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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Fun Fact: The Air Force experimented with dropping B-17's from B-52's in the late 1950s.

No, it's a 1981 Avalon Hill board game.


Quote from: "Bella"Unlike other trips, it's also left me with two retrocomputers and a sh!tload of vintage software. =W=

Wut?  MORE?  What is it this time?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Just some Apple ][ office and graphics software, the Mac 128k software kit, a like-new Mac System 6 software kit, and the Osborne's collection of CPM and Wordstar floppies. And a ton of old Mac peripherals: two keyboards, mice and power cords, some Apple-to-PC hardware adapters, a GeoPort modem and microphone.

Aurora Borealis

AAAAAUGH! I envy you so much right now! Awesome finds!

EDIT: I just got done with my finals! :D


I graduated and all that. Doesn't feel that different. ^.^;

Oh yes, and still unemployed. ._. It's hard to find a job when out of job. >.< Luckily Fedora-Tan's arriving on Monday with his parents~ <3


So they're coming up north to enjoy a proper white and snowy x-mas, eh? -w-


White and snowy, but also infernally cold. I'm a bit worried for them, as I think they've never even met with -10 degrees before, and just today we had -17 and strong wind. ._.



so my classes end tuesday, with 2 finals. one of the classes hasn't happened in a week, so i'm a little worried i missed something here.

on the upside, my christmas shopping is done, the majority of one of my finals is done (just need to tweak it slightly) and once that's over with i'll probably post a pic here, due to the fact that it is MADE OF AWESOME AND CAUSED ME TO STAY UP FOR 36 HOURS STRAIGHT~~~

@nej: i'd like to go back to sweden. it was gorgeous as i remember, and no matter where i was every breath was like clean mountain air. :3

plus you have ice cream that comes with prizes. *w*
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Not sure if we have that part of the ice anymore; HOWEVER, just about every food store seems to have a total sale on ice cream during the winter months, so splurging is cheap as hell. -w-

In other words, my clone called me up at 1:30AM tonight and wondered if I could bring some booze and company with me to one of his friends' place. 'Twas a good night, and I even managed to get myself rid of 50% of my liquor stash; not that I drank any more than about a glass or so, but it got the topics flowing. ABUNDANTLY.


had a little "FUN", hmm?

and the ice cream i remember was a small cup of vanilla, with chocolate inside in the shape of a sea creature. whatever animal it was, there was a prize in the bottom of it (basically you'd get a starfish toy if there was a starfish shape in the ice cream, dolphin for dolphin, walrus for walrus, etc.).

it was good :9~~
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And likely it only existed a long long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...


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It's possible that I might've sort of half-accidentally given the It's Dying!!! thread kind of a cremation service.


aw :[

now i'ma have to necro something else >___<;
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So, folks.

I just went to the cinema (since I had a free ticket, no paying .w.) and saw Tron Legacy. As a fan of the original, I was kinda hopeful...

Needless to say, it SMASHED THROUGH THE ROOF AND PIERCED THE HEAVENS WITH ITS DRILL with its sheer awesome. And the ending, as well as the amounts of loose threads left hanging, certainly pins hopes up for a sequel...

What doesn't, though, is the fact that there were a total of 9 people in the entire hall. Me, my clone, clone's brother, our west-coaster cousin who lives with them, and her boyfriend (an old friend of the clan, btw) - plus two duos in the back rows. We had seats on row 3, but sat on row 6 due to better view (I chose the seats but since I have no idea at all about how to sit in a cinema, things were as they were) and such.

For those unfamiliar with Tron, it's actually quite relevant to us. It's about The Grid (internet) and its world of humanoid programs, and two humans warped in by digitizing lasers, sorta thing. Watch it 4 lulz and awesome.

OH ALSO: Tron Evolution, a tie-in prequel game to the movie, has a protagonist called Anon. For Anonymous. I lol'd heartily at this. -w-