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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i think nej is the only one that got it right.....

mum = american
dad = born in sweden, moved to switzerland at 3

@nej: well, he didn't have much say in the matter; his dad was dead and his mum was single with 2 kids and another on the way, so she moved in with family.... :\

also, i thought that this new show "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" would be interesting, but the more i watch it, the more i want to punch the tv.
beautiful outfits, fairly interesting customs, but a COMPLETELY backwards culture. >:[

but maybe that's just because they've only focused on the irish travelers? :\
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Dr. Kraus

@Choco: This is simple, you call it a brain teaser!?

One of your parents is a swede or part Swedish and another is and American born Swiss which grants you Swiss citizenship under Swiss laws, this is one way it can happen another would be this:

Born in Switzerland
One parent is American another is Swedish

Parents never removed your Swiss citizenship because it can keep you out of an American draft and The American Government could only deport you if anything happened criminal wise. Also, THE SWISS GOVERNMENT KICKS ASS EVEN THOUGH YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO JOIN THEIR MILITARY IF YOU LIVE THERE! YOU KEEP YOUR M4A1 AFTER FINISHING TRAINING AND NO WORLD POWER CAN TOUCH YOU BECAUSE YOUR IN THE FUCKING MOUNTAINS. WHY CAN'T I BE SWISS TOO!?!?

Damn I posted too late...


@kraus: you have a few things wrong:
as i said, my dad was born in sweden but was eventually granted swiss citizenship, and it carried over to his spouse and children.
the only way i can be deported is if i formally declare my swiss citizenship and renounce my american citizenship. after that, i believe the us gives you 30 days to leave the country.
only men are forced to join the army in switzerland. at age 18 they are forced to enlist for a period of at least 18 months. after that, they can leave the army at no penalty.
also, only 3 sides of switzerland have mountains ^^;
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One random question I have involving the Swiss military: do they still issue Swiss army knives to their recruits? Those things are badass


btw my birthday was feb 20.

would of been on, but i went a little emo and left for a year.

i am 20 : D


I don't plan on reaching my 20th b-day...'s not like I'm planning on dying before then, I just don't ever want to be a twenty-something. That's the decade when people "grow up", graduate, find steady employment, settle down, get married, have kids, etc, I want to avoid those... :|

19 is as old as I'm gonna get, until I turn 30. owo;


oddly enough, i am planning to be dead by 30.

no job
no girlfriend
no license
no car
parents with high expectations

my life sucks. if i don't get married by age 25, i am going to adopt a child and move to the countryside of japan or die, whatever comes first.


jeez, didn't realize we'd go from the topic of children to the topic of suicide. interesting.

anyway, happy birthday alex. :3 and if your parents are pressuring you too much, tell them to fuck off lest they land you in therapy. :3

(and pentium, yes they do, as well as a rifle, that they get to keep when they leave the service if they choose.)
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 29, 2011, 07:55:34 PMA BRAIN TEASER FOR YOU:
i'm half swedish, half american, but a swiss citizen......
anyone who can explain that gets free art once my scanner arrives. -w-

Dual-nationality due to your father having Swiss citizenship.

EDIT: Wow, I totally didn't notice all the posts between there and here...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@Choco: Cool

Anyway, my parents are off work today for the holiday...but I'm not; that idiot I work for never did mention if I was supposed to be off today, so I better show up anyway, even if I woke up earlier than normal and would like to go back to sleep...

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 29, 2011, 11:49:33 PM
(and pentium, yes they do, as well as a rifle, that they get to keep when they leave the service if they choose.)

Let me elaborate on this a little

The choice in Rifles are:

Swiss made Sig Sauer 552

Swiss made Astra StG-15 (Just another AR variant, its just a Swiss made M4A1)

Swiss made SIG 540 also known as the SG540

You will also get the option of taking a pistol as well if you have trained with them as much as a rifle

Sig Sauer P226, P228, P232, and the 1911 .45 are all options to take

So remember, if the world go's to war with each other again, run to the Swiss and you'll be safe!


Well, because it was a painfully slow day at work (Half the departments I take care of where closed, the ones that where open had nothing for me to do), they let me off early. Now, I get to do the one thing I didn't think I'd get to do this year; enjoy having Memorial Day off, even if I did have to work for a little bit.

@Kraus: I'll have to keep that in mind. Also, it puts me on the right side of the globe to get new Doctor Who with no delays or commercials


@kraus: well, duh. that was the plan. and i intend to drag all of you with me in the process.
@pentium: yay? eat some barbecue and enjoy the sun. :3 (you know it's hot outside when i can go out with a bowl of cookie mix and melt the butter in it)
@chris: you're the only one who got it right, but you're late. :\

eh, you'll get artz anyway. lulz.
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Coming to school just to see her makes an incredibly boring day while she's in class. lol


but that's sweet nonetheless. xD
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