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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i don't have access to ye olde computers. so i'll rant about my day:

today sucked balls. wondering why? well, this morning i was asked on the spot to babysit my sister's friend's kids, which i was cool with, especially since she was paying me 15 bucks. so me and sis go about our day (getting out of the house a bit late because our dad needed help putting in the air conditioner), till 2, when we drive to derry (about 15-20 minutes from here) and attempt to locate a mcdonald's. we end up at one, only to find it's the wrong one, so we go to the nearby burger king, except that's not the right one either. we end up getting directions from joanna (my sister's friend) to an obscure mcdonald's way out of the area we know. so, still being cool with this, we get there and meet up with joanna's brother, releiving him from duty. knowing that i know nothing about changing diapers and such, my sister takes the baby (6 mos, named vinnie) with her, as she had to go back to salem to an appointment for a car inspection. everything's going fine, and me and the girls (becca, 4, and amanda, 3) are playing and everything is going fine. by the time my sister gets back, i've been there for about an hour or so, so me and my sister begin to wait for joanna, since she said she'd come back about 3:30-4ish. we wait........and wait........and wait.....and vinnie begins to cry. and cry, and cry. so we call joanna, who says "she'll be there in 20 minutes", and my sister's boyfriend (who's good with kids) who can't seem to help in consoling the baby (he wasn't wet, hungry, or bored). we wait......
and wait.....
and wait.....
and call joanna again. who says she'll be there in 15 minutes (when 10 minutes ago she said she'd be there in 20).
some people have arrived with their children by this point, and while the girls are entertained by the other kids, the other parents try to help in calming down vinnie. they help a little bit.....but vinnie keeps screaming. by this time it's been about an hour since my sister arrived, when my sister happens to find out that VINNIE IS TEETHING (he decided to nom her finger). this FINALLY calms vinnie enough to get him to stop crying, but it still takes about another half hour for joanna to get there.

total hours: 3 and a half (when i was told i was only going to be there for 1)
total sw337 1007s: 20 bucks (an extra 5 hardly seems worth it).

i will NEVER babysit again.

(ps. the only silver lining is that i'm able to buy the scanner i wanted tonight, with 5 bucks left over. :\ )

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Dr. Kraus

@choco: What happened to you is the sole reason I will never babysit unless the kid is at least 10 years old and can handle entertaining it's self until their parants come home, or I can tutor them (I have done this with my cousins before and its not that bad) in whatever is needed to be learned.

In other news, I think the cracking of Windows 7 activation has finally been achieved as I have to re-install Windows 7 to get the "You have 30 days to activate Windows!" thing to go away...

Yes, I pirate Windows but for the sole reason that I will not pay $200+ for an Operating System that I can only install once (Damn you Microsoft for doing that, I will never forgive you!) when its avaliable to me online. I might revert back to Windows XP professional because I have a legit key that can be used as many times as wanted (You can't beat that!) but I really really don't want to...


Aaaand that's why I have babyphobia. Their functions are completely devoid of any sort of reasonable logic.


Well, I still don't have my tickets for the iPad raffle (One of the ladies running it keeps forgetting to bring them)...although I've found a cheap MacBook on craigslist that's about the same price as that iBook I almost bought, and all it apparently needs is a new battery. I'm just waiting on the seller to send me some pics of it, so I can see if it's going to be worth the long drive...

@Choco: That's why I don't care much for babies; trying to get one to stop crying is like trying to solve a combination lock without any sot of hint at what the password is


i appear to be the only one here who has the desire to EVER have kids. what got to me was that the kids were dolls (and the baby couldn't help it; if we had known he was teething we could have fixed it alot sooner), but the mother was wicked late. >:\

@nej: you're not SUPPOSED to know. it's a learning process, like trying out a new OS (only it's alive and you can't give up).
@kraus: my brother successfully pirated win7 for my birthday last year. if i can get another copy i'll send it to you (i haven't had a single problem).
@pentium: go for it. when do you see a mac for 20 bucks? :\
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I want kids someday, but I still hate them.

Two girls would be my preference.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


i see myself in later life with an adorable son. and if i get a daughter, bonus points! ^^

(but the husband/boyfriend/sperm donor doesn't get a say in naming. i already picked them. >w< )
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That's no fair.  A say in the naming of the child is a parental right of both parties.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


eh, i said i saw myself with a kid. i didn't say i saw myself with a husband. :\
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I wouldn't mind having kids, as long as they're raised right; not being little hellions like the niece and nephew of one of my friends.

@Choco: That MacBook is $100, by the way; which, if it isn't beaten to hell, would be a pretty good deal. Still waiting to get those pics from the person selling it; which, because the listing was literally posted less than a few minutes after I found it, the chances of it already being gone are slim.


ah, ok, misread the price.

i intend to raise my future children to be goth nerds, like ther mom. -w- i'd like to teach them japanese early, and get them into cosplay early (one of the names i picked out for a girl is even after an anime character). ^^
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Dr. Kraus


oh, yeah, i forgot in the rant, when i came home and tried to get myself a bowl of cereal, i accidentally knocked it aall on the floor. ><;
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If I ever had kids, I'd honestly want a daughter; she'd likely end up becoming a nerdy girl, and I'd see to it that if she took part in an Easter egg hunt, she'd have the tactical advantage over all the other kids (If my calculations are correct, dress + running shoes = warp speed!)


btw i am high. just throwing that out their.
