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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Skål indeed. (haven't been able to say that since i was in swede-land visiting my grandmother. <3 hooray for heritage!)

@stew: you're tired, but is it the good kind of tired after you've done something really fun and fulfilling (like how me, nej, my sister and mum went to 2 museums in one day AND explored salem mass)? :3

the time has come for me to begin compiling a list of my needed school supplies (with approx. price) in order of priority. SHIT'S GETTIN REAL, YO~
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No, its more like as much as I love this job and the people I work with I am absolutely exhausted.

Yes.  That is all.

*cuts off 1MC*


aw. :[ well, then look forward to the end.
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Well, the power was out when I got up this morning. It's back on now, although it was a bit annoying earlier; I wanted tea, but it's in the fridge, and my mom doesn't like me to open the fridge while the power is out.


hmm, that's odd. did you guys figure out why the power was out?

oh, and i can understand why she wouldn't want you to LEAVE the fridge open, but if you know what you want out of the fridge and can get it quick then it's weird she has a problem. :\
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We never figured out why it was out, but talking with my sister (Yay for cell phones!), everything was fine at her house; so likely it was just my neighborhood. Generally it isn't out for long, if only because we're on the same grid as a nearby fire station, which means that the electric company puts a very high priority on this section of town.

As for the thing with the fridge, she thinks that if I open it while the power is out, the milk is going to spoil faster


well, in theory that's true, but given that most power outages last less than a day, and most fridges have freezers attached, i doubt she has too much to worry about there. but yeah, when the power's out, the fridge can't cool itself, so gradually it heats up to room temp. since they're made to seal in the cold air, the more you open it, the more cold air is lost.

however, since it's insulated, that shouldn't matter much.......

(of course, if a power outage lasts longer than a few hours, and the family doesn't have a generator, that's when things can get bad. one winter, when i was little, the power was out for a week. my dad ended up burying the groceries in the snow. xD
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 13, 2011, 12:40:12 PM
my dad ended up burying the groceries in the snow. xD

We do that in the winter sometimes, when we have more groceries than can fit in the fridge. (We have a smaller-than-normal fridge, btw, since our last one quit working.) ><


oo, one of those crosses between a mini fridge and a regular fridge? when i eventually get my own place i want one of those. <33
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Can't say the power has ever been out here for a week here as far as I can remember, but I've had the internet knocked out for a week

Also, burying food in the snow? I never though of doing that LOL


And so, the clan of 19 now numbers 20.


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Congratulations Nejin. It must be a big thing, seeing a sibling get married. ^^

At least I assume so... I come from a family where marriage has been almost entirely devalued (even amongst the very conservative and religious members!) My brother and his gf have been together for nearly 20 years and are very much in love but refuse to make it official; my grandfather and my step-grandmother are married "only in spirit"; and many of my cousins have been in longterm relationships without considering the idea. It's quite an odd thing, I suspect most of them are only doing it because they want to maintain autonomy when it comes to personal finances, etc.


True that. Then again, 1: It's warm and fuzzy when you get in the clan, and 2: Our name is better. Seriously, my brother's best man Saman (man with no country, born in '86, from Soviet Ukraine and Kurdistan and is at least 200% more radioactive than thou) and his gf have tried convincing us to let them adopt our name when they marry. Seriously.

Also my brother's wife is studying economy and is a REAL GENIUS at planning and stuff. So in their case, it's better to have finances together because ECONOMIST LAWL.