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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I'm trying to remain positive about it, but I have a really bad feeling about going to work today. After what my boss said yesterday when I got off (Early again, because I barely have anything to do anymore), I have a feeling he's going to pull something today...


Holy crap. I slept in until ~1:30pm. o_______________________o


Well, everything turned out better than expected ^_^

All my boss wanted to get with me about today was just to help move some old furniture they're replacing, which I've done in the past and have no problem long as I don't have to go into a patient's room when somebody is in there (Whenever I have to go into one when somebody I don't know is in there, I feel like I'm trespassing, so I generally try to avoid it as much as possible).

Also, I still ended up getting off early. Meh; it means I get home before it gets too much hotter outside, and I can jump to the weekend a little faster


@pentium: that's right, stay positive! ^^
@bella: if you're tired, then sleep!

so today ROCKED. i'm serious; it was ridiculously good today. for starters, we helped my grandpa wash+wax his cars today (in the process washing my mother's car too), which he paid me for, so at the end of the day i had a total of $46 (borrowed 6 bucks from mom, but i have change for her), we got a fuckton of groceries (FINALLY!! WE HAVE FOOD!!! ;V; ), i got a new shirt (last one AND in my size!!), i got a new plushie (only one they had in FYE, i'm going back for another one they have 2 of when i get some more money), got a new manga (it was being held for me at borders, and for some reason they sold the second volume, which was on the shelf), and found out that 3 of the books i want at borders are safe and sound. :3

i'm broke, but i'm happy as hell.

(my sister had some bad luck today, though, since she stepped on a mud wasp nest in the yard when we were cleaning my grandparent's cars; she freaked out and ran in the house, but was thankfully only stung once. :[ )

EDIT: btw, for anyone who's interested, check this out. i commented at the bottom, too:
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@Kari: I found a kid's hand-painted Sailor Moon mural on an old cabinet door in the back room of a consignment shop a couple months back. I almost wish I'd bought it now... I could've given it to you for Xmas. ^^;;


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I think it's called Time To Consign... it's a nearby place.


will you check if it's still there for me?? ;^;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 05, 2011, 11:41:28 PM
will you check if it's still there for me?? ;^;

Next time I'm there. ^^

It should be, too, since it was in the backroom/warehouse..... buried under a ton of junk.....


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Did you know...
"Bell" is the base form of "War" in latin. Thus, any Bell- nick we lay upon our dear Bells (that particular one translates to a simple "wars", btw), is thus a conjugate of some sort of mankind's favorite pastime.

The moar you know.


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Also hi guys. I've been in the mountains fells with no uplink. Sorry for the delay. Now, I am back in full force. IS YOUR BODY READY?


Quote from: NejinOniwa on August 06, 2011, 10:58:24 AM
"Bell" is the base form of "War" in latin. Thus, any Bell- nick we lay upon our dear Bells (that particular one translates to a simple "wars", btw), is thus a conjugate of some sort of mankind's favorite pastime.

Having studied Latin (and continuing to, sorta) I actually knew this.... but never thought to point it out.

Did you know that, in the dungheap of programming that is late-late-late-night-insomnia-tier-television, there are some gems? Last night at like 3am I saw the end of an episode of History Detectives, in which they detailed the history of the theremin (and helped a guy figure out if his vintage theremin had been made by the inventor of the instrument). Turns out Léon Theremin was a Soviet spy. He used his American tour, in which he showcased the theremin to a new audience and sold the design to RCA, as a cover for espionage activities.


Also I started watching MTV, I thought they were doing a program about anime music videos (since the song playing at the time was set to some old Speed Racer clips) but it turns out it was just animated music videos in general.... I was about to turn off the TV when I became really mesmirized by the video for Fell in Love with a Girl (Stupid Catchy White Stripes!) and then the music video for Paranoid Android played afterward and I was all "...." because, you know, the video for Paranoid Android is crazyass as hell.

Then I had weird dreams. God insomnia is fun.


i wish i could have seen that ;^;

and as for animated music videos, can you say TRULY OUTRAGEOUS? TRULY TRULY TRULY OUTRAGEOUS??
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