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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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What good memory comes without a degree of discomfort?  I have a friend who needs to use, like, 9000 spf sunscreen or she cooks like a clam in a bake.  Nonetheless, enjoy what time you can have with your friends before the diaspora takes effect.

Welcome back Bella.  There are some more IBM-tans now, actual IBM-tans(!), in the thread.  

Damn.  Looks like I missed last time.

Lt. Surge

Quote from: "stewartsage"There are some more IBM-tans now, actual IBM-tans(!), in the thread.

Skype Me: LtSurge695


ARRRRRRGH! SCARY FOREST CRITTER, WHERE IS MY AIRGUN!? Nice to meet you Lt. Surge (may I call you Lieutenant?), but your sig's giving me a seizure. *¬*

Sorry Red, coming home means having to grocery shop + do laundry + visit the landlord + visit the house building site + try to get my G3 iMac up and running. Well she runs, but her monitor is not working. Which means I'll have to schlep the 3.1 machine's monitor onto the desk again, and get her hooked up to that....

See how quickly I can turn any topic to computers?! ><;

IBM-TAAAAAAANS! I still have to check out that thread thoroughly, I just skimmed it before. (I'm really liking MERT-tan though, Unix-sama needs more enemies!) SEE HOW QUICKLY I CAN TURN THINGS TO OS-TANS TOOO?! >O<;;;

Imma post pictures of my latest round of travels in my blog, but not now, I'm tired enough as it is. -v-


Quote from: "Surge"???

The IBM-tan thread is filled with far more vintage non-IBM created OS-tans then it is actual IBM OS-tans.  Kind of makes the name a joke.  Check it out sometime.

Quote from: "Bella" it is. -v-

YESSSSSSSSSSS!  There is stuff added, and Kari has promised drawings!  (Glad you do!  Though she isn't so much an enemy of UNIX-sama {in her own mind} as a... well... I have no idea what MERT's disposition is.  There's a name for it.  SysV on the other hand; epic battle in the making)

We'll forgive you this time.  (check back a few pages for my vacation pics)


Spoiler alert!




SysV-tan is Unix-sama.

*wanders off to hunt for vacation pix*


Aw damnit, I forgot *goes off to mumble in the corner*

Lt. Surge

Hallo, Pretty.
Sure why not? Pplz call me all kinds of things lol

No no airgunnnnn! Not at the cuteness... Tarsiers are my favourite primates lol
They call it a Lemur, but... they also call the Dramatic Prairie Dog a Chipmunk, so...
Quote from: "stewartsage"
Quote from: "Surge"???

The IBM-tan thread is filled with far more vintage non-IBM created OS-tans then it is actual IBM OS-tans.  Kind of makes the name a joke.  Check it out sometime.

Ohhhh I see! Interesting...
Skype Me: LtSurge695


Quote from: "Bella"See how quickly I can turn any topic to computers?! ><;

The fact that you can do that so easily is more of a turn on for me than anything else. ;057
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


All right, that's it - leash the brit.



*whips out pokeballs*
click to make it bigger


No! Their catch rate isn't high enough! For this, we need...the DUSK BALL.


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"No! Their catch rate isn't high enough! For this, we need...the DUSK BALL.

Anime pokemon can be captured with just a pokeball, because you can make them faint and still capture them.

Pff, cheaters.


well how do we do this then? lock him in a cage?
click to make it bigger


Quote from: "Red-Machine"
Quote from: "Bella"See how quickly I can turn any topic to computers?! ><;

The fact that you can do that so easily is more of a turn on for me than anything else. ;057

Oh dear. ;;


You've done it now Bella.  Hm, it's almost time to go back to school.