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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Uguu, I'm still sick but maybe getting better slowly. That's 10 days now that I'm mostly in bed. .-. But then I sensed someone mentioning Pet Shop Boys and I felt a bit better immediately. x)


Well we do what we must.  Because, we can.  What'd you catch Pitkin-dono?

Pet Shop Boys alarm woke you up them did it?


who knew pet shop boys were so popular. i thought i was the only one who listened to them. ^^

ohh, pitkin-hime!! soo glad you're back, please banhammer that aggressive spammer! and may i suggest that you and Aurora-hime swap emails in case something like this happens again? ;____;

hope you feel better too, ik what it's like to be miserable sick. the only difference is that now, no matter how sick i am, i can't miss school. ;____;
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I watched Nightmare on Elm Street (the new version) with my bro, his waifu and some friends...scared the shit out of the girls, the boys were STOIC and all, and I was mostly in the back seat rubbing my eyes due to FUCKMANTHISSCREENISSOSHINYMYEYESTHEYHURT, but it DID get me in the mood...

...and spirit...

...of Halloween, I suppose.

Some little sisters are just made to be easily frightened......


Sorry to hear about you being sick, Pitkin-hime. Please feel better soon! *hugs*

Hm, I didn't know the Pet Shop Boys were so popular... least around these parts... either. I'm fairly positive I'm the only Radioheadtard here, though. ;o;


Oh, and it turns out my group has pussied out and decided it's not worth it to dress up and wander around in my -3 ËšC weather. So yeah. I guess I'll just be spending my Halloween sitting around the house. Which is pretty much how I spend my New Years, Christmases, Birthdays and Easters, too (the rare holidays that I DO do something: Fourth of July involves going out to suffer in the freaking heat in a park and Thanksgiving I go out to a nice resort and have an awesome dinner).


Quote from: "Bella"I guess I'll just be spending my Halloween sitting around the house. Which is pretty much how I spend my New Years, Christmases, Birthdays and Easters, too.

I'm the same, Bells.  Don't feel left out. *hugs*
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


sorry bells. go to the wal-mart and buy some discount candy, that'll cheer you up. :3

and nej, you're not scary, you just look high. xD
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Quote from: "Chocofreak13"i should watch strike witches, shouldn't i.
I watched the first episode and stopped when they grew animal ears and tails from using magic of some sort.


It would appear that I slept through the entirety Halloween. Whatever.


Thanks Red, thanks Kari... but it's not the candy I enjoy about Halloween, it's seeing everyone dressed up and stuff... .___.

@Pizza: It's odd, I'm indifferent to kemonomimi, dislike mecha-musume for the most part, and have nothing but contempt for magical-girls, but actually like Strike Witches. The bigger point of WTF for me is why they're all trouserless. (And yes, I know there's a plot reason for this.)

@Stew: ...I'm sure you didn't miss anything.


@Bella: I'm okay with kemonomimi, I just think Strike Witches is a horrible, horrible animu. It's more than just the ear-sprouting during magic use, that's just what caused me to immediately close my media player.


it sounds......cute. ./////.
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Being kinda subjective, aren't we Pizza-san?


Yes yes, we're all terrible people and we should go die in a fire.

I wish I could say anything on Masterpiece Fan Fic Theatre shocked or horrified me but I can't really.


Spent 3 hours fixing/cracking win7/installing a Vaio yesterday. Shit was real cash, and so was the payment. _W_