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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I seem to have fixed it, needed to do a reset. Well. At least now I know how to do a reset, AND TO LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. ;V;

(I've been rather...accidentally destructive lately so this comes as a HUGE relief).



In SPORTINESS news: I just returned from an 11,1km ski session that took a rough 2.22-ish hours to complete (quite exactly 3 counting the time it took for me to get my equipment in order). It also seems like skiing to & fro work isn't implausible - in fact, it's actually a lot shorter than the way I usually bike there (which is 6k, in contrast to the 4k of the shorter and 5k of the longer routes).

This, combined with the fact that the shorter route is through quite off-road places and road that aren't very likely to have been wiped clean and sanded, makes the endeavor quite likely - which is a great piece of news for my training schedule for the upcoming Vasaloppet (the infamous 90-kilometer marathon courtesy of Sweden's founding-ish king, Gustav Eriksson Vasa/Gustav I) in late february next year. Last time I did it ('09, which was my first) I hadn't done very many klicks that season, and wasn't very top-shaped; regardless, I did it in 9,30 hours, in the middle between my dad (8,30) and older brother (10,30), and with considerably more energy left than either of them (they were pretty much dead weary afterward while I had plenty of jump left in me, enough of it to run around the landing grounds looking for our ride (My mother doesn't exactly have the greatest sense of direction on earth -w-; ) for some 10 minutes before we found it. I'm planning on beating dad this time - that's gonna give him a bit of something to think about, the sporty ol' wacko. -w-;

IN MORE GOOD NEWS, my grandmother (who has care of our dog on fridays) called and said "I'm tired, you probably are too, so let's call and order pizza."

Life is good. >:]

Dr. Kraus

Bit upset, didn't make the rifle team (I still have 30 min until its official but I already know that its best not to get my hopes up.) Hopefully I'm not going to get trolled at school on Monday by the troll at my lunch table. Most people on and off the team wanted me to make it but in the end I failed. Time to re-watch all my anime when I get home from Ohio so I'm not in a grumpy mood Monday...


I'm sorry to hear that, Dr. Kraus. ._. As long as you did your best, you should still keep your head up and stick your tongue out at the trolls. Anime helps usually to feel better too. x)

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: "Pitkin"I'm sorry to hear that, Dr. Kraus. ._. As long as you did your best, you should still keep your head up and stick your tongue out at the trolls. Anime helps usually to feel better too. x)

Dunka, Pitkin I'll make sure to do that! :D


Trolls are best when starved, Doc. -w-


@doc: punch him in the face, that's what i'd do. that's the manly route. -w-

@krizo: i knew you were talking about thinkgeek. i just knew it. i was gonna post it but you beat me to it.
@bells: if the current system works, it's best just to go with it. (like nijikaku, it's not perfect, but i'll take it.)
@stew: ah thanksgiving, the truly american holiday of stuffing your face and passing out in front of the tv. (i've lost count as to how many times i've said that. -w-; ) this year's was the best yet. if only for the fact that for the first time in 18 years, i had a full plate. -w- i'm proud of myself.

oh, and sweet potatoes are my new favourite vegetable. ^^

today, my neopiko markers shipped, and they work like a charm. >:3

today was also my best friend melissa's birthday (she's 19). ^^ we (me, her, our friend ashley, and her parents) went to the festival of trees, which is where people make themed christmas trees, the trees win prizes, and then they get raffled off. there was one built out of hockey sticks with a red police light on top. xD
afterward, we went back to her place, hung out, and had cake. good times were had by all.

oh, and i gave her a potato for her birthday. ^^
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Potato: The gift for every season.

Went and spent the afternoon with my friend after having lunch downtown.  Yep.



it's tradition to give her a birthday potato. :3
click to make it bigger


I once got a birthday grapefruit ... it was giftwrapped, with its pathetic little stem sticking out the top. =v=

You don't understand Kari, that laptop is SLOW AS HELLLLLLLLLLL. Windows XP. 256 mb RAM. You do the math. It takes about five minutes from the time I login for it to do ANYTHING w/o hanging (ie, opening programs, etc) and anywhere from 20-45 seconds for programs to load after I open them (firefox easily takes 30 seconds or so to open). ><




But Bells doesn't like Linux.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


well you didn't tell me you were running XP. trust me, i know that one, used to be running XP in almost half a gig of ram, needless to say she wasn't very happy with me.

however, that was almost 2 years ago, and since then shitty has gotten many an upgrade. ^^

at any rate, next time maybe just switch to a different OS? like nej said, puppy was MADE for this. (puppy would THRIVE in that environment.)
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Puppy's an awesome TOOL -- doing system rescues and the like -- but I've never felt compelled to use it as a main OS. It's too... um... well I don't like it much you see. >>;;

Ubuntu and Mint are about the extent of my Linux ambivalence; unfortunately they're about as bloated and resource-hogging as XP.


Today I met Bodie Miller's mum... she manages a kickass antique store... and I sort of geeked out. D:


Oh my.  A cousin(?) of mine's Micheal Phelps' coach or something like that #closerelationswithomlympicathletes

In other news: first electrical shock of the holiday season.  From a spoon.  Don't ask.