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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Speaking of OS-Tans being unhappy or happy, I like to think mine's very happy. She always has about 4 times more ram than she'll ever use.


Isn't that more like, overweight...?


fat and happy. obviously krizo likes em' big and chunky.

speedy's (ironically) not very speedy these days, thinking i should do a virus scan since the drive's not fragmented. it could also be my net connection :\ , but i think it's the computer itself.

this laptop was made for visbou, but is home to nanami. she's happy enough, she just doesn't like the microphone so i still need my external mic. other than that one little glitch, she's perfectly fine.

@stew: the first thing at christmas that's such a pain to me, is finding a christmas tree!
the second thing at christmas that's such a pain to me, "RIGGING UP THE LIGHTS," and finding a christmas tree!!

in random news: my new favourite veggie is the sweet potato. -w-
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Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Isn't that more like, overweight...?
Well-endowed, more like.

Had an artist do me a funny ecchi 4 panel comic when I got this computer cuz of that. :D
took a pic of their Thanksgiving too,
they're watching the carolina game.


one of them is curvy. i like this. this is one of the only things i liked about macs. ^^
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:P entire reason I bought more RAM, cuz then I can say "well, to draw her accurately ya got to do thiiiiis" (not really, but it's a plus).
Yes, I'd imagine my OS-Tan is curvy.

I was messing with Pleiades Tan a while ago and saw she has quite a bit of RAM too, 131 megabytes back in 1995. It's most mysterious because her model isn't supposed to support that much, has a max of 64 megabytes.
Dun dun duuuuuun.

So how about you guys Tans?



You mean the -tans representing our system's OSes, or our own computer-tans?


Your own computer Tans I'd say, I think every Tan inside each individual machine has its own individual perks and personality, as even not all machines of the same line or even the same plant are manufactured perfectly the same!


you're stepping into dangerous territory, mah boi. -w-

but on some level i agree with you (as i've named and character'd pretty much all my computers, even mah ipod and cellphone), i just find it a little mind-boggling as to the great number of -tans that would produce. and if you based the character off the OS and not the computer itself, well then, we'd have a


lesee. i'm currently on Speedy, who is named so because she's the fastest/newest out of all my computers (you see, i didn't pay for a single one of my computers -w-). she's a 2007(?) Hp Pavillion DV 6000 (special edition), made for vista, running 7. her specs are:

processor: AMD Turion 64 x2 Mobile Technology TL-56 1.80 GHz
Ram: 2 gb
32-bit OS (Win 7 Ultimate)
109 gb built-in hard drive, with two 80 gb externals supplementing all her data storage (working on a 160 gb backup drive)

hmm, we're getting off-topic here; this talk belongs in the computer forum.
at request, i'll detail my other computers (as much as i can).

hay pitkin, what was panda like? :3
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Panda, as in the old user? She's very nice, though in the forums I admit she seemed very asocial most of the time. ^^ We used to be very very close back in time, but well... we drifted apart. ._. We talk at times still in IM, though the time difference makes it rather difficult. x)

If you meant some other panda, then they're super cute, especially the black ears~ <3


yeah, -tans for one's personal computer frighten me a bit... cause there'd be just SO MANY. But I've done it before. K8-tan would be a sickly sufferer of chronic nervous system issues, Dy-chan's slow but reasonable, Eve-sama's treading on stereotypical dream-girl territory... xD

Panda to me = Zen-san, since I wasn't around to know Panda the early OSC member.


But but... Zen is still more or less a regular here, I cannot imagine a past tense referring to him. ._.


No no no, I meant Panda is my nickname for Zen... probably because I didn't know username Panda.


Ah yes, Bella: I've seen him call himself Panda in IM too. I'm being slower than usual. xD


i meant panda the porn queen, the old user.

what were the other oldfags like btw? like c-chan and thurosis?
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