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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Who did you CON today, then?



actually, since i'm counterfitting this pass, i'm CONNING the CON. >:3
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Hooray!  Today I restored my beloved Charlotte II to service running Linux Mint, from which I come to you today.  Only problem so far is I can't make Pidgin load my YIM account and apparently I broke Firefox ><


@Xeon: I want that table computer. It looks hella cool. D:

@Kari: have lots of fun at the con! I wish I could've gone, but I've been really busy lately. Tomorrow I have to go to a convention in Boston, where the future of my family's business will be determined (for the most part). ><

@Stew: congrats on the install! Aside from Pidgin being a jerk and Firefox quitting, how do you like it?

I thought about installing Vixta (ie, the only distro that currently aesthetically-appeals to me) on K8, but I didn't have any DVD's lying around and was too lazy to go out and buy some, so..... yeah. In the closet she stays. I mean, I'd try out a BSD on her or something, since BSD evokes a reaction of LESS VIOLENT HATRED than Linux does, but I've heard they're generally a PITA to install and I'm already spoiled to the awesomest BSD varient in existance (aka, OSX).


I went into TV, Turntable and Beyond (aka the used non-computer electronics shop) yesterday to pick up some printer ink (since it's cheapest there), long story short, I now have my name on an Apple Performa computer system. Literally. The storekeeper woman wrote my name and phone number on it, so I can have first shot at buying it when she tests it out and determines its price.

Dammit, I'm becoming some sort of computer pied piper... I'm not even looking for them and they're finding me. ><;;


Bells, get on MSN please!
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Of course you are. Playing your sweet flute over the airwaves of the 'net, what system WOULDN'T be caught?

At least LAMBDA is far away to remain unaffected. No wondering off for this one, here -w-


I do like it, quite a lot; the Firefox issue was only temporary as it turns out, caused by my screwing around.  Other then that, the optional Linux software packages have me literally frolicking as my computer transforms into almost a NASA ground station that can also play Risk and Space War.  All and all, satisfied.


-w- everyone is happy. this is good.

hmm, bells, i might start dumping old systems on you for the hell of it. xD i got 8 sitting in my room right now anyway.

stew, good to hear that your computer's working, that makes one of us. -____-;

went to con yesterday! passed out as many porn folders as possible, which were emblazoned with the website. :3 while at con, also went to my first concert, which was the L33t Str33t Boys, which was made of awesomesauce (which actually exists!) and met up with an old friend, who is friends with the band's lead singer, and he's single, and has been begging my friend to hook him up with someone for over a year, so i might has boyfriend.
but i think i jinxed it. >____<;; i'ma go cry now.
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indeed, specially since he was HOT and my friend said we had stuff in common. ;____;
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Today, we went to Boston, may have gotten a few event photography gigs (at least a few good leads on jobs), then when it was over I brow-beat my companions to go to Lexington. It was a good day, considering I only got ~4 hours of sleep last night and had to get up at 6am. ><

Also, I met many nice people. Nice people. In Boston. In other shocking news, a bear was caught crapping in the forest.

@Kari: Old systems, you say? How old is old? >>


Thanks for the greetings guys ;_;

i'm so ashamed that i haven't been active here ;_;

*hugs everyone*

oh and cake!
My my, aren't you lovely~


Survived the drive back home with kick ass new books; also, set a new record for transit time.  Hanging out at home with the family was alright, we went to the Book Fair and a local town's fall days celebration.  Unfortunately I had to conserve money for the books.

Class related, no 9AM class today so three more hours of sleep.... the day I don't need it.  In Greek & Celtic we're getting a lecture from an Archeo-Astronomer on the Mayan calenders.  He's from New Hampshire btw.


lulz, awesome. :3

i was late again today, my teacher says if i'm this late again (1 hour late) he'll drop my grade. :[

i sorta blame my mom cause her alarm didn't go off and she has work on monday. >:[

currently doing the biggest file transfer i've ever done. o___o;;
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Aww, that sucks Kari... still, at least the prof didn't just straight drop your grade.

Was feeling kind of sick; ate some bread and feel better.  Yes.