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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@kriz: welcome back to the sand trap that is the OSC! ^^ (no one ever truly escapes.)
@bella: hence why i said i'm not the person to judge whether or not someone sounds like thom yorke. :3 but i definitely heard a little cobain in there (i can provide an early song that sounds somewhat similar to paul's).
@paul: don't be so down on yourself. not many of us coul do what you did, and have it turn out sounding like a song. :3

so guys, I'VE CAUGHT THE DEATH. (well, it's probably just a sinus infection.) I'M LOSING MAH VOICE. (it's not gone yet, but even my coughing is strained.)

on the upside, i've gotten 2/3 dollfie heads rooted, and the remaining one is the smallest. plus, since they're being included in a video project, i'll finally have pics of them online. :3
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Dr. Kraus


Welcome back, Krizonar :)

Quote from: NejinOniwa on November 25, 2011, 01:15:03 AM
We have the Ubuntu soda here too, actually... I was certain I'd posted it before, but I guess not. -w-;

That's very possible, Nejin: first, because it didn't feel like it was the first time I'd ever seen a can looking like it, and second, because when inspecting the can more closely it had a Swedish website address to visit. ^^


Quoteheads rotted


*runs off to my bunker place at work to get equipped with heavy metal bar of doom*


So I re-recorded the whole song, added two guitar lines and improved my voice :D
It's currently uploading, will post it here ASAP ^^

@Nejin: no Autotune for me :P If I can't record it properly, I also can't sing it live properly. The key of the song was slightly too low for me anyway, so I upped it a fret. Now it sounds fine :D



Quote from: Paul on November 27, 2011, 12:03:48 PM@Nejin: no Autotune for me :P If I can't record it properly, I also can't sing it live properly. The key of the song was slightly too low for me anyway, so I upped it a fret. Now it sounds fine :D

THANK YOU! Autotune is one of the things ruining the music industry ... I think it has a place, especially in electronic music where in can be used to modify vocals in interesting ways, but people using autotune to correct flaws in their voice, or hide the fact that they can't sing so well, annoys me to no end. I'd rather hear an imperfect, but organic-sounding and unique voice than a perfect one produced with the help of computers.

This new version is sounding great! : D The other one felt a bit thin and weak, but the extra guitar lines fill it in quite nicely. Your vocals sound a lot better too now that you've raised them a key. (And since Who you sound like came up before - the guitars starting at 4:00 remind me of The Bends-era Radiohead for some reason...)


Thanks for the compliments *.*
Guitars at 4:00... you mean the fast tremolo-picking? I absolutely LOVE that effect <3 (and reminding someone of Radiohead is a BIG honor :D)


I hate all of you.  No tickets for anything in five years of driving, then everyone talks about it and suddenly, cops everywhere.  Only a warning, though my current proof of insurance seems to have vanished so I need to go to the police barracks within five days with the citation and proof of insurance.

The adventure continues!


@Stew: Damn. Hope you get everything sorted out

Well, the call didn't happen as planned; much to the annoyance of both parties involved...except my mom, who apparently doesn't care. My mom rescheduled the call because she was in the middle of a movie, and by the time it was over, she was unwilling to do anything other than take a nap...but not before going into a lecture on how she doesn't like my travel plans because [insert paranoid garbage here] and how I'd lose money taking this trip as I don't get paid for my days off (Never mind that, just a few months back, she asked forced me to take off from work to go to a funeral for a relative whom I never knew until she said "[relative] is dead. Funeral is Wednesday; you have no choice but to come with us". Not just losing money, but wasting my time as well)

Hopefully I'll get another chance soon, and it'll actually happen this time. Otherwise, I'll just have my sister hang onto anything of absolute importance (Key members of the fleet), and go behind mom's back on the whole thing.


@pentium's mom: CHILL THE FUCK OUT.
@pentium: that sounds like a wise idea, having your sister hang on to your valuables during your BIG SCARY WORLDLY TRIP TO THE NORTH.

@stew: sucks to be you. hopefully the heat will be off soon. :[

so i missed class today (again ><;;;; ) due to this cold-thing. the only bright side is that i seem to be getting better.

oh, and i finished the dollfies! >:3
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Quote from: Paul on November 27, 2011, 03:21:29 PM
Thanks for the compliments *.*
Guitars at 4:00... you mean the fast tremolo-picking? I absolutely LOVE that effect <3 (and reminding someone of Radiohead is a BIG honor :D)

Yep, that's it. I really like the effect too, it adds a lot of the song i think. ^^

Quote from: PentiumMMX on November 27, 2011, 06:29:19 PMWell, the call didn't happen as planned...

I'm kind of regretful I didn't mention this to you in the first place - I didn't think you were going to have such a tough time, or else I would have - but I think you may have gone about planning this trip incorrectly. :/

You decided to take the route of, "Say, mom, I want to go on a trip to see a friend." This has proven to freak your mom the frak out.

Instead, it may have worked out better to go the  "Say, mom, I really want to take a trip to New England to see Boston/New Hampshire/insert random event name here" route.

Then when your mom asked where you were gonna stay or whatever, you could've said you have a friend/friends in the area who would be willing to let you hang out at their place. It probably still would have freaked her out, but possibly to a lesser degree...

This is pretty much my plan for EVERY TRIP I TAKE IN THE FUTURE. Although my dad may be okay - in concept - with me going to see certain friends or family members without sufficient reason, he probably wouldn't fund a trip unless I actually have good reason to go to a place (ie, wanting to see/photograph specific things that i can't see at home - museums, historic sites, etc.) This is part of the reason I want to get into photography... then I'll have a reason to go pretty much anywhere pretty and be able to write it off as a business trip. :/

Of course, I've been talking about traveling on my own for years, and I'm known to have a great love of exploring/adventure so my dad might be more accepting of me traveling than your mom is of you traveling.


@bella: then you have good reason to come here. the castle and neighboring apple orchard are very scenic, along with a couple lakes in the area. :3
click to make it bigger


@Bella: Yeah; the route I took lead my mom into thinking Kari = girlfriend, which was more problems. However, my sister and I have a solution

So, I dropped by my sister's house after getting off work to visit with her for a while, and to further discuss my plans, which we came up with a solution to. We're both going to save our money, and perhaps try to head to an anime convention in that area; which Kari could try to join us, too. If not, maybe just use "my sister and I wanted to see the computer museum that was in the area" as a reason to go; either one would work.

So, January is off, but I'll continue saving money; aiming for maybe June or so. Besides, while the flight would be a new experience, it'd be kind of dull if it where just me and Asagi the whole flight from Dallas to Boston.