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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Back to school tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll survive the drive/get in my room/not get into a death match.


if you get in a death match
i will sell tickets
and the profit will go to the site.
so basically...

1. stew goes to college
2. stew gets in fight
3. tickets
4. ??????
5. PROFIT!!!!

and as a public service announcement :3
i will say :3
that i'm on speedy right now :3 (my [un]dead laptop ^^)
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When the Colonel get's in a fight, it becomes a slaughter.  With a ton of collateral damage.

Hooray!  My undead laptop needs me to get around to putting Mint Linux on it.


you want me to mail you a copy to remind you? :3
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Good luck going back to school Colonel-san! Hmmm, good fighter eh...? Can I hire you as my official Otacon bodyguard? D:

Linux, I can't even think about touching or getting near or wanting to use Linux at the moment. I guess it's a combination of 1) my hatred of Unix* since Linux = Unix and Unix = a shitty operating system that took off like a weaponized virus, destroyed countless better OSes and perpetuated a climate of inferiority in operating system design that sadly lasts to this day, and 2) the fact that I currently despise the Linux community, a couple people who were close to me from the community having been recently exposed as backstabbing,hypocritical asshats (I'll save that rant for another day though) have soured me to the entire thing.

*Mac OSX has somehow escaped my Unix wrath, probably due to its at least in name Apple heritage and general user-friendliness. I just keep telling myself it's a Multics-descendant that just happens to be a Unix as well, or something like that. Okay, I'll go pass the hell out now.


QuoteCan I hire you as my official Otacon bodyguard? D:
The Bells is becoming desperate. _W_

And for all your benevolence your *nix-hate seems like an odd shot indeed...ah, well.

As for this side, both of my parents are now officially celebrated and done, so it's time to get back to business (and consume the enormous amounts of drinks, booze, booze, BOOZE AND BOOZE left from the party) so hopefully I'll be able to be a bit more active from now on (if anyone noticed the drop, that is -w-).


My rates are reasonable Ms. Bella.

Moved into my room, chaos reigns, may have to purge heretics, US Frequency Allocation Poster on wall as well as my birthday drawing from Bella.  More later.


gl. i'm not moving into a dorm to save money. :\
good to have you back nej
stew seems to be the most likely canadate bells, as he is neutral...
speedy's overheating so she's currently sitting on top of two icepacks...

and i have a sudden craving for icepacks.

btw, bella, who are you voting for? i have no clue anymore; i was gonna vote for bill binnie but recently my views have soured on him and i haven't really found anybody i like for it. i'm only set on one politician for one position and that's only cause he's friends with my dad. :\
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Dr. Kraus

School starts tomorrow for me, Got a schedule of pure godliness that is going to let me cruise through the first semester easy.

I might be quiet around here for a while, unless I get in a picture battle on the random picture thread :P


still waiting for my admissions counselor to call......which sucks, cause classes start on the 8th.
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@Nej: Oh I'm plenty benevolent but Unix is a serious computer-related berserker button for me. >>

@Doc: good luck with school! ^^

@Colonel: can I pay you in doodles? They'll be worth a lot when I'm dead and famous someday!

I'm so honoured you have my drawing on your wall. :,)

@Kari: I'm not moving into a dorm to save ~$10,000 and to avoid the hassles of living with other people, which I consider a rather large hassle. Until I have the money to move into my own house or apartment, I'm staying with my family. -v-

Yeah, Stew's neutral... um, just to clarify by "neutral" you mean "OSCers who haven't expressed the desire or intent to the moves on me"? XD

I'M VOTING FOR NOBODY. Because I am apolitical, jaded and resentful of the entire system. >>;;


@bell: yea, that's what i meant by "neutral".
apolitical AND asexual? hmm.
the whole "living with a stranger" thing put me off too, but not NEARLY as much as

*gasp* shared bathroom. there's something about sharing a shower with a whole hallway that puts me off.....
plus no kitchen. >:[

bells, we should rent together.
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Aurora Borealis

@Bella: Never thought you'd ever set foot in your home state's rival!

Sorry about the backstabbers that ruined the Linux community for you. :(

@Nejin: You've been out PARTYING HARD? :)

@Stewartsage: Good luck with starting school!

@Dr.Kraus: Congrats on getting such a schedule! Do you have easy classes or only a few classes?

I'm taking 5 classes this semester, with three of them in a row on Mondays, for 5 hours straight. @_@

@Chocofreak and Bella: I'm also not in a dorm, and if/when I transfer to a college with dorms, I still won't get one, to save money, and those pesky roommates.

A few hours ago, I got home from a road trip in Oklahoma, as one of my cousins had his wedding there. Also chatted with chatted with relatives I hadn't seen in a year (or longer), and met my cousin's wife's relatives too. They're very nice. :)

With the topic of Unix hate, it's probably a bad time to mention that recently I've been learning how to use the Unix Terminal in OSX, and I like it! (and to think I am/was a Unix hater too! Noooooo!)


well, i don't think you're a turncoat, aurora-san. :3
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Quote@Nejin: You've been out PARTYING HARD?
Well, let me say that the elder members of the clan aren't exactly foreign to this either...or like, ANY of us, for that matter. Crazy night, just with the somewhat annoying side effect that I had to do shitloads of admin work. Oh well. -w-;

Now, at least, I can go back to my dear computers and spend some time with them...
...looking for work. -_-

I really hate this shit, don't I. >:[