the same way - for instance the folks at Adobe, who have pretty much given up on stopping their products being pirated and don't give a damn about it as long as bootlegged for-sale copies don't turn up, AND still make egregious profits from the few people - well, institutions - that do pay for their products.


I pay for stuff I like and pirate stuff I don't like.

Sounds odd, but seems to work out the way I want it to.

This doesn't seem to explain why I have a legitimate paid for copy of Vista.




I have a legit copy of Vista, but I didn't pay for it.  My former employer gave it to me from their Microsoft TechNet subscription and never asked for it back. xP
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


I went to Wal Mart and actually bought it a long time ago (2008 ish), I have no freaking idea why.

And I wouldn't really have a computer that would come with it, the only PC is one I built (that I am putting in a new case ATM and should be done shortly).


So, pulling out empty computer cases to part out, I stumbled onto one PC I forgot to part out; a slimline Compaq desktop that was a little rough around the edges. Since this one goes back to the first wave, maybe I should clean it up and see if it works; it might be a sign that I'm supposed to save this one for some reason (Maybe for me something to access the internet from at my grandma's house, instead of her old eMachines tower or dragging Asagi with me?)


@piracy: i was making a joke. seriously, why do i even try.

as for stealing, the bigger the company, the less i care.

@pentium: keep it! >:3

guys, my nose is cold. :[
click to make it bigger


@Kari: I knew you where joking. Seems nobody else did, though >_>

Also, I do intend on keeping that desktop. It'll likely serve at my grandma's house; so I don't have to drag Asagi along to have something semi-decent to do stuff online with


how big is it? i have a compaq desktop model and it's HEEEEAAAAAVY.
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