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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 19, 2011, 09:28:26 PM
especially since he's going into a militia. :\

Wait, what?

Also. I think I have to move to Mass, or Vermont, or SOMEWHERE that isn't NH on account of NH having a poor university system (for me). :/
I'm literally down the street from a really good college..... but they haven't got a single degree program I'm interested in. (Out of 100+ degree programs). They offer two minors I'd study as a major in a heartbeat (Women's studies and Northern New England Heritage Studies), but none of the programs I'm interested in... museum studies, fine art/photography, hell, even photojournalism - nope, nothing like that. The only major I'd even consider at this point is Interdisciplinary studies, but if I do that one there's a large chance that my credits will never transfer and I'll be stuck at that university until the bitter end. (Which I don't want.) Mathematics is out of the question too, since I'd have to study at a community college first, and there are none in my region, and even if there were that would tack on like an extra two years of schooling. :/

What makes it worse is that they have all sorts of obscure degree programs (for instance: Fine arts/ceramic design, fine arts/printmaking, Adventure education and Tourism management), but none of that I want.


@pentium: it should be obvious that you should do that! ged = better life!! >w<;
@bella: if you want to do photojournalism, there's the new england school of photography right down the street from my school. :\
and my friend goes to manchester community college, if you needed to go to a community college, that one's real nice.

(there's also a college of about 7 people in my town that exclusively teaches people to be history teachers, and simultaneously (sp?) gives the students their first year of law school.)

tomorrow, my second cousins and their family go back to canada. i only saw them twice, so not much attachment there, but before we left earlier, i tried to give them some advice:

"i got one thing to say before i go. it probably won't make sense now, but hopefully it will eventually: find your passion and do it. i don't care if it's crazy. never take the 'safe' route, cause you'll be miserable all your life. i coulda been a social worker, but i didn't want to."
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You never answered my "Wait, what?" ;_;

The thing is, i don't waaaaaaannnnaaaaa study photojournalism. But would as a final "this is the best thing I'm going to be able to study without having to uproot myself, gain citizenship in another state, find my own place to live and go to school there" hail-mary pass. >:/

There's a community college in Laconia..... I just don't wanna drive 30-40 minutes each way to get to school though. That's what sucks about northern/central NH, NO PUBLIC TRANSIT. AT ALL. Which makes it a bitch to get anywhere.


Well, yeah; the GED would make life a bit better, as finding a better job would likely be easier.

It's just when I first landed the job I have now, back in late November '09, I was promised job growth by my then-current boss (Who was a really cool guy), which made me think "screw the GED; I don't need it to succeed". Now, although I am paid more and work more hours than I did back then, I still don't have near the level of growth I was promised (Mainly because of my current boss, who hates me and especially hates his predecessor), which makes me wish I hadn't drug my feet as long as I have


even if you went to the place i mentioned (near me), you'd still be riding a bus for an easy 3 hours, both ways. that's a good way to get homework done if you can get a good seat, but i can see why you'd want to stay local (technically, i did).
salem is just starting to get public transit, and even then, it's nowhere near boston's level of convenience. so i'm in the same boat as you on that. :\

that said, i read an article in reader's digest that said that if you can't afford to go to college or don't know what you want to do, don't go. not being in debt is better than a fancy-schmancy degree.

as for the "wait, what", it's obvious there was a miscommunication. sorry for the trouble. :3

@pentium: yeah, it's not good that you've dragged your feet so long on this, but at least it's getting done, right? (in one of my sister's online college classes, one of the participants was 65!!)

right now, there's another fly outbreak in my house, so i've dragged up the little vacumn setup to help (it's so heavy ><; ). not having it on hand earlier, and not wanting to move (i was in the middle of dinner), i've been dealing out a special brand of notepad justice.
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@aurora: you'll be fine, but good luck anyway! ^^

and it's hard to say the school system is alike or different w/o knowing what your school system is like. :3 i doubt it's really different, though. xD
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@Pent-kun - Get that GED!  I got mine 10 years ago and it was stupidly simple.  I hear it's only gotten easier since then, too!  The key to getting a good grade = don't be nervous.  The questions are ridiculously easy for all segments of it, and you can probably complete it within one tenth of the time it'll take most of the people around you to do it :)


Thanks for the support, guys ^_^

The only thing I'm concerned about is that I really haven't had enough time to grasp the concepts of algebra again, but I think if all else fails, I can compensate for it with everything else. After all, when the guy over at the testing center was explaining how the grading system worked, he mentioned that you can still pass even if you have a score slightly below a passing grade on one subject (Example: a 6\10 on math), as long as you score above a passing grade on another (Example: 8\10 on science) to balance it out.


the key to algebra = formulas. formulas formulas formulas.

and remember PEMDAS!! >w<;
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Well, I was going to go register for it today, but the office is closed on Saturdays; so that means that when I get off work Monday, I have to quickly head to the office that's two cities over.

Yay. There goes my major plan for today, and adds yet another thing to a Monday that's bound to suck because of the looming schedule change...

On a unrelated note, today is the 1st anniversary of when Asagi joined the fleet


happy birthday, asagi!

also, while it might be a pain in the ass, it'll be worth it. and with any luck, you'll get off work early anyway! ^^
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are you going to be in iowa or something....?
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 20, 2011, 08:24:22 PM
are you going to be in iowa or something....?

No, he's just planning on hunting her down.

I'll be level with you, I would totally be planning on hunting her down too, but I can't go to her state. :/ So Aurora is safe from my stalking/glomping.


Er, no, its because I'm a die hard University of Iowa fan..... the blood enemies of Iowa State.