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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, include in word filter, perhaps?

Frankly, I wasn't aware that was an insulting word at all, not under circumstances like these, at the least...

Gah. Censorship...
Quote from: "Line"intolerant
Quote from: "the next line"it cannot be tolerated on the forum.
Well, this made me smile, at the least. -w-;


I perfectly know most people don't mean it a bad way, but still i don't want to see it. I never claimed to be tolerant, that said :D

I'm intolerant about what i don't want to see on my forums, and that is included. No personal offence to be taken.

About censor, i don't want to use it for that, i would prefer people understanding what i mean...


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Well, include in word filter, perhaps?
I agree, generally if you don't want people saying a specific word or phrase, a wordfilter is usually the way to go. It discourages them from using it in the future.


Thought Crime is punishable by whipping here -x-. Even though the goverment banned piracy and any form of pornography here you can still find them displayed in-front of video store shelves *pirated of course*, the police are mostly to damn lazy to do anything really *even a minor can buy these videos*. **** really happens when the Syariah court gets involve, Who can accuse you of any crime using religion as a basis. It's even more crazy when u find out that the Syariah court has more power than our freakin president (going againts religion ain't a good way to get votes).

But no matter what happens Xeon here will still smuggle and bribe for his Anime and Manga goodness. So I'll be the guy screaming heresy while being whip if I ever do appear on the news =w=.

Also tomorrow is fasting season for mah people. Time to starve -x-.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


Quote from: "PizzaDrill"
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Well, include in word filter, perhaps?
I agree, generally if you don't want people saying a specific word or phrase, a wordfilter is usually the way to go. It discourages them from using it in the future.

I believe in common sense and education ;110


What, so you'd believe in common sense stopping us from calling people (well, what ever am I now going to use as a substitute word for homosexual males with some semblance to flamingos?) but not for exclaiming words related to sexual intercourse?

This is getting stranger by the parsec.


I want everyone to not make anyone who could be from a minority feel that is an harmful place for them. It's not a matter of written word, it's a matter of attitude. I don't consider i ask very much about that.

I don't ask anyone to think nicely about minorities / different people if they don't want, but i ask to not express it. And if possibly, consider that it can be harmful even if it's not meant to.

It's not like it's negotiable, anyway  ;010


Well, if that's the way you'd have it...still, I think it'd be nice to the people who maybe don't read every single update on this (normally rather unlikely place for administrative matters) thread, to just wordfilter it for safe calls so we don't have to get unnecessary bans OR angry admin posts flying about the place just because of that. It is, frankly, the least you can do if you are to enforce it.

Besides, it'll take a while to settle in. Safe is always better when the option is a hammering. It's easier on you, as well.

On a completely unrelated note I am now eating as a night snack a mixture of melt-blueberries-in-yoghurt, french monastery cookies, salty cracker snacks and vanilla cookies from some budget shop in Poland.
Not quite, actually, as bad as one would expect. (that, or I just am very good at configuring my tastebuds)


I'm not angry, it was a notice. I like bold red notices, it brings lots of attention ^o^

More seriously, i agree with you on that point, i will think about a way to make it properly. I guess you know by the time you're here that this used to be a place where everyone was welcomed and accepted, and it is a fact that most of our minorities members went away because of forum attitude (feedback taken directly from them). I will make my possible, even not being here as often as you (all), to make sure this  place stays / comes back a place where everyone is welcome. If it means being more strict on some points, this is a choice i assume.


Well, that's the world we live in, is it not? Destruction is so many times easier than creation that it's laughable. One doesn't even have to spend money on it, the humans do it all very well on their own. Sad, but true. If you want rules, they must be enforced. If you want active members, you do best not banning them off; punishment that is seen as unjust or overly harsh for the rule or law broken reduces faith in the governing power, be it state, sovereign or administrator. While revolution isn't quite a feasible option here, mass-emigration certainly is. And when there is a way to make sure the rule isn't broken at all unless it is done very deliberately (through wordfilters), I say that despite censorship and restraints as a whole being ideologically the greatest antagonizing factors ever for someone like me, human society would NOT function without them, as it is. This, of course, applies to internet-based society as well.

I'd take my advice, so to speak, despite hating myself for it - and as little as I know you, I don't think you have the same ideological problems with it as I do. How much work is it, though? I have little check of these features.


Meanwhile back at the ranch. Yesterday was my Grandmother's 81st birthday.  The cake was not a lie, but the chicken was kind of iffy.


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"All the post

I would definitely agree with you, except that i have no interest myself on the forum (as in : no benefits). It's your forum not mine, and i would like it to stay a good place for you all, not for me. Who cares about what *I* want on that forum ? I'm most of the time not on it. Therefore, i don't want the rules to be enforced for the sake to have rules enforced, but to keep the place a nice one for everybody, i would even say everybody else.

Banning members is not a solution. Auto censoring is not either. What's the plan anyway ? I just ask for everyone to keep the place without insulting words. If asking that would make "mass emigration", then let it be. I don't need a place where people cannot respect each other. Just tell me, as i will have one domain less to maintain  ;010

[Please understand that of course, that post above is mostly ironic/cynical/whatsever but whatever]

And don't take me wrong. It's typically because i like the whole community that i think it's important to clarify those points.


Well, now that we're off that track...





i stepped on a large piece of gravel yesterday (barefoot) while coming back from the ice cream man. :3

i made contact with a newish friend today. he's volunteered to go to Ota as XP-kun cause he'll get to have his shirt off. so we have another spot filled. whoo. :3

the friend that initially started this whole Ota craze, however, if i see him again he's getting a nice big kick in the nards. >:[ THE CHOCO IS ANGERED.

and this is the most posts i think i've seen fedora-sama do in a row. wowie. o____o;
click to make it bigger


Well, who's NOT up for a bit of chat with a demon when they get the chance, I ask? >:3