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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Random World News Updates:

We're soon going to see the probable heir to North Korea for the first time in decades.

The USMC, USN, and a Turkish Navy frigate retook a freighter from pirates off the Gulf of Aden.

My package arrived today, school post office isn't open, and the tracking website didn't update before the PO was closed for the day so it's locked up tight at the Federal Building.  Now, getting up early Monday to go there before class starts to go down town and hassle some Postal Service employees.


QuoteIMO this isn't a discussion about religion. It's about the dangers of making broad judgments. I was merely forming a rebuttal to what Kari said, something that happened to include religion and race.

It is sad how divided and sensitive people are, as a whole, branding entire topics as taboo. At least, as I mentioned before, we don't have many problems like that in my neck of the woods; it's refreshing to be able to have frank conversations on religion, world events and politics - even with strangers or casual acquaintances - without the discussion devolving into a huge butthurt-o-thon.
I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions to fast *I know that sounds wrong but the right words just escape me right now*. It's just most religous discussion or anything that can lead to said subject I've been involved in usually devolve into pointless looping arguments or a My God is Better Than your god fight that I've forgotten some people can actually stay civil when discussing such a serious subject, so I apologize.

And I believe I haven't stated that I'm a Muslim turned godless bastard. So I know how it feels to be judged just because the word Mohammad is in my name ;x.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


That's one pretty common pain over here, as well - any number of migrants from the various arab countries suffer from that as well...and here, they're pretty damn numerous.


I'm not even allowed in the US border due to a combination of my name and unreadable fingerprints even though I have a physicians note explaining my condition. Do they think I'm a spy or something xD.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


Unreadable fingerprints? Well, likely they're thinking it's too dangerous a risk to take for such a thing...may come in handy though, at some point.


wow, i tend to open the can of worms alot around here don't i?

ugh, i'm sick of AMERICANS as a whole. i mean no animocity except towards that particular group of loud, angry, closeminded americans, which is MUCH bigger than you seem to think. sure, it's small around where you are, but here, pretty much everyone is white, christian/catholic/jewish, republican, and RICH. stereotypical america. almost as bad as conneticut. (and i have friends from there, i'm allowed to discriminate.) i went to a pagan festival yesterday, and i'm surprised that we weren't picketed by some religious orginazation or other. i'm used to discrimination due to appearance, religious beliefs, and monetary status. not to mention the fact that during the 08' elections, i swear that we were the only obama supporters in town. fricken' McCain signs EVERYWHERE. so i'm sick of rich, white, republican, christian america.

anyhoo, let's get off this subject. (frankly, having elections just a few days after Sept. 11th is just a bad idea in general; it's bound to start up heated conversations like this.)

@nej: happy birthday to your dad. i've already decided what to get you for your birthday. xDDD

@xeon: that is just made of awesome.......unidentifiable fingerprints. xD

oh yeah, and i went to a pagan festival yesterday! :3 (PAGAN AND PROUD)
click to make it bigger


My physicians note has been enough to get me to most countries like Australia,New Zealand and China, and I believe Sweeden when I was a wee little lad -w-.

And unreadable fingerprints only sound good in Spy Movies. You wouldn't believe the pain I go through for things like Credit Card and driver license renewal or even confirming my identity since Malaysia doesn't have those fancy newfangled fingerprint readers *oohh I'm missing u Singapore and your awesome readers*. But yeah murder is easier with it ;p.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


lol, don't go killing anyone unless you plan to go sweeny todd on their ass. xD

hmm, the last place i traveled was florida......2 years ago....

before that canada. :3
click to make it bigger


@Nej: That speech about human nature in relationship to war is one of the greatest posts I've ever read here. It's like you've taken everything I've ever thought about the human drive to fight and have enemies and put it down in a couple of paragraphs. Awesome.

@Xeon: that must be tough having unreadable finger prints.  D:

@Kari: it's worth pointing out that New England is the least religious region of the country -- with something like 47 percent of people saying that religion plays "a role" in their daily life. I know I can count the church-goers I know in my community on, like, three fingers, while there are a lot more ambiguously spiritual people. There was a ton of support for Obama up here during the 08 elections, don't know many republicans, although the ones I do know range on the Libertarian side of the spectrum. There seems to be an inherent mistrust in government in all forms and a sort of pervasive political apathy, maybe the reason I'm so non-political myself.

But srsly. I have relatives from places that ARE what you'd call the stereotypical rich, white, ultraconservative America, and lemme tell you: no place in New England can ever be compared. Spend a year out in the combative, divisive social hornet's nest that is Arizona or Northern California (no cheating by going to San Fran) and you'll never see New England the same way again. -v-

That said, the religious and political people I do know around here... aren't particularly polarizing compared to the people I know from elsewhere (family and close friends included). They seem to have a sort of sensitivity about broaching these subjects, are able to present their ideas non-offensively and speak in a manner of BELIEF rather than KNOWLEDGE -- in other words, "I THINK X party is better because..." rather than "X party IS better because..." This is a big thing for me, because if there's one thing I don't tolerate -- it's being told how something IS. People who have the gall to believe they know HOW the universe or world or life works irritate the hell out of me, since, at least in my way of thinking, the universe, life and world is an inherently unknowable place, whose qualities are subject to the perception of the observer.

Bear in mind that I have some pretty wild theories on the existence, or more accurately, non-existence of the universe, have mixed religious and spiritual beliefs which I only care to describe as agnostic theism, and believe strongly in the idea of a never-ending cycle of perceived existence, fatalism, karma, and reincarnation. I'm not particularly public about any of my beliefs; not so much for fear of discrimination, as much as fear of having my beliefs be misinterpreted (abstract as they are).


I have to relabel and clean up the, thankfully, only 800 some songs on my iPod after iTunes decided it would be a wonderful idea to sync the two despite my express wishes that it didn't.


Quote from: "Bells"People who have the gall to believe they know HOW the universe or world or life works irritate the hell out of me, since, at least in my way of thinking, the universe, life and world is an inherently unknowable place, whose qualities are subject to the perception of the observer.
Quote from: "Bells"@Nej: That speech about human nature in relationship to war is one of the greatest posts I've ever read here. It's like you've taken everything I've ever thought about the human drive to fight and have enemies and put it down in a couple of paragraphs. Awesome.
Somewhere in between these lines I must've missed something, because I'm not getting these two together...but hey, thanks anyway. Or do I have specific permission to bash and state facts as I wish, maybe? _W_



It's been fixed now, and I actually came out kind of ahead.  As someone who despises Apple, I am even further annoyed by this incident but not put out enough to get rid of it for some other mobile music playing device.


Protip: Use cellphone.


I... don't have a cellphone


Damnit colonel.