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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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diet soda = sin

everyone says you can't taste the difference, but i'm the person who can find individual tomato seeds in tomato sauce, so i taste it. ><;;

(also, a way to keep sodas semi-carbonated for a few days: take a sandwich bag, and pull it tight over the top of the can. fix in place with a rubber band. put in fridge.)
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I can taste the difference between Diet and regular Coke and I actually prefer Diet.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


to each their own, but i'm so used to regular that diet tastes like liquid cigarette crap. :\
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Diet/Light/Zero/Whatever shit they choose to call it = shitty tasting liquid that does nothing good at all. It neither hydrates nor nurturizes you.



also, i woke up quite early this morning to deafening booms. after awhile, i realized that the thunderstorms predicted for later today came early. it began to rain....and hail.....and after about a half hour it cleared up. it's beautiful out now. :\

and in scouring the internet for os-tan pics, what have i found?
soooo.......muuuuch.....POOOOOORNNN....... ;^;
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Aurora Borealis

I like diet and regular soda, and I don't have a preference, but there are some people in my family who can't drink diet soda without getting headaches or a bad aftertaste.


you sound like my sister. she seems to love diet dr. pepper. i just can't understand the appeal of diet drinks (of course, that could be because i can't stand artificial sweetners, either).
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Both me and Katarina hate any soft drink.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 01, 2011, 09:10:56 AM
diet soda = sin

QFT. Diet soda is always terrible, as is the "Sugar Free Iced Tea" I occasionally see around here (Which is more correctly advertized as "Tea sweetened with Splenda" than with a name that implies it's unsweetened altogether. I hate Splenda...and most other artificial sweeteners except for Sweet-N-Low; that's the only one I can stand the taste of)

This morning, even though my fan was off, I woke up freezing; I actually had to grab my blanket in June, which is all the weirder because the weather report says it's supposed to hit 100F tomorrow. Probably just a weird, random thing...


you gained my respect

Aurora Borealis

I don't mind diet soda, but I don't like any sugar in my tea. :-/


Quote from: Krizonar on June 01, 2011, 12:53:39 PM
Both me and Katarina hate any soft drink.

Me either :/

I'm more of a non-sugared juice/lemonade/iced tea/iced or hot coffee person. Though there are SOME sodas I like and will drink on occasion (gingerale, birchbeer, cranberry dry, raspberry lime, pomegranate, cream soda).

Anyway, I need your answer, OSC:

Does anyone here have an animal totem/spirit animal? If you were an animal, what would you be? Does anyone you know here strike you as "having" a certain animal?

Mine is the black swan.

Awhile back Nej and Stew suggested Lion cub (cute, ferocious-acting but harmless) and Cat (no explanation given) respectively.


I'm more of a chocolate milk, juice and water person.

I love our dates at resturaunts though, she orders water with a lemon and then I enthuse I would like water WITHOUT lemon.

Being 25% Native American, I do have a spirit animal, while technically you're not really supposed to talk to people about what their animal guides are unless you have permission from your guide in question (which I do), mine is the Hawk.


I like sweet tea, but the problem is finding one that's made just right aside from making it myself; one with a perfect balance of a strong brew and just enough sugar, with a little lemon juice being optional, to make an all-around awesome cup of tea. Unfortunately, most places around here serve a substance that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea; it's brewed too weak and has way too much sugar in it, which has lead to me drinking unsweetened when I have to go to one of those places.

Anyway, I tried to get some pics of me wearing that Windows 2000 shirt I mentioned, but the picture came out too blurry; I'll try again later.

@Bella: I remember being told many, many years ago that my spirit animal is a rat


Quote from: PentiumMMX on June 01, 2011, 05:11:15 PM
@Bella: I remember being told many, many years ago that my spirit animal is a rat
No one can tell you what your real spirit animal is but you :)