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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@nej: had fun at the polls, i see. and phiddle-phaddle, rofl-fukking-mao. xDDD sorry to hear about your party, though, humans as a species seem to be pure greed and corruption sometimes.

@bells: reminds me of when my sis forced me to drive from my grandparent's to the courthouse, and from the courthouse to target. i survived, and only screwed up on three things: 1. i missed the turn into the courthouse and had to pull over and let her go in; 2. she distracted me so i ended up taking a corner at 40 mph; and 3. i parked crooked when we got to target.
good for you. ^^ hopefully you get your licence, which i have yet to. >___<

also, remember this: you're much better than you give yourself credit for. i know i am. ^^

@red: OMG I THOUGHT YOU DIED. WELCOME BACK MR. ABSENTEE BRIT. you've missed alot, some of which you'd kick yourself if you knew you had. xDD

@stew: recently i've been blessed with the fact that i haven't been hit up for cash by anyone but family in the past few days, maybe cause i keep my eyes down, keep an angry air, and wore my boots today (fixed, yay!). and the T is mostly reliable, albeit cramped, hot, and smells a little weird.

but the stretch of track between charles/MGH and kendall on the red line has a wonderful view. :3 (something other than tunnel, yay! xD )

considering getting a DA and a blog and a twitter. maybe once i get my laptop back. :3
click to make it bigger


Join the new media world Kari!

That is quite the name Nej.


Quote from: "Chocofreak13"@red: OMG I THOUGHT YOU DIED. WELCOME BACK MR. ABSENTEE BRIT. you've missed alot, some of which you'd kick yourself if you knew you had. xDD

Like what?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!



Oh, and nice pix are being uploaded at mah dA page. Stuff from this summer, don't miss.


Quote from: "Red-Machine"
Quote from: "Chocofreak13"@red: OMG I THOUGHT YOU DIED. WELCOME BACK MR. ABSENTEE BRIT. you've missed alot, some of which you'd kick yourself if you knew you had. xDD

Like what?

The usual, new OS-tans, thread perversion, weird dreams, etc, etc.

So, today I had another driving-without-fear-lesson. And by lesson I mean being told, "NOW GET BEHIND THE WHEEL AND DRIVE TO OUR HOUSE W/O KILLING US WOMAN". Did I mention our house (the work-in-progress) is up a narrow steep winding mountain road ? .v.

Tomorrow, it's off to the Centre of the Universe again! There's some srs bsns that needs to be taken care of, but then it's about a three hour gap between that and the time we go to the theatre. Imma see if I can't get the family to visit the Lexington Battle Green, since, well, I try to get them to go there every time we drive through Western Boston.

Check out the Old Computer thread for exciting news about my computer hording habit, I mean, vintage computer collection. >>


There is a nun on the television, specifically the Catholic channel from Pittsburgh.  She's fascinating...


I am always amazed at the fact that such a thing as religion channels can actually exist.


Why not? They shell out the money for a license, broadcasting equipment, and the channel like any other television channel.  Albeit I find them on the whole dull or disturbing, it's not terribly amazing to me that enough people watch to keep them on the air.


Well, not for you, perhaps - I suppose it's me living in this secularized nation that's the odd ball out here, as so often else. -w-;


I haven't slept more then two or three hours since Sunday, immovable objects are starting to move and I had a conversation with a soda machine thinking it was my Stats professor.  On the other hand the perfect amount of caffeine needed to keep me conscious and alert has been determined.


Damnit colonel...not even I sleep that bad. Will you be needing the Slugger, or whatnot? _V_


So, just spent the last 8 hours or so trekking around the wilds of western Boston, went to a stuffy old steakhouse for lunch, then it was over to the coast, where we got lost and ended up in Salem, met tons of nice helpful sweet people and finally found our way to the theatre. Where I FINALLY!!!! saw Avatar in 3D.

The word "epic" is thrown about a lot, but my god, that was an EPIC movie. :,D

You need more sleep Colonel-san. ;o;

Dr. Kraus

@bella Sounds like fun!

Just went to the shooting range with my friend yesterday. Shot his .22 youth rifle and I got a 16 out of 50 on trap shooting (Average first timer only gets 5-10 kills) with his mom's 12 gauge Remington. I need to go out and do that more often lol.


I have yet to see Avatar in any form.  Don't really feel all that pressed to either I must say.

Funny story Dr. K, once on a Scouting trip we decided to be idiots and trap shoot with .22s.  Of all the people who shot, I was the only one to actually hit one of the clay pigeons.  Here ends the reading.


I smell /k/ommandos... -w-;

ALSO: Frying stuff in cinnamon makes winnage.