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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quick; throw a Pokéball at it!


Quote from: NejinOniwa on June 24, 2011, 11:32:50 AM
OSC thesis #4 once again proved true - you CANNOT escape /osc/.
I'll have to agree to that =3

Quote from: zjhentohlauedy on June 24, 2011, 11:37:33 AM
Lol can't wait to seem some old faces then! DX
don't you start calling me old!! D=

Quote from: Bella on June 24, 2011, 03:43:22 PM
Heh, what's up Acher? Long time no see.
Hiya Bella, been to much into gaming(cleaning up my doujin game that is) that I forgot what else to do on the internet =P
and whats with the moth?


@acher: yay! i just saw some of your old posts yesterday and was wondering when you'd come home. :3
@bella: if it's dead, then you can mount it. if it's alive, you can punch whomever gave it to you and say it was from me.
@zen: where are you finding these? i'd like to make these into full fledged -tans and -kuns. ^^
@red: she might not have liked me either. but i wonder if she'd set differences aside if she ever came back. :\

so i just got home about a half hour ago (it's midnight). tomorrow morning, we're going strawberry picking. and i got a new glass, and scratched my name into the bottom of it. ^^

other than that, it was a GREAT day. got to bum around all day, got some errands out of the way, saved a buttload of cash on a new sheet set for my sister, and we ended up getting 2 dvds and 7.5 yards of fabric free from walmart. *w* (and it's NICE fabric too!!! ^^ )
click to make it bigger


The moth is alive.... actually, it's right next to me at the moment. owo;; Imma set it free, but it's raining pretty heavily outside atm so i'll wait until it lets up.

Re: Kami-Tux: If my memory serves correctly (and it does) she was chill with everybody, Windows users included, though she did often poke fun at Windows. But you AREN'T your OS, so that doesn't really matter does it?


heh, if you are what you eat then does that mean you are what you access?
click to make it bigger


My my, aren't you lovely~


Quote from: Bella on June 24, 2011, 11:03:35 PM
The moth is alive.... actually, it's right next to me at the moment. owo;; Imma set it free, but it's raining pretty heavily outside atm so i'll wait until it lets up.

Re: Kami-Tux: If my memory serves correctly (and it does) she was chill with everybody, Windows users included, though she did often poke fun at Windows. But you AREN'T your OS, so that doesn't really matter does it?
You aren't your OS, this on a site dedicated to making up characters who are.


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hehe actually i thought you guys already knew about those so i was unsure if i was gonna post those stuff XD
My my, aren't you lovely~


Quote from: Krizonar on June 24, 2011, 11:10:10 PM
You aren't your OS, this on a site dedicated to making up characters who are.

Exactly: WE aren't the OSes that we use, but the OS-tans are. d:

*Lovingly pets Snow-sama*


@zen: i ransacked that tumbler account so i think i got everything. it'll slowly worm it's way into the gallery. :3
@bella: you suggesting os-tan slave labour?
......*cuddles nanami-in-teto-outfit*
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 24, 2011, 11:35:37 PM
@bella: you suggesting os-tan slave labour?
......*cuddles nanami-in-teto-outfit*

Uhhh.... how did I suggest that? D:

*chews on Snow-sama's hair*

It's so pretty....... .///.


i am a panda D:

not an os-tan D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


nanami would look cute with teto hair....
click to make it bigger


I just realized why I'm always so sad, I've wondered before if I don't have mild depression but that can't be because I'm not actually hopeless. I think it's because my life lacks adventure........ in the form of travel. Dammit, it sucks to be poor (alternatively: it sucks that it costs so much to travel nowadays).

And I will be absolutely crushed if I can't work out some arrangements with my cousin + his wife to stay at their place/visit DC... why does the one relative who lives in a place i want to visit have to be the one I barely know AND have a nonexistent rapport with AND apparently have no guests rooms at his house AND the misfortune of two live-in college kids?  While i have all sorts of friendly, childless, welcoming-with-open-arms relatives in FABULOUS places like Los Angeles and Phoenix and Detroit and other places I couldn't be paid to visit? :/