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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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my flele doesn't work....which means i'm probably gonna have to make something else for my class. i feel like crying....

@bella: we're all a bunch of horny bastards, that much is true. which is too bad, since alot of us would make great partners for each other if we were given the chance. :\ (if we lived closer together)
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 06, 2011, 02:58:23 PM
my flele doesn't work....which means i'm probably gonna have to make something else for my class. i feel like crying....

@bella: we're all a bunch of horny bastards, that much is true. which is too bad, since alot of us would make great partners for each other if we were given the chance. :\ (if we lived closer together)

Why doesn't it work Kari? D:

True dat. Stupid distance.... ._____.;;


 it's glitchy (see pic) and the buttons are either misplaced or missing. >__< not to mention all of the accessories don't work. >__<
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Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


I'm in ur screenshots, seeing ur IMs. >:3



@red: everyone here knows it already. and no one outside of this site is gonna see it. :3
@bells: didja read the part about the jello? >:3
i'm getting help from the person who made the tutorial, so once ME is glitch-free i'll post links to download her and flele, as well as vids explaining how to install both flele and shells. :3

excerpt from my history reading:
"Europe between the 600s and the year 1000 was desolate and insecure. Invasions, fighting warlords and no central governments made trade, farming and mining almost impossible. Common people were without iron tools (even a sickle was a sign of wealth), unsafe, underfed and in poor health. Domesticated animals were eaten faster than they could be raised, and without their fertilizer, the farms became unyielding and famines resulted. Grains become scarce. People began to eat common grasses and poorer quality flour — even dirt (a white clay) was commonly mixed with a little bran to make bread. Starved for protein, people even ate human flesh. Children were lured, fresh graves were robbed, and cooked pieces were sold at market squares. The climate even became more severe in Western Europe, with shorter growing seasons and harsher, longer winters. The old Roman roads and water systems decayed and grew over. Transportation and travel were dangerous and difficult. Disease and pestilences decimated human and animal populations. Cities and villages teemed with the lame, the blind, hunchbacks, madmen and epileptics. Death was a common aspect of life.

who knew the history of illustration could be so depressing. o__o;
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Damn those Romans, for abandoning us to a new dark age!
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


it's so violent ;__; i wasn't exactly expecting that from a class titled "illustration survey".
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I see what you did tharr

I like it! She's cute

@choco - Any idea if these, uh... flele things exist for KDE?

I'm learning to draw!
I wants make Tachibana Kanade playing a piano. Possibly wearing T-51b power armor from Fallout... Hmm..


flele will run ind windows and wine, though use with wine begets patchy results. i can't tell you if it will run in an emulator (if someone would be kind enough to test that, it'd be greatly appriciated. ^^)

@svx: if you make shells for flele, remember to share. :3
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There is Wine for mac as well, in case you want that.


@choco - Srs about Tachibana Kanade playing piano!

She's cute :p


so guize, recently (well not just recently but for awhile now) i've had a POWERFUL URGE to play changeling. for those that don't know, it's a tabletop rpg. for those that do know, well, idk what to put here.

ANYWAY. so since i can't gather anyone irl, i was wondering if anyone thinks i should start a tabletop RPG thread in the gaming forum. basically we'd be meeting up on an instant messenger or something we all have in common and can all be on at the same time (*coughskypecough*) and gaming over the interwebs. this might be a biweekly or monthly occurence.

anyone this is plausible, or am i dreaming? :\
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Open RPG/Skype combo, like the LordKat D&D games?  I'd hit that.  Metaphorically. 

Unfortunately I can't haz Changeling rule book.... the hour I spent reading it at the store doesn't count.


i have the second edition book in hard copy and pdf form, as well as pretty much every book ever made for it and then some in digital format. :\

for most of it you wouldn't need the rule book, being that you're the players.

btw, i don't do "new" changeling (changeling the lost). i do "old" changeling (changeling the dreaming). "new" changeling isn't changeling. they destroyed everything that was good about it. >__<

i'd be appreciative if you hit that :3 anyone else wanna hit that? :3
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