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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Whats more scary is that I used Bing, and it wasn't that bad.

In financial news the Australian Dollar is now stronger than the US Dollar. Forex traders GO!!!.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


Don't like Bing, don't like Internet Explorer.  Nothing personal, but Internet Explorer always feels like a hotel bed compared to my nice comfy Rochester Lancers-weather-forecasting-twitter-including-all-around-fun Firefox.  And Bing.  Bing just pisses me off, Google if I need to search something.  So IE9 can take off, eh.


I now demand art of IE-tan assiliminating Chrome-tan, throw in Firefox for good measure.

You may interpret assimilate in any way you choose.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


@bella: if you think that about discrimination in terms of politics and religion and such, don't EVER come here. >___<;;
wth new hampshire are YOU livin' in? you make it sound like another world up there. it's totally different here.
i will never get a mac, let's hope that if we ever hang out we don't get into a discussion about computers.... (like we can prevent THAT >__<;; )
only mac i have is my ipod, and out of the 3 i've had i only paid for one. (and even then i got it at a costco) i agree with a former friend when he said, "why pay for a mac when you can get twice the power for the same price out of a pc?"

@surge: yeah, i kinda regret the ranty post now, but i can't get over it since it's RARE that i come into contact with church-goers that i LIKE. (fam does not count in this case)
i don't like your post about "McCain being the lesser of two evils". i like what obama's doing. >:[
we have an economy because of capitalism, fair taxes, trade, and spending power, not because of richie-riches.

@xeon: *raises hand* opera is my favourite ovo;
bing is to advertise-ey for me. -___-;;
and assimilation sounds interesting to watch. ^^

sorry i haven't been around guys. ;___; f-ing college + commute leaves me too tired to log on down here, and my laptop is being fixed (good news: it was a faulty motherboard that they put in, so it's being fixed free-of-charge; bad news: the people fixing it are in a dogfight with the people who sold them the parts, so it might be awhile.)
commuting to and from boston has taken all the magic out of the city. i now swear loyalty to cambridge.
bells, ik you love boston, but when you get hit up for money from hobos every day (i have three times this week, and it wasn't change; first time i was asked for a "favor" this random lady asked me for 16 bucks. guess i look either rich or naive.)
not to mention the T delays, crappy subway cars and crowded transit (on the more interesting side of this, i got to ride on "Big Red" yesterday. (hi-capacity Red Line train) you might see it as less of a promised land and more of a stinky city. :\

it's really tiring >___<;; i get up at 5 am every day and 2 days a week i don't get home till about 8pm. ;___; (not to mention, tuesday is one of those days. I'MA CHARGIN MAH LAZOR~~~)
click to make it bigger


And that's why I still (relatively) love our capital; (relatively) reasonably sized, (relatively) wonderful commute and (relatively) nice in general.

As for me, elections are tomorrow, and I'm working most of that day and expecting to be home from the counting and security around midnight. Some impressive machine it is, I'll say.

Also playing Ar Tonelico on DELTA over PS2 emulation, which is pretty damn addictive, I tell you... -w-


S'all good Choco, school is more important.  Yeah the getting hit up for money thing, story of my life.  Except it's not me it's my father, family, or the church (i.e. my father) leading to the sad fact that no one has a chance of getting money from me because I'm far more cynical then my own dad.

Mmm, the Metro.  Thankfully has never given me any trouble, is better then driving anywhere in DC, and very rarely has delays.  When I use it.






Hallo guys, I be back from Africa.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Welcome back Red!  How was it?


IN DURING FUCKDISSHIT, also nationalist/racist party (who desperately tries to make people believe they're just here to "critically discuss immigration politics" as they put it) in parliament. Way to go? MEEEEEH.

And it seems I'll have to endure yet another 4-year period of this bloody right-bloc government. As for my own party, we seem to be shut out this time as well - a nice move to put the second instance of the Pirate Bay trial to begin 2 days (yes, TWO DAYS) after the elections - meaning we'll have our sparks starting to fly just a measly 2 days too late. Well played, as we say, or more accurately, they VERY MUCH don't want us in parliament, and have made sure to avoid drawing attention to anything that could raise any debate on our battlefields for well over half a year now. Hell yeah, mass media! 99% OWNED by the right-bloc elite! And we're not even subtle about the various ways used to screw with the results! Yeah, democracy is a cool guy, alright.


In any case, I also had pizza today. 'twas good.

If I have learned anything today, it's that I will be needing to speed up my plans quite a bit. Can't have the system falling apart around me while I still (sigh) depend on it, now can I?

Now. Let's move on and not talk politics for a while.
A long while, preferably.
(Unless, of course, something happens.)
(Which, undoubtedly, it will.)

And I still haven't finished Ar Tonelico...



You know, just been in Vermont... got a part time job as a server too, but I seem to have been laid off for the time being. Twas fun while it lasted though.

Welcome back Red we missed you. :,)


I missed you too, Bella my dear.  Sorry to hear about you being laid off...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


*huff huff puff puff* OMG I'm so shaky right now, I just got forced into an impromptu driving lesson. On a two-way winding mountain road. With the blinding sun in my eyes.  And then on the way back the sun was in the eyes of the drivers going to opposite way, so I had speeding blind death-missiles coming MY way. D:

I kissed the ground when I got out.


@Red: Nature of the job, I was just filling in for somebody who got injured. When she got better, my boss didn't need me (though I might be able to help out in a couple of weeks again...)

@Kari: I'm living in the best part of NH, a Bostonian enclave in the central of the state. In the mountains. Near the lakes region. We live in perfect peace and harmony with each other and nature~

I like Macs because 1) OSX is a Multics-descendant via Unix 2) I always wanted a Unixbox and the closest I got before was using Linux, but now I can't use Linux 'cause I FUKKENDAMNHELLHATEIT and 3) My iMac is the only computer I've used that hasn't given me FUKKENDAMNHELLSHIT.

Think of it this way: I've had abusive, dysfunctional, depressing relationships with PCs all my life. I have happy, fun, supportive relationship with my Mac. Now, I'm not saying that YOU should use a Mac. In fact, I will never tell you to use a Mac, no less than I would tell you what you should wear or who you should associate with, what political or religious affiliation you should have. Computers are a reflection of our selves and personalities and everybody's is different. This is one of the things I F.D.H. hate about Linux, the community is so gottdamned sure that Linux is the best OS for everybody when it's actually rather hostile toward anyone who doesn't want to spend hours bushwhacking through help forums and using a command line.



Easy on the not-quite-dead-yet ecstasy there, bells. -w-;

Also, fun stuff:

When working elections, you sometimes get to keep check of the Voting Rolls (that is, the great and holy piece of paper that keeps track of every person in the district and whether or not they've voted) and take care of filling things in. While doing this, you come upon some pretty funny things...names, that is.

Meet Mr. Nyström (an ordinary swedish name, for those of you not in the know). His friends call him by his first name, Hans (also an ordinary swedish name), and he lives outside the country since some time back.

Hans Nyström isn't his full name though. The name in the rolls, fully printed out in all its glory, is...
Hans Geoffrey Phid Phad Nyström.

I mean. Come on. Hans Geoffrey, ok, I can take that. But PHID PHAD? What the fuckmahellit sort of name is that? Where is it from, anyway, and who the hell came up with the bright idea of naming their kid something like that (or, in the event of a name change, who the flying duck is THAT lame?) anyway?

Needless to say, lulz were had by much of the staff, myself very included. -w-