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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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good for you man. -w- wish i could.
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Trying to figure out what the hell got in my wasabi today at lunch.  Not a big fan of sushi, but when the college serves it maybe once a year I partake.


Quote from: "Chocofreak13"who knew pet shop boys were so popular. i thought i was the only one who listened to them. ^^

ohh, pitkin-hime!! soo glad you're back, please banhammer that aggressive spammer! and may i suggest that you and Aurora-hime swap emails in case something like this happens again? ;____;

hope you feel better too, ik what it's like to be miserable sick. the only difference is that now, no matter how sick i am, i can't miss school. ;____;

Swapping emails is  not on its own a bad idea, but the truth is that as long as I'm just able to connect to internet, I'll be checking OS-tan Collections, even so that I read emails less frequently. xP That's to say, when I'm not online, nothing can really help me. ._.

I'm feeling better by now, though the throat doesn't seem to want me to forget it's there. I used to never be sick during school (before university, that is) but nowadays I'm sick a few times every year. -.- This year had already seemed better as I had only been sick in March and then faced my first summer in like five years that I didn't get sick at all. Then, Fedora-Tan got his holidays and my body felt it was necessary to make things a bit less rosy. xD


Talk about bad timing, there... _W_


Quote from: "stewartsage"I wish I could say anything on Masterpiece Fan Fic Theatre shocked or horrified me but I can't really.

Funny, I'm watching 1000 Ways to Die now...well not really, actually, I keep screaming "OH MY GOD NO!!!" and cringing at the TV every five minutes. x___x

Good news? It's given me plenty of reasons not to go scuba diving, hop into an industrial laundry dryer, eat dirt, build my own kiln, or practice reckless golf-cart driving habits.


If you planned on getting in an industrial dryer before....

So I was reading my degree requirements earlier, and I'd completely forgotten that I had to take a performing music/art course.  This distresses me greatly considering the complete lack of any performing art skills.  First person to suggest this is my chance to learn some will be summarily shot; I've been through this before and it only ends in lopsided fish or being told that I have no understanding of drawing.

Plus side is there's still space in "Computers in Film" and "Mock Trial".




@Stew: That sucks... it has to be a performing/visual arts or music course? You can't do something writing or literature related or whatever?

This why I wanna study mathematics or computer science, they both have the least number of what I'd consider "flaky degree requirements" (instead opting to throw a nearly solid wall of MATH at the student). Yeah, it's pretty much my plan to avoid history, chemistry, biology, sociology/psychology, English, creative writing and really any arts, since I kind of hate those topics in an academic setting. The one exception being that I want to minor in New England Studies, which is essentially a mix of history, sociology and archaeology. But New England-based, which means I stand some chance of retaining what I learn well enough to pass. :\


Yes.  I've already done all my writing and literature courses (separate requirements) and yet there's still this damned stupid  holdover from the days when the college just offered a flat general studies Bachelor of Arts.  Have to take public speaking too which I predict will be every high school opinion paper condensed into one unpleasant semester.

There is nothing I'd like more then to get a Bachelor of Science rather then a BA; the simple fact is that would only lead to four years of floundering through subjects I can't comprehend.  Thankfully my criminal justice minor means I get to take courses that aren't all magic and writing.  Though I hate to break it to you Bells, even science/math majors still need to take the classes required to complete general studies.  So you can't avoid them. I'd mwahahaha but considering I'm doing the jig right now over finishing my math requirements.... I won't.  (We have Appalachian Studies, which I keep thinking about getting a double major in).


Silly Americans and your Colleges. -w-;
I really can't see the gain of all the complexity, though. If I want to study something, I pick and choose from any number of courses at the uni of my choice until my schedule's filled to the brim I wish. That ought to be simple enough for any country...but no, it seems. -_-;

Dr. Kraus

Nejin is lucky, us American's got to deal with this crap! If I only want to take 4 classes a day so be it!


at least you guys CAN go to college.....the financial aid from my college called today and said we owe an additional $3500. my dad wants to know why, my mom blames me, and i can't seem to come up with any answers (and the college sure as hell ain't givin' us any).

tack on the fact that i just read 3 mid-term evaluations (2 of which weren't exactly glowing specimens), i have a mid-term next week and i've missed 2 days of school this week, AND the fact that i seem to be headed for a depressive crash, and you've got me wanting to drop out just to get everyone off my back. >___<;;
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I feel a bit left out, as this was the first autumn in like 18 years that "school" didn't start for me. I'm still signed in at my university, but have no courses whatsoever. I majored back in time in economics specializing in game theory, but the minors related (such as accounting, marketing) proved too far away from my interests, not to mention I never made one friend among my fellow economics students; I was too bizarre, too liberal, I guess. ^.^;

The minor subjects closer to me - and among which I got many of my friends - were pretty much gender studies, Asian culture and business habits, programming, user interfaces, English, Swedish, Finnish, Japanese and French, languages here having nothing to do with literature. Now with hindsight, on one hand I probably wouldn't have chosen the same major, but on the other I don't know what else I would've liked more either. I always liked all subjects at school, so that didn't really make it easier to choose either. >.<

NB. As a child I always wanted to be an author, but again looking at the posts I manage to write in forums the moment they exceed two lines in length, it's a really good thing I never went further with that ambition. xD




That's it, I'm studying abroad! >>;

*Hugs Kari* Don't despair! Everybody feels like giving up from time to time... or most of the time... but the thing that matters is holding on! Not giving up on your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem at the moment or how slow or difficult progress seems.

Fascinating insights, Pitkin-dono... I imagine economics is a tough field of study. @@;

And Stew, I KNOW there are general study requirements even for science majors, they have them listed in the course catalogue. Unfortunately, they're obfuscated with ambiguous names so I don't really know what they entail (Wellness Connection?! Past and Present Directions?! WTH?!)

Ironically, the university I'm looking at has about a half-dozen minors I'd major in in a second - along with New England studies, physics and gender studies - but none of the majors have ever jumped out at me. Math is sort of the one I'd go for by default, since that seems to be the subject I have the most retention for (not necessarily a liking or comprehension). ><;

I took a public speaking class, it was boring...