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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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do tell, man. ^^

oh, and since i figure why the hell not, i'll post it here.

i can't seem to access any of the porn in the gallery. this is kind of important, since i'm downloading all sorts of new pics and i need to see what we have. i realize that this should probably go in the porn section, but that section BARELY gets checked and i would like this resolved asap. :\ at first i thought that maybe the pics didn't transfer over, but that's not the case, so i checked that it wasn't an age issue, and the site recognizes i'm 18. so what is keeping me from viewing this? (i just don't wanna post repeats ;__; )
click to make it bigger


Broken avatar, fixed!

Also, Mock Trial concluded today; apparently I 'look like a friggin' clerk' as one of the attorney's that came to advise the class.



Unfortunately, the effects aren't especially spectacular in stills - it's something that can only be captured in full-effect on video... ;__;


is this problem not going to be fixed? >__<
click to make it bigger


Problem?  What problem?  Ergh, still gotta go to class tomorrow for a rundown of the trial.

Congrats on the Solaris deal Borya.


the problem i posted about las---oh forget it.

i'll wait for pitkin or aurora. *pouts*
click to make it bigger


When it's 4am in Finland, I'm hardly online to fix anything. xD Dunno what I can do, but I'll take a look at the gallery.

edit: I would hope it's okay now, but it's possible that something else needs to be done still: I fixed some permissions for user ranks regarding uploads, but the Adult albums' settings themselves might need some magic. Chocofreak, when you next appear online (I keep my fingers crossed I'm awake), I'd be glad if you could check if it's now possible for you to access the Adult galleries. I tried my Ikuyo Suzuki account to see if a newly registered member can see them, and it seemed to work.


Professor brought donuts to class today before we played a prank on a guy who was late to class.  Good way to end the term.


We've been invited to photograph a beach festival in Rhode Island in the spring; I'm already forming baroque plans as to what I'm going to do if we end up going. So far I want to...

-Chase seagulls on the beach
-Go to Newport, see large fancy mansions and Mystery Towers
-Go to Block Island, see if it's actually a miniaturized Nantucket/Martha's Vineyard
-Go to Long Island, see if it's actually a culturally lifeless Cape Cod-alike.
-Troll New Yorkers.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, right. Tomorrow's my Birthday.


We know that Borya.  We know.





It was in the daily intelligence returns.  Wait.  That makes no sense.  I have to stop listening to Beck and fussing with tea for hours on end, it really screws with your mind.


TODAY WILL BE EPIC GIFT-MAKING DAY then, since I'm free all day long -w-


Mm, quite.  I'm in much the same situation since it's Friday tomorrow.

Dr. Kraus

I need of IS subs, hopefully they will be out tomorrow but my rage is slowly going up without subs being supplied.

Oh well, when I wake up they should be released and I've got an RSS feed for it on my desktop so I'll know right away :D

I WANT A GIFT FROM NEGIN! Negin, what is the best beer in Sweden (or Scandinavia in general) so I know what to drink when I get there! When I go to Europe I must drink each country's famous/favorite/best beer! I'll be doing the loop and going into Scandinavia (because I've got friends and family within the loop) so I'll probably be drinking from this list (Also decided to go a little deeper into Italy into Venice)

England- Samuel Smith or Bass
France- Pelforth
Italy- Peroni
Austria- Brauhaus Nussdorf
Czech Rep.- Pilsner Urquell
Germany(this is where it gets fun!)- Hacker-Pschorr and HofbrÀuhaus
Denmark- Carlsberg/Tuborg
Sweden- ???
Norway- ???
Netherlands- Amstel 1870
Belgium- Achel

My grandparents from England are probably going to come with me on the trip because I don't get to see them much (because they are on the olther side of the earth most of the time and only come to the states every few years) so its going to be a crazy experience.