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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So I was watching Spamalot, and the Dark Knight scene comes along...

QuoteDN: Have at you!
Arthur: Oh, it's ON.
DN: *charges*
Arthur: *parries. EXCALIBUR BREAKS.* Woah, woah, wait. Time out! Time out!
DN: *disengages hesitatingly*
Arthur: Damn this low-budget production.
DN: Was that supposed to be Excalibur?
Arthur: *tries to hold the sword pieces together* Okay, let's try this one...more time...
After a few seconds, a new sword comes sliding in from the side of the stage.
Arthur: Aha! A new sword! The Lady of the Lake is offstage! Alright, then - have at you!
Fight resumes
The thing with having a comedy featuring Sweden's top stand-up comedy actors as main characters, is that you get totally awesome stageplay...and adlibs that you don't even know ARE adlibs until you're well past the halfway mark of them. Totally rad awesomeness - show was awesome as fuck.


@Paul: Nice song. ^^ I think it was well composed, your guitar work was good, and you have a lovely voice... keep working on this, I think you have a lot of potential to become a really good musician. : D

@Pitkin-sama: That sounds really scary.  Glad you arrived safely, and don't go having any more brushes with death... Dx

Can't wait to see the pictures of the Ubuntu soda though, lol.


We have the Ubuntu soda here too, actually... I was certain I'd posted it before, but I guess not. -w-;


Well, yesterday was...ok, to say the least.

I was in a crappy mood a good part of the day; from the morning, where I discovered that Mega Man X5 somehow screwed up one of the best parts of X4 (How could they screw up something as awesome as the motorcycle stages?) to mom yelling at me for taking too long to get dressed (It took me maybe 5 minutes tops, but that was too long because she was in a hurry), to after lunch when things started to calm down (I slipped over to my grandma's office to call Red, to test how well a video call works from there. Quite well, actually)

From there, the day wasn't too bad; I talked with Pit for a while on Skype, then dug out my Super NES and played some Mega Man X2 for the rest of the evening (Didn't beat any of the bosses, but I got a lot of the upgrades). At about 8PM, I went to go meet up with my sister at Wal-Mart for their Black Friday sale; since we where interested in the cheap BluRays and DVDs they had on sale.

There really wasn't anything I wanted, but I felt like getting out for a while; besides, I wanted to tell my sister that everything was ready to go for introducing mom to Kari. That's when things went downhill, as she told me that mom has somehow reached two different conclusions over why I haven't done this video call yet, nor have said anything about it in a few days: either I don't want her to meet Kari (To be fair, I don't think I need to introduce every last person I know to her) or I've given up on my plans entirely (Which is a big, bold "NO". I'm not giving up my plans). Also, she seemed unimpressed by the information that my sister "gathered from work" (Really just info Kari provided me with); apparently still under the assumption that she's a minor, even with solid evidence proving otherwise.

I'm to the point I just want to tell her to back off and shut up; I'm 20 years old, I shouldn't have to ask permission to do something with my own money. It honestly feels like it'd be easier to reason with my boss at the moment...


dude, i've told my friends to tell their parents that ALOT. there comes a time when the parents need to CUT THE DAMN CORD.

@pit: upload the os-tan soda!! and glad you arrived safe. :3
@nej: i'd like to see that.....
@paul: it was really nice. -w- (download'd.) it sounded a bit grunge (in a good way, i like grunge), but that might have to do with you soundin slightly like kurt cobain. :3 (you also sound a tad like radiohead, but i've only heard 2 songs by them so i'm not the best judge. ^^; )

so somehow guys, i caught the sick. when i have projects due. dammit. ><;
on the upside, i found out that the license expired for urusei yatsura, so it's fair game to show to the club..... >:3
click to make it bigger


@Pentium: Your mom sounds insane. Even worse than my dad, who I'm pretty sure has given up on giving a hell what I do. :/

For instance, he never asked what was going on with Stewart and I until a few days ago. And his reaction to finding out that we're mutually into each other was something like, "Well you can't do anything about it because he lives so far away" (dad doesn't believe in LDRs) followed by, "You wouldn't move away to be with him someday, would you? Tell him there are plenty of park jobs in New England," followed by me telling him that we both wanted to travel and maybe we could work something out, which he met with a surprisingly permissive reaction along the lines of "That would be great, because I've always thought you should have a companion to travel with." Then he lectured me about relationships for like twenty minutes. >>

@Kari: I don't think it's about cutting the cord. A parent can be really close to their kid and still realize that they're an adult and can make their own decisions in life. : \

I'm not really hearing either Kurt Cobain or Thom Yorke in Paul's voice, but yes, he does have an alt-rock-y kind of sound.... also, judging Radiohead by Creep and Myxomatosis (I think those are the two songs you said you had in your collection) probably isn't a great idea, since those two songs aren't even that representative of their "sound". (I put sound in quotation marks because that band has so much musical variation that it's hard to pin down what exactly their signature sound is like, or if they even have one.) ^^;


@Bells and Kari: Glad you liked the song! Though I'm a little surprised because to me it sounded like crap xD I'll probably do a new version with a better voice and keyboard soon <3


My tip to you is to download some manner of voice correction software and fix the vocal track - I'd reckon it's a lot easier and faster than learning how to properly focus tones, considering how long it took most of my classmates back when I was a kid entering the musical programme in the 4th grade...

Alternately, I could vocal for you if you gave me dat lyrics/stuff. Hell, it's been a long time since I've recorded anything, that'd be fun. ^^


Well, things are looking up with the plans. I told mom about the video chat plans, and she didn't make any comments about Kari being a minor (Maybe what my sister told her has sunk in?), so perhaps everything will work out ^_^


Whoa, where am I



Quote from: Krizonar on November 26, 2011, 03:18:26 PM
Whoa, where am I

You're on OSC. Much like that island from Lost, OSC is home to abnormal magnetic fluctuations, rendering compasses useless here. Some speculate that is why it's so difficult to leave.

Nice seeing you here, Kriz. : D


Good day to you ma'am, I have done much exploring today, many goodwills have been ransacked.
Unfortunately, I come away with but a lone original Windows 95 (with USB support!) disc.


@Kriz: Welcome back, dude *thumbs up*
Also, nice find on the Windows 95 disc


I also learned that a certain branch of my family has a keen interest in computers, they have their very own Mac SE too, just like mine but a bigger hardrive. 80 MB.

They also have an old gaming rig in a huge beige tower
with a Pentium II (overdrive), Geforce 256 and a couple of add on cards in the 5 PCI slots it had. A 1999 beast machine.


Not bad. It's not as high-end as Frankenstein V3 (Built using a Dell XPS from '99 as a base), but it blows the Yeti out of the water (What I was using in '99)