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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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They prefer to pay it out because it's cheaper than paying it all upfront, but they keep getting screwed over when they do that. They never seem to learn from their mistakes...

As for today, it's been dull. I guess that's an improvement over yesterday


Quote from: PentiumMMX on July 10, 2011, 02:47:40 PM
They prefer to pay it out because it's cheaper than paying it all upfront

No it's not.  You pay for an item over time, you pay interest on it.

A £25,000 loan paid back over the course of 20 years could cost you £60,000 in total.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Well, to them it's cheaper to pay $200 a month with interest than $2,000 upfront. As I said, they never learn from their mistakes...


If you listen closely to the state anthem of Maryland
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you will discover it's actually O Tannenbaum.

This trip planning thing is making me edgy-er....... I'm afraid my tickets will get lost in the mail or I'llget lost in South Station or lose my luggage or some shit. I can't imagine how I'll fare the first time I take an airliner some place (probably detained as a suspect).


jeeeeeez. ><;; chiiiil OOOUUUT. ><;;

if your tickets get lost in the mail, sue.
south station is actually quite simple to navigate. i assume you're going from bus to subway to airport, right? if i'm right, you'll be getting out in the bus terminal, which is a long hallway with bus ports on either side, going to a large circle, with stairs/escalator and restaurants (and more bus ports). when you get to the circle, go down the stairs, then walk all the way to the front, and down a set of stairs on your left. once down the stairs, go all the way to the end of the hallway there, till you come to a door at the end. go outside, ignore EVERYONE, and walk up the handicap ramp. walk down the platform where the trains come in, till you come to the end, where you'll enter another building, full of people and restaurants. walk to the other side of the room, where you'll see some stairs going down. go down, then through the doors down there, and you're in the red line. follow the subway map from there. :3

and if you're not going that way, it's still a handy guide to south station. ^^

also, stewardesses are usually quite nice, and if you mention that you're travelling alone for the first time, they'll probably be even nicer to you. :3

@pentium: i agree with red, but they might find it 'easier' since it means they can have the car now, to do stuff. :\
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The strongest nuclear weapon ever constructed and detonated had a yield of 50 megatons of TNT. In its full, non-testing form, it would have had a yield of 100 megatons of TNT; or, 420 petajoules of energy.

The energy of any physical body is equal to its mass times the speed of light squared.

The resulting energy of a human with a mass of 75 kilograms is 1612,5 megatons of TNT, or 6742,5 petajoules of energy.

One human converted to pure energy would be like 16 of the greatest weapons mankind has ever created.

All hells pray no religion ever start trying to convert people that way, for that would truly be the dawning of the world's first and last real doomsday cult.


I'm having a really bad caffeine trip from two cups of REALLY STRONG BLACK COFFEE I had earlier, so, you know. I might be even more, you know, than I am usually. (I really don't process drugs well.)

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 10, 2011, 06:40:56 PMsouth station is actually quite simple to navigate. i assume you're going from bus to subway to airport, right?

Hells to the muthafukken noes, I refuse to board an airplane for anything less than transcontinental/intercontinental travel. I'm taking a train to DC, since, you know, train travel is the boss. And doesn't involve airliners. Or those grabby-handed frequently-third-base-reaching ethnic-profiling-failing TSA mega-a-holes. =__________=;;;;;;

Quote from: NejinOniwa on July 10, 2011, 11:06:17 PM
One human converted to pure energy would be like 16 of the greatest weapons mankind has ever created.

1. Take horrible criminals
2. Convert them to pure energy
3. ????????


I have to go into the dentist day after tomorrow.

I've been having some pain in my left jaw, and I'm so terrified that I'll have an issue with that wisdom tooth (or my other) and every time I think of having to get it/them out I LITERALLY BECOME DIZZY. Like, SICK-TO-MY-STOMACH-THROWN-OFF-BALANCE-FIND-A-MOTHERFUCKING-PLACE-TO-SIT-DOWN-SO-I-CAN-FOCUS-ON-SOMETHING-LESS-TERRIFYING-DIZZY.

I wonder if it ever comes to that, if I can go to a psychiatrist and get like, a written recommendation that I use a sedation dentist. (None of that gas shit either, last time I got put under THAT I remembered half the procedure. Oh hells to the fucking noes, give me ANESTHESIA. Even though that occasionally KILLS/INDUCES VEGATATIVE STATES- *breathes into paper bag*)

(I also don't fancy the haftereffects, since, as you can tell, DRUGS + ME = ....................... Just taking ANTIHISTAMINES will make me high, like, into-the-stratosphere out-of-it, afraid to fall asleep since I'm sure if I do I'll stop breathing and die high. I can't imagine how I'd process pain pills.)



also, the second building i mentioned? the trains leave from there. go inside to see the big digital board with the schedule and get a pretzel. :3

just DO NOT walking on the sidewalk. the beggars aren't allowed to hang out there. :\

also, homestuck is getting a little scary guys....
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When I get off work today, I'm going to figure out how to sew a button back onto something; since the button on my favorite pair of pants for work fell off in the wash. It doesn't seem like it'd be that hard, really; likely easier than getting inside a Mac Mini.

@Bella: Don't Panic!


Sewing a button is easy, Pentium. When done properly you can be certain it never falls off again. ^^

And I second Pentium's Don't Panic!, Bella: travelling might be unpleasant, but it rarely gets you killed. x)


Quote from: Pitkin on July 11, 2011, 07:56:23 AM
And I second Pentium's Don't Panic!, Bella: travelling might be unpleasant, but it rarely gets you killed. x)

Oh I look forward to traveling, I love traveling despite my tendency toward klutziness/getting lost. It's possibly discovering issues with my wisdom teeth I'm going into legitimate conniptions over.

Basically, wisdom tooth surgery is like a 10 on my DO NOT WANT scale, along with like, childbirth and cancer. (Brain surgery is probably an 8; death is like a 9 in terms of sheer terror.) Last time I needed a "major" dental procedure was an extensive filling (would have been a root canal if it'd gotten worse *winces*) and I accidentally convinced everyone around me that i was suicidal. SUICIDAL. Of course I wasn't, but the fact that I came off that way is a testament to the sort of psychological state I go into when faced with the thought of any sort of serious dental work. And this is about the most serious dental work you can face (short of getting dental implants of some shit).

Just thinking about it is making me shaky all over. >_____<



srsly, if you get them out then you'll be knocked out for the procedure. i remember quite vividly getting the gas and chattering candidly with the doctor and nurse till i fell asleep. :3 then, half an hour later, i was woozily digging through the trash. :\

my sister had twice the amount of teeth removed than i did, and she said she doesn't remember a thing. :3
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What's the recovery time like? Did you have to take any pain pills? I would probably only take pain pills if I was feeling like I had to pass out from pain (since I seriously do not like drugs. Really. For instance: If I wasn't a tokophobe and instead was one of those women who planed on having a baby someday, I'd be one of those alternative-birthing wackos who insisted on going w/o meds) >>;

But the last time I was gassed it DIDN'T WORK ON ME. At least I don't think so. I was like five at the time, and have repressed most of the memories pretty thoroughly. It's still one of the most horrible/scarring memories in my life, and part of the reason I have such a vitriolic attitude toward dentists/the medical establishment in general. (What happened to my mom probably providing the rest of my phobia).

Not to mention that everyone in my family has had serious (that's SERIOUS, in capital letters) issues with their teeth/mouth, so I've heard tons of horror stories.......... :/


you shouldn't drag your mum's experiences into this. it's a relatively simple procedure. :\

the pain lasted a few days, and yes, they did give me pain killers. by the end of it, though, i was able to kill the pain with ibuprofen.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 11, 2011, 11:00:47 AM
you shouldn't drag your mum's experiences into this. it's a relatively simple procedure. :\

the pain lasted a few days, and yes, they did give me pain killers. by the end of it, though, i was able to kill the pain with ibuprofen.

I should if it's the fucking root of my fear of people in the medical profession. All of them.

(Sometimes I am very disappoint in OSC's psychology skills. OSC really needs to read some books or take some classes at the community college or something, since I'm not sure that most people here have a basic scientific understanding of the human mind. I can't say with certainty that I do either, but at least I try to learn. >v<)

That's good to know, ibuprofen is basically what I use whenever I'm in pain from anything (headaches, minor aches and pains, cramps, etc). -v-;