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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Don't go Kari, we'd miss you. ;___;

I briefly considered doing a dramatic -temporary- exit from OSC today (since the new forum has my PANTIES IN A TWIST ><;;;;) but I decided not too since I'd only look like a fool when I came back. >>;;;


yeah, i'd hate to be missing a chunk of time by leaving. :\ it'd be weird.

the only reason i was considering leaving is that there's so much drama here recently. >__<
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I don't get it Kari, as per Bells and I's little text things.


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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 04, 2011, 08:30:20 PM
the only reason i was considering leaving is that there's so much drama here recently. >__<
Where? ouo


check the os-tan talk thread. >__<
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Drama? It's just a light debate imo.

Besides, I kinda like that theory, it's interesting.

Not sure how to respond to it, but it's interesting.

I hate how the shortcuts don't work. alt+s pfft, stop taunting me.


Um.. late happy new year guys >_<

sorry i haven't been here for a long while >_<

i'll um. try again maybe?

P.S. maybe taking a break is good once in a while choco D:

i mean i do that pretty often...

tho you might feel left out a bit or out of place when you come back >_<

sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't

I'm with ya whatever you do D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 04, 2011, 07:15:34 PM
it's getting a little annoying that every time i go to a new section, every thread is marked as "new post". ^^;;

*sigh* this place is getting me stressed out recently. i'm seriously considering taking a good long hiatus from here. *flops back and stares at ceiling*

That was annoying, yes. I think it's because the forum transfer didn't move the information "posts read per user", it considers all posts new at start. There's an easy solution for this, though: on the front page of the forum, right below the two subforums of Site Management, there's a button "Mark all messages as read". That'll let you off the hook of opening all threads again. ^.^

And leaving is not allowed: I left, and look what happened to me. ~.~ Sigh, I cannot really criticise that myself, being away for longer periods back in time, but I'm just re-learning to get to know with people here, so... so... ;_;

Quote from: Bella on January 04, 2011, 07:37:57 PM
I briefly considered doing a dramatic -temporary- exit from OSC today (since the new forum has my PANTIES IN A TWIST ><;;;;) but I decided not too since I'd only look like a fool when I came back. >>;;;

No leaving, no leaving! ;o;


Leaving is only permitted for uplink-void vacations! >_>

And taking a hiatus is like cutting your hair short. ALWAYS regret.


Quote from: Bella on January 04, 2011, 07:37:57 PM
...the new forum has my PANTIES IN A TWIST ><;;;;)

Thanks ;)

It's always nice to see free work is appreciated :D


I'm sure she didn't mean it in the way that the new forum is bad, it's just some of these people have been here for years with the forum a different way, so now they're having trouble finding stuff, etc.


I sort of miss the sidebars, but the Stalker feed makes up for that. As long as we get good theming on and out customs back, I'm all set! >:}


i miss the aesthetics of the old forum, plus the links to the gallery and whatnot. :\
and nah, i'm gonna skip the hiatus, since everyone seems to be against it. xD

ps. when would it be cool for me to begin the MASS-PICS-TRANSFER to the gallery? :\
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Quote from: Krizonar on January 05, 2011, 06:39:41 AM
I'm sure she didn't mean it in the way that the new forum is bad, it's just some of these people have been here for years with the forum a different way, so now they're having trouble finding stuff, etc.

Yep, this. D:

Though the stalking features are fun (harhar I can see EVERRRRRY POST YOU GUIZE EVAR MADE :3), and the new forum profile things are fun too. Search is a bit wonky -- hopefully it'll get straightened out...

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 05, 2011, 10:15:49 AM
i miss the aesthetics of the old forum, plus the links to the gallery and whatnot. :\
and nah, i'm gonna skip the hiatus, since everyone seems to be against it. xD

Yeah, I liked the look of the old one too. ; ;

YAY! *hugs* Try not to sweat the small stuff? And if we ever act like jerks again, YELL AT US. And out-jerk us back, sometimes we deserve it. ><;