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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "stewartsage"We've (I) all had that moment, Kriz, when the Great Old Ones descend from R'lyeh to comment on your work; it's the best feeling in the
world :D

Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Oh come on that's a definitely reassuring clip if you don't know what it's from.

Annnnd my SAN just took another hit; thanks Red.


for a second i thought red was possessed by the evil spam spirit. :\

lolol, we're something of gods to you krizo? xD lighten up dude, give it a few weeks and it'll be like you'll have always been here. ^^

SO DUDES, there's poison growing in my backyard. >:3

and as for c-chan, well, it's about 2-3 years after he left, and we're still here, so i guess we proved him wrong. :3
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Aye, you'll get used to the riggers of naval life soon enough.

Nightshade?  Foxglove?


You hush Choco, we are gods! Muhahahah~

Finally got around to seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1! I really liked it but I was a bit lost, since I haven't read the book for a couple of years. (I first read it on my first vacation to Cape Cod... had to make a special trip to walmart just to buy it lol).


lol. i haven't seen/read past book four, unless you count the one chapter i got through of book five. :\

indeed bella, indeed. *manical laugh with lightning in the background*

stew, i wish we had foxglove in the yard, since it's so pretty. but no, i'm talking LETHAL stuff.

lords and ladies.
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I want poison too...but more than that I'd like something discreet and sharp to put it on. -w-


you could take the overkill route:

from the poison picture book i have:

a young student in need of cash for med school plans to kill his rich aunt for her inheritance. he concocts a powder made from ricin, then spends the last of his money to have a ring made with a crowned lion on top, making sure one of the claws is just long enough to scratch her, so the powder makes its way the night she was dying in agony.

i have the ingredient to make ricin lying around...... :3 (don't tell anyone!)
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Aw. What a cute little masterplan. -w-


So it's snowing in the City by the Tygart, though on my way here Sunday there was snow in Harman but here it's all just swirling around but not sticking since it was SIXTY FRIGGIN DEGREES LAST NIGHT.

Other then that this has been the most irrelevant Mythology class ever since we discussed Harry Potter and my professor's desire to write fan fiction.


Other then that this has been the most irrelevant Mythology class ever since we discussed Harry Potter and my professor's desire to write fan fiction.
Somewhere, Thor is crying right now. ;_;


To be fair she's about to go on sabbatical to write a book about Artemis, so there's about two weeks more of teaching *cough* before a year long break.  Can't say I blame her.

My intense desire to comment on international affairs has no outlet; that's what I regret about college so far :/


what i regret about college is that everyone's an idiot.

well, ALMOST everyone.

it's basically a repeat of high school, only x5 art classes.
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I don't particularly care what my fellow students do or don't do so long as it doesn't interfere with me or cost me money.

On the aged computer front: I GOT A $9 POWERBOOK 165!  I HAVE SEVEN DAYS TO MAKE IT WORK AGAIN.  According to my research, it appears that the system files on the hard drive are corrupted so it can't start the OS.  Attempt one is going to be using the only System 7 Disk Tools image I could find, which probably won't work since it's for a different processor.  Next, I've got Disk First Aide also for a different type of Mac which probably won't work.  

There really isn't any pressing need to save the HD data but I'd like to reserve the 'nuclear option' of trying to re-install System 7.0.1 for last.  If none of that works it means either 1) I'm hopelessly inept (which I already know) or following certain indicators it means the HD's a total loss.  That's my sinking suspicion at the moment, that battery damage may have killed it.


Okay everybody, on the count of three... STEW YOU LUCKY BASTARD. :V

What happens when the seven days run out? @@;;;

Gonna make a Polish dinner tonight, then make some cookies. Yes, I've become fond of baking. -v-