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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Hiya Q4(V)-san and Alfamille-san! ^_^

Japanese exam went great, no problems. Plus, Alfamille-san made me a wonderful signature. Thank you very much! ^_^

Tea for everyone, or coffee if tea's not your thing. :D


u where the one tht made it right, good job ... I like it

now i need ur help i need to have more post then panda and u can help... it only 400 post not tht must


Postcount..lemme see

How unfortunate of me....(this si the 44th)


What is this I hear? A plot to reach panda-san in post count? Oh hoho, I don't think that's possible; panda-san just cannot be reached. ^o^

Ahem, besides... I let you surpass myself the in post count, and haven't been able to recover fully ever since...


welll u and Pitkin are goin to help me get a better post count then panda and ur post count will go up to lol


Well, perhaps we should come up with something to talk about, eh? ;)


Quote from: "Q4(V)"welll u and Pitkin are goin to help me get a better post count then panda and ur post count will go up to lol

This reminds me of a flash movie where those 3 guys tried to pull a cabinet up to the mountain  ;001


come on Pitkin u know tht it should be me the past panda and u never know u could past capt

Q4(V) added the following  2 minutes after last message :

can we see it the flash, would be something we can post abt ... and Pitkin is catchable we just have to believe in me


Maybe i need to have a star badge....

About the movie I cant remember where i found it's a crappy animation that has been deleted on


yes maybe u couldmade it to ur first start lol

it would be fun to c ... panda be the queen mountain, i be the cabinet and u guys pushin me up

Q4(V) added the following  4 minutes after last message :

there 5 ppl online this is great u can all push me up the mountain and and tehn i can be KNIG lol


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)



r u cazy i'm not even got tht type of post count, it will take more then 3 years to get tht type of post count i never get a specil rank ....

That was to say special ranks should be really rare else it just voids the rank system... and in other words, yes i'm crazy i assume :D  ;010  but never say never, believe me it's just a matter of the forum being a bit alive and 2000 posts are really doable.

Of course... if it's just answering in 1 thread... it's just impossible even in 3 years  ;210

- - - - -

Nice sig Pitkin ;21 Sure Alfamille has some skills in that ;)

- - - - -

About post count, maybe a moderator will be of use if it gets too much of spam around :D  ;011 (aka : please don't spam to increase post count ;) )

Linux-Tan added the following  3 hours 39 minutes after last message :

Nearly 4 hours of updates and bugfixes on forum... damn i'm fed up :D

I hope all will work, i tried to fix threads problems as well... typically, this shouldn't work (i start to be used to this :D)


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)
i can be KNIG lol

well, I'm QUEEN, so you can never beat me. . .

panda added the following  2 hours 25 minutes after last message :

"KNIG" ?
what~ever silly

I've read up on hormones.
what a pain.
I have to
QuoteStandards of Care v6
1. throughout childhood the adolescent has demonstrated an intense pattern of cross-sex and cross-gender identity and aversion to expected gender role behaviors;

2. sex and gender discomfort has signigicantly increased with the onset of puberty;

3. the family consents and particicpates in the therapy
That's just for stuff to slow puberty -_-

For stuff to start changing my body I have to
QuoteStandards of Care v6
- be in therapy for a min. of 6 months

- therapist feels the individual is ready


ok then i just be prince ...tht should make me look younger


hey if DL didn't close the site when he did i could have got more post on the site and it wouldn't be spam because where in the topicless thread so it DL fualt, he on ur side ... there where 5 users online i'm should i could have gotten to 300 posts or more but nooo ... i think he still want revenge of the criticism ... Pitkin wht do u think ... is it revenge


*wakes up from his sleep, looks around confusedly*

U-uh? Revenge? Umm... mmm... ?_?

*falls back asleep*


Whaaaa? I doze off and I miss everyone? ._. Figures...

Nobodys in the chat XP

I should post more so I can gain a rank! But I'm so busy... T_T
So cute it\'s deadly!