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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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In my experience, the single greatest enemy a talented female human faces in society is her own lack of confidence. For most part, the bright ones pick up too much of pressure for their own good; the less gifted commonly end up unjustifiably confident, or just ignorant. Thus, if you have a bad self-confidence, you're at the very least wise enough to be able to see your own weaknesses; and hell, that's one of the major gifts in itself, right there.

Jot this down in a notebook, and keep it handy. Remind yourselves regularly. It'll be useful.


Congrats on college Kari!  (Does AIB stand for Art Institute: Boston?)

B-but, I'm not in New England O_O

In other news, I've survived another three days of moving trash/garbage/terrible terrible things across a rather large network of mountainous roads.  Stories available upon request about my adventures.

Being mitten shaped makes it easy to show where you're from.


@stew: you're in CT for the summer, right? i was thinking august, so bella could come.
and yes, it does. :3
@bell: you're awesome. nuff said. (and come to college with meee!! ^^)

@nej: that would be made of PIRATEPARTYBADASSWIN.

i am being dragged to next summer's otacon. i was considering making it a group effort. EVERYONE WHO WANTS IN ON CON TRIP, PLEASE PM ME/LET ME KNOW/WHATEVER.
otacon is the biggest con in the country (or at least the east coast) and since i'm being dragged by my bro, and he puts on mini themed events at the con every year, he agreed to make it os-tan next time.

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Quote from: "Nejin"In my experience, the single greatest enemy a talented female human faces in society is her own lack of confidence. For most part, the bright ones pick up too much of pressure for their own good; the less gifted commonly end up unjustifiably confident, or just ignorant. Thus, if you have a bad self-confidence, you're at the very least wise enough to be able to see your own weaknesses; and hell, that's one of the major gifts in itself, right there.

Jot this down in a notebook, and keep it handy. Remind yourselves regularly. It'll be useful.

Well said Nej... reminds me of something brought up in the Reviving Ophilia, a book I read not too long ago that discussed the negative social conditioning that many teenage girls face. But I digress. I'm aware of just how many young women suffer from lack of confidence  but... I don't really think it's something caused by my gender. I imagine that, had I been born male, I'd probably have just as low of confidence in myself, only I probably wouldn't care. But I feel that, by being a woman, I MUST get a higher education and that I MUST make a living for myself so I don't get branded as some stupid, helpless female. >>

Quote from: "Kari"@stew: you're in CT for the summer, right? i was thinking august, so bella could come.
and yes, it does. :3

@bell: you're awesome. nuff said. (and come to college with meee!! ^^)

Stew's not a New Englander, he just plays one in real life. He's just in New England in spirit, remember? xP

Only if AIB offer any mathematics/computer science/physics majors cause I won't settle for less. :V

wth is an Otacon? D:


Otaku Convention, Bells!

Oh and Bells, if you come over here I can take you to the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park (Maybe even on a Vintage Computer Festival day, that was awesome) and the regioinal Museum of Computing I volunteer at.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


i have been lazy D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


wild panda appeared?


Quote from: "Red-Machine"Otaku Convention, Bells!

Oh and Bells, if you come over here I can take you to the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park (Maybe even on a Vintage Computer Festival day, that was awesome) and the regioinal Museum of Computing I volunteer at.

*Imagines thousands of stereotypical otaku in a single building* That sounds only slightly disconcerting.

Yey! I'll have to do that if I ever get 'cross the pond. If I'm ever in San Francisco, California, which I'm about as un/likely to visit as Europe, I really want to go to the Computer History Museum. Despite my still being pissed about those guys taking our museum... from us.

So yeah, launch is scheduled in t-minus four hours. Make sure you don't blow anything up/set anything on fire while I'm away! :V


Yeah, I'm still down here bellow the Mason-Dixon Line so no party for me :(

Erm, maybe someday when I get money/time I'll be able to make it to a con (the closest one is in Rockville, MD where my grandmother lives I believe)


Quote from: "Bella"
*Imagines thousands of stereotypical otaku in a single building* That sounds only slightly disconcerting.
Oh, it's not all bad. Pretty fun actually. Never been to a con before, then? You might feel more at home at the small cons if that intimidates you. There's a small con here called Anime Los Angeles, and it's a lot more laid back than say, AX or Otakon.  I love both atmospheres myself, so... I go to both ALA and AX.

I posted this earlier in the thread, but if you didn't see it, here's a fraction of the attendees at AX:


if you're nervous about GIANTASS con, we can start small. AAC is in october, and it's only 7 bucks a ticket (at the door) so you know it's small.

;_____; nuu one wants to hang out with me. i feel lonely.
click to make it bigger


Which is why I should just pull y'all over here and get you on softish swedish cons. _W_


no. you come here and protect me--i mean join me in crazy con-annigans. :3
click to make it bigger


Reason number 1 to never, ever get drunk: You realize how fuckmadamnedly socially awkward you are, and fail to accomplish anything, thus becoming sad drunk despite not being so to begin with.

Plus the taste is awful -_-


I have a hard time taking you seriously with suika all over you. o-o