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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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yay bella <3 *huggle*

if you have a laptop, can that count? interwebs games? :3
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I don't have portable gaming devices either, as my laptop could hardly be less portable with its lack of battery. x) My roomie has a DS though and she lets me play my only DS game Giana Sisters on it. ._.

We got snow cover this morning, and I have the feeling I'm sitting in it even though I'm inside. Temperature's below freezing point too, so I guess it's not going away today either. Better that way than having slush, still.


Back in Suomi then, I suppose? As I doubt france would get cover before Stockholm .w.;

Also: There was some initial trouble with my pokemon gaming, deposit corruption and whatnot, but now it's all over, and it's working flawlessly. Will report in once I've beaten the E4 -w-


Yes, Nejin, back to Finland. I seem to systematically forget answering that question. x) In France we had +21 degrees celsius just last Saturday, and now it's -2 or something like that here even during the days. Not to mention, for Sunday they're giving us something like -11. I'm not prepared mentally. ;_;

However, there are good sides to this all: snow is, after all, quite awesome. ^.^ I always forget liking it during the summer, but it's definitely nicer to have a bit of snow than to sulk all the time in utter darkness.


Hooray Kari's alive!  Sorry to say but that impending project due feeling'll probably hang around/reoccur forever....

Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow although from the rant we got in Civil Liberties yesterday you'd think it started then.


@stew: lucky, how long is your break? >___<;
@pitkin: hmm, if i had regular access to a DS i'd buy a game or two for it, but i don.t :\
oh and lucky about the snow. >___<

so this morning, we walked from my school to the MFA (museum of fine arts). it's roughly a mile (?) away (look it up), over random back alleys and the park, all at a fast clip (and i decided to bring my laptop today, which hangs over my shoulder and digs slightly into my neck). so i was at the back of the group, winded from the uneven distribution of weight and with a possible blister forming on the back of my heel from the hole in my boot, and when i get there i realize i've sprained my ankle. >___<;;

after we left (in which i got left behind by my friends and almost yelled at by a staff person there for holding an UNOPENED can of soda as i was about to leave a gallery), i ended up walking to the museum of fine arts stop on the green line, and after waiting for about 10-15 minutes, catching the subway 4 stops to copley, only to find out that i should have stayed for 5 instead so i had to catch another one to the next stop (arlington), after which i switched over to ANOTHER train and rode it 3 stops to kenmore.

i was about 10 minutes late. >___<;
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You're not the only one with blisters, Chocofreak. My good and perfectly-fitting boots lost a zipper during airport security control this Monday, so I've worn my less good pair of winter boots for a couple of days, and during my long walk today. Result is nearly blossoming blisters in both of my big toes and heels. -.- Although, it sounds like you had probably a way worse day than I had in general. ._.


Until the Monday after Thanksgiving.  Of course we don't have any other days off.  Except for Advising Day and Forrest Festival Friday.

Everyone's having foot troubles!  Um, not sure what to say.  Hugs?


So, the final verdict in our new years' trip finally has arrived, and it'll be Morocco, not the US. Suffice to say, it's not what I'd hoped for, but it wouldn't be much of a family vacation if I spent most of it haunting you guys, would it -w-;

And no random days off for us. No foot hazards either, though, so I guess I'm in the luck on that part. -w-


yay hugs ^^
and it turns out that it's not the ankle or the blister hurting me so much anymore, oh no. now it's my HIP.
think i pulled something. so i stayed out today to avoid further injury. now one leg is pretty much out of commission, working on two. >___<

y'know, i planned to clean today, but never got to it ;___; maybe later on.

and pitkin, doesn't that suck? i tried to fix mine but the patches popped out. so my mum hints that i might get a new pair. :\
@nej: yay? aw, i was looking forward to another daemon haunt. ;___; oh well, guess i'll have to settle for otacon.

on the upside, there's a cat behind me right now <3
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Choco, it sucked enough indeed. So much in fact that I went to a shoe store yesterday, quite sure that with feet full of blisters I would never find a fitting pair. I was wrong and found two. x) Cost me a lot though, so the rest of the year's clothes shopping is de facto cancelled. >.<

Morocco at New Year? It sounds exotic, even if the US would be higher on my travel list as well. ._. Mine will probably be in a "duck park" in Tampere, where I've spent the last seconds of the three last years. This time though, Fedora-Tan'll have returned to France on the previous day already, so it'll be a bit different. <.<


The site will be down starting tonight until it's moved to new server.
When it's online again, you'll be in new place (adress don't change)

(just in case ppl don't read announces :p )


merry early holidays everyone ^^ (our present is the update)

and pitkin, my mum wanted to take my boots and a few pairs of her shoes to a cobbler in town but we never got around to it so i fixed them myself, but sadly once pleather wears out there's little hope of fixing it, so the patch only held about 2 months or so. :\
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My neighbour and I took a trip to the local dump (affectionately called the "Insert-town-name-here Mall"), long story short, I'm now the owner of an IBM Wheelwriter 3 (WHICH WORKED A FEW MINUTES AGO I SWEAR >sob<), a Smith Corona of 1960s vintage (also, working so far as I can tell), an Apple eMac (GUH IT WORKS!), a stack of like-new books and few other computers an IBM tower that won't switch on, and this old Power Macintosh that doesn't start either...

Oooh, I am so dead. It's been real, everybody, nice knowing you. D:



You're a computomaniac, aren't you?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!