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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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my windows me laptop runs on a pentium III 912mhz, which to this day i cant find another processor like this one. it isnt overclocked, it works well, and it read the same on all the stuff i test it on.


That is very unusual; like the 666Mhz Pentium III I stumbled onto one time. I didn't even think Intel would have produced one that ran at that speed


Alright, gotta setup a PC-DC server... 56K is back again!


I should probably get back to that non-working computer now.

But I no waaaaanaaa


It's a bit weird; being off early today. I really didn't do anything of importance between then and the time I normally get off; just browsed around eBay in hopes of maybe finding a decent Mac fall through the cracks and end at a dirt cheap price.

@Kriz: Would you do it for a Scooby Snack, if I had a way to send them through the internet?



scooby doo fruit snacks are pretty good


Then I should invent a machine to allow me to send things through the internet...

Anyway, I watched as that Mac Mini ended; ending at 3 times my original bid (I watched somebody snipe it in the last 5 seconds; taking it up to $150). Thus, I continue on my way...although I stumbled onto a MacBook that seems promising; it is working, although the battery no longer holds a charge and the disc drive is supposedly dead (It could be some dust build-up preventing it from recognizing a disc, though). It has less than 1 day left, so we'll see how it pans out...


Quote from: Krizonar on June 17, 2011, 04:08:13 PM

scooby doo fruit snacks are pretty good

i bought some super mario fruit snakes for my nethew; i ate them all : D


I haven't had fruit snacks in forever...I should change that and go buy a box sometime soon


anyone here ever had grandma mimi's tea?


Never heard of that brand

Anyway, I was outbid on the previously mentioned MacBook; it jumping to nearly double what the Mac Mini ended at. I think once I put the finishing touches on 2k and get the extended battery for Asagi, I'll save my money and order a new Mac Mini; it'll likely be my best bet, instead of buying a broken Mac of some kind and attempting to fix it.

Also, I just had a scare; Torchwood Three was not getting any power. I was hoping it didn't decide to go the way of Choco's external HDD; especially because I haven't had it for long (Of course, should anything happen, I have a fairly recent backup on Frankenstein Classic; so I won't lose as much)


@pentium: if only i was smart, and backed things up like you. ><;;
@bella: give me your sizes and the fabric, and i'll make you anything you want. :3 (but if i don't have the pattern, you'll have to get that too. :\ )
@alex: i've never had a job either. >>;
@kriz: GET ON IT!!
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That's one of the ulterior purposes of the main members of the fleet; redundant backups of my important stuff. That way, should something happen to Asagi, 2k, and/or Torchwood Three, all my really important stuff can be retrieved from the Yeti or either version of Frankenstein. Considering some of the files I've lost over time, it's a miracle that a story I wrote back in December 2003 still survives in it's original format.

Anyway, I head out on an adventure tomorrow morning. The main thing we're doing is meeting up with my grandmother and the rest of my mom's family for her retirement celebration dinner, but we also plan on doing some other stuff while we're in the area.


have fun! long car rides usually yield adventure! >:3
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My my, aren't you lovely~