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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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It was disgusting, like carbonated wine... I don't like the taste of wine either, it makes me think sour grape juice. >< (You can tell how mature I am by that last statement, I'm sure).

In my last driving lesson I had to do...... an emergency dismount from the car. Driving-sensei told me I could make it up that snow-covered driveway, but I couldn't, and about halfway up the wheels began spinning and I started to slip backward. Cue emergency breaks, shifting into park, unbuckling and running away from the vehicle.... in fairness, driving-sensei couldn't get the car up the driveway either. <<;

I was able to back out, though.


You sound pretty much like me when it comes to driving, with the exception I have never driven during winter in the first place, not even when taking lessons. Enough headache for me even during the light hours of summer. >.<

I sure don't miss driving. ._.


Just found the perfect description of Windows:

"Microsoft Windows: A 32bit extension and GUI shell to a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition."
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


i thought you were a windows supporter. :\

and bells, don't feel too bad. a year ago me and my sister crashed/totaled the car by gently sliding into a tree. :[

plus, last time i drove i took a corner at 40 mph. o___o;
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Bwahaha, that was epic Red. :D One nitpick: the 8-bit OS part might work for Windows 9x, but Windows NT is based from a 32-bit (now 64-bit) OS, OpenVMS. d:

Oh I don't feel bad; I was shaken-up for about ten minutes afterward, but I feel I did good under the circumstances. Actually, I'm pretty nervous every time I drive; but so far, driving has felt amazingly second-nature to me. (Like I'm working on instincts, not acquired knowledge.... if that makes any sense....)


don't worry, that's the same way i learned how to french kiss. :3
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Just survived two days on the TV Tropes forums.  Created M42A1 Duster-tan.  God damnit.

I certainly will Kari.  Wonder if Doc knows yet?

As per driving: I take posted 25 mph curves at at least 30-35, destroyed old man winter's attempts to prevent me from getting to my (at the time) girlfriend's house, and routinely drive in ice/snow...... I am also very sorry for mentioning any of that since it makes me sound like an insufferable ass.  I hate driving.


Quote from: "Bella"Bwahaha, that was epic Red. :D One nitpick: the 8-bit OS part might work for Windows 9x, but Windows NT is based from a 32-bit (now 64-bit) OS, OpenVMS. d:

The 8-bit part was referring to CP/M 86, which is basically what Microsoft bought and turned into MS-DOS.

A breakdown:

"Microsoft Windows: A 32bit extension and GUI shell"=Windows 9x

"to a 16 bit patch"=MS-DOS

"to an 8 bit operating system"=CP/M 86

"originally coded for a four bit microprocessor"=Intel 4004/4040

"and sold by a two-bit company"=Microsoft

"that can't stand one bit of competition."=Apple.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


once you break it down, it sounds much more epic. xD
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Dr. Kraus

That is truly epic :D

Guess who might be working at his local apple store~ *Points to self*


yay for you ^^

so guize, i just found out that a furby has 4 times the processing power of the apollo moon lander.

oh lawls.... xD
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Dr. Kraus

Well, I submit my resume to Apple tomorrow after I'm done with school and then I wait and see. I'm just hoping they accept me so I can get experience from the work and hopefully get an employee discount which will help If I'm able to buy a new iMac because the newest Macintosh computer I own is from 2003 -.-;

A little worried because from what I've read they might not accept me for my age even though I have the skill needed for the job and that would really blow. Even if that happens I will still have the family computer business for work and that pays WAY better then a crap salary from Apple :D


if your family business pays better, why are you going for apple? purely the experience? :\
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Speaking of the Apollo Program's computers: