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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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hey if u save it can u sent it me, would mind playing it at home ... so tht wht it called ...and Pitkin doesn't have imaginary freind, which would be bad as has mean tht he mad ... super ego ... errr, are u mad Pitkin lol, hey more reason to use him as a human shield.

I think some one is pulling my leg!
but seriously, some people from PJ go to the fourm I found that on. . .


I didn't know I can put something like that on photobucket

....Well then, I'll start storing a lot of that kind of stuff :P


you can put anything on photobucket, well, I do and I haven't gotten warned about it.


Storing done...selected 20 pictures on every folder with 6 different accounts  ;001


[out topic of the topicless thread]

Q4(V)-san or Panda-san, did you have the "this topic has no posts" problem when the new page occured or can i consider that fixed ?

[/out topic of the topicless thread]


who, I have been out of here for a week...been busy, again. At least, the next 3 days I'll be able to rest :D

Yo Q4(V)


yo Darknight

u ok? lol truth

are u going to irc


I guess I'll go for a bit. Btw, who was "truth" (AKA, "lol"l? lol
yah, im Ok...just bearing the 34Ã,°C...and its already night >.<


oh tht was me just having  fun lol


lolz, "lol", I see...
So, sup? how's going everything on the UK? Pitkin is still trying to become British? lol

Hi rdhdtwns


Hi hi!

Weeeeekeennnndd!! FINALLY.

Except I am in so much pain. So sore, so sore. x.x How's everyone else?
So cute it\'s deadly!


it late and i'm goin to bed bye


Yo panda.
I hope Pitkin  (or Linux-tan, AKA: chani/Dark Lord), or whoever manages the image aproval, read  this: While uploading, I think I uploaded twice the same archive. As far as I can remember, It was 1 of 3.1, in the Others category.Plz dont let it upload.
