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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "Kami-Aurora"@Chocofreak and Bella: I'm also not in a dorm, and if/when I transfer to a college with dorms, I still won't get one, to save money, and those pesky roommates.

A few hours ago, I got home from a road trip in Oklahoma, as one of my cousins had his wedding there. Also chatted with chatted with relatives I hadn't seen in a year (or longer), and met my cousin's wife's relatives too. They're very nice.

With the topic of Unix hate, it's probably a bad time to mention that recently I've been learning how to use the Unix Terminal in OSX, and I like it! (and to think I am/was a Unix hater too! Noooooo!)

You go girl, apartments foreverrrrrrrrr~

Hope you had a blast on the roadtrip! It's always so much fun meeting with relatives you haven't seen in ages. ^^

Ah, I've been using BASH in OSX for awhile... it's amazing, it's almost exactly the same (command-wise) as some of the 70s versions of Unix I've played with! I once found an interesting article detailing easter eggs in OSX, if you go into BASH and start up Emacs there are some terminal games you can play. I forget how, though. D:
Quote from: "Kari"duuuuuuuuuude
i'ma track down your house and come see it.

and next time you see N64 games, if there's something good get me it. xDD

Wait until the house is finished plz? It's going to have a computer room just for my "collection" (since my dad sort of hates the sight of dozens of computers lying scattered around the house, lol). I ought to give you the website address of that vintage game shop...

Quote from: "The Doc"Bella, if I saw one of those this would be my face for around 5 hours:

That's the face I made when I saw it sitting there. *v*

Quote from: "Lieutenant-san"Amazing how such outdated technology is still so interesting.

It's being outdated is EXACTLY what makes it so interesting. d:

Quote from: "Colonel-san"Congratulations Bella, I also welcome you to the club. Large and lustrous as it is. Maybe the VIC-20 can come over and play with big sister Lily sometime; she doesn't even cause RF interference!

Class list: Statistics (yay!), American Revolution, Greek & Celtic Mythology, Intro to International Relations, Civil Liberties

Final random note: Just bought a book with a chapter entitled "Real Time: Reaping the Whirlwind". It's all about Whirlwind, SAGE, SABRE, and the revolutionization of the Post-War computer industry. Yay!

Yep, Victoria and Lily should have a playdate! :3 (VIC-20, Victoria, it just sort of named itself).

Sounds fun, I <3 the history of the American Revolution and anything surrounding Classical mythology. (I've looked into the class lists for the majors I'm considering taking: it's pretty much solid math and physics with the occasional social studies or history course thrown in. Terrifying stuff, but it's my dream, so yeah. O.o)

I gotta find that book Stewart-san. D:

Lt. Surge

Quote from: "Bella"

It's being outdated is EXACTLY what makes it so interesting. d:

Well I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be interested, I just wouldn't prolly be spending $60 on it ^_^;;

Your formalities are very cute btw
Skype Me: LtSurge695


lol. same. ^^ my budget's too tight.

@bell: alright, fine, i'll wait, but it better be finished soon! xD
and ik it's your dream, but you have so much drawing talent and iot's just getting throwing it away. ;___; (YOU WILL BE ONE OF MY ASSISTANTS SOMEDAY, THIS I SWEAR!!)

so ffonline is giving me the runaround and i'm nodding off anyway. nighty~
click to make it bigger

Lt. Surge

Chocofreak13 is interesting to talk to lol
Skype Me: LtSurge695


yay! i'm entertaining! ^^
click to make it bigger


@Lieutenant-san: $60 seemed like a steal for the computer AND tape drive AND floppy. In its original box and packaging. (Granted, I had to borrow the money from dear pops, but with the amount of SQUEEEEEEEING going on the cash got forked over rather quickly.) <<

Thank'ee very much, I like making 'em up. ^^

@Choco: hopefully by next spring! There will be WILD HOUSEWARMING SHINDIGS AND EVERYONE'S INVITED WOOOOOO~!!!!

I can draw, yes, but I don't know if I've ever been particularly inspired. And inspiration > talent. Won't be throwing it anything away though, I'm sure I'll keep drawing as a hobby. (OMG THAT REMINDS ME OF A DREAM I HAD! *to the dream thread*)

Last night I had killer insomnia, finally got to bed ~5am, was woken up by BRIGHT LIGHTS AND LOUD PEOPLE at 10am and it took me like five minutes this morning to get my eyes to focus. So yeah. I'm totally tired and not feeling too great. .____.'

Also last night, I saw this excellent documentary on Apple called Welcome to Macintosh. It talked about Apple's history, the Mac fandom, the unique relationships that people have with computers (no, no, not in a Cargo Ship way) and computer collectors (but now I wanna go to Macworld Expo and track down this dude in NY who's house is, literally, filled to the rafters with old Macs + Apples). If there's one thing that upset me though, it was the amount of Apple Lisa and Apple /// hate that was thrown around. Those are my favourite vintage Apples PRECISELY because they were such failures. ;;


Guys: There is a "Computers in Film" class next term.

When you suffer from insomnia look us up on the internets.  We never sleep.


Jesus H. Christ, you lucky bastahd! (Stew: why is it that I can't count the times you've been called a "lucky bastard" on both hands?) XD



Because I am a lucky bastard.  Apparently.

That is Couragewolf.  He's been around a while, it's just Kari inspired me to use the meme generator.


couragewolf = win :3

case in point:
click to make it bigger


You guys living the life, while I'm dozing off and being sick. Must be nice. -_-

At any rate, election is coming up, and I'm working in the voting chamber this year as well. This year's prep-course was a bit meh though...not that I don't remember the stuff, but still. Besides, for those of the Clan without previous experience, it's not exactly all easy mode catching it all...hoping my sister-in-law won't go all clueless, seeing as she wasn't even able to make it to the prep, and will have to make do with the materials at hand.

Yare, yare. The machine of politics is one thing of yonder thought. -_-


Oh it's wonderful, maybe at some point I'll do my homework.

See signature.  Whatever.


Just saw Weezer in concert! I've some friends who work at the Champlain Valley Expo so they knew just the place to watch the concert (which is a paid event) w/o having to pay admission (but it's totally legit). Okay. So yeah there was a chain link fence and some bleachers in our line of sight, but we could still see most of the stage and the music sounded great AND we were too busy singing, dancing and joking to really be bothered by it. :D


LUCKY BITC---i mean hope you had a nice time ^^;;

@nej: i've had a cough for about a month and a half. ik how you feel. and i STILL don't know who i'm voting for.

so guys, i'm almost done with the vocaloid themepack i've been working on, was thinking about doing an os-tan themepack next, would appriciate it if you guys could do me a solid and post any os-tan sound samples if you find any. (if push comes to shove i'll use nanami but i'd like to have more of them involved.)

future thempacks:
random anime
click to make it bigger


I can count the times I've been called a lucky bitch on one finger .__. An excellent time! :D

This themepack stuff you talk of eludes me. D: